Objections Don't Exist! An Uncommon Sales Manifesto.

in #sales7 years ago (edited)

Personally I believe the sales term ‘Objection’ was most likely coined by a charlatan sales trainer to make us collectively feel weak whilst perceiving them to seem all knowing, powerful and successful.

The charlatans then throw terribly named seminars such as ‘How To Overcome Objections, Smash Your Targets And Win In Life!’ Which have been packaged together with the core intent of up- selling us on further ‘Training And Personal Development’ over a 5 week plan, money upfront please!

It’s time to end these shenanigans once and for all and take a better approach our roles. Let’s do the unthinkable and attempt to take the word ‘Objection’ off the table and create a more positive mindset.

Me and my fish.jpg

Firstly, and most importantly, nobody really ‘objects’ on any of the sales calls you make.
Don’t believe me?

How many times have you been stopped dead, mid sentence and flat out disagreed with?

‘Stop talking you! I vehemently disagree and formally object to everything that you have just said.’
I imagine very few, if any.

Our goal is simple.....
Create a positive mindset and a simple to follow formula that enables us to engage with the people we seek to serve.

Leave the ‘objections’ to the courtroom dramas and move on.

What you hear instead of an ‘Objection’ is in fact a simple statement or question.

“But we don’t have budget for that” - Statement - NOT AN OBJECTION!

“Why does your website not have this functionality?” - Question - NOT AN OBJECTION!

But, I hear you cry, how do we ‘overcome’ (another horrible sales term to make you feel weak btw) these statements and questions?

Well, that’s easy, because there is nothing to ‘overcome’. These are just statements or questions!

Each of us ‘fear the objection’.

But, there is an added bonus to adopting this new mindset, and once you create it you will suddenly realise there is nothing to fear.

“Named must your fear be, before banish it you can.” - Yoda.

Well Yoda, old buddy old pal, we named it ‘Objection’ and banish it we will.

Ok, I know this is a tough sell. Asking you to forget the word ‘objection’ overnight is going to be extremely hard, unfortunately it has become so ingrained in the ‘sales’ parlance that we buy into and believe in the superficial fear it creates.

But, what if we make our own rules, take the opposite approach and embrace the fear of the word ‘objection’ and use it in a positive way.

A simple quote to remember -

Don’t fear the objection, HEAR the objection!

Now, get a pen, write that down and stick it to the top of your computer screen!

Remember, the word ‘objection’ is in fact not an objection at all, rather a simple statement or question.

Wait for the statements and questions to come, listen to them intently and answer them calmly.

The people you seek to serve want to be engaged with on a natural level, not a ‘salesy’ one, treat them with respect and you will get the same level of respect back, in spades.

The formula to a positive mindset:

An ‘Objection’ is simply an Invitation for YOU to show Empathy and Authenticity. Now, get a pen, write that down and stick it to the top of your computer screen!

If you are more mathematically minded feel free to use this algebraic version of the quote:

Objection (question or statement aka Invitation) X (Empathy + Authenticity) = Trust and Permission.
Now, get a pen, write that down and stick it to the top of your computer screen!

If you choose (and the choice is always yours) to adopt this simple rule and approach your calls with this new mindset you will be amazed at how quickly you develop trust and create relationships.

Below are some examples of the formula in action:

“But we don’t have budget for that” - Statement - Not Objection.

(Empathy ) - I totally understand your companies constraints, the market place at the moment certainly is a difficult one and many of our customers are facing the same issue.

(Authenticity ) - In fact, we recently took the time to liaise with our existing client base to conduct a collaborative market research to find a price point that was deemed an acceptable level for all parties involved.
Can I share with you what we found?

“Why does your website not have this functionality?” - Question - Not Objection.

(Empathy ) - I completely understand how that would be a useful feature for you and it is a great idea.

(Authenticity) - I have a meeting with our CEO and CTO this afternoon. Can I put forward your suggestion, and how exactly do you envisage it functioning?

By showing Empathy and Authenticity you will be given permission to connect and gain the deserved trust and respect for your time and effort.

So go ahead, see if it works

Follow the formula.


P.s I worked at the forefront of foreign exchange sales for 18 years and am now retired traveling the world with my wife and 4 kids, the formula works!