Safety first - Coffeemaker
Today my wife and I decided to upgrade our coffeemaker because of our son. Our son is now walking and reaching everywhere he can, mainly pressing different buttons he finds. Our current coffeemaker is unsafe because there are no any auto-off functions. So, this auto-off function was the reason to buy the new coffeemaker. We have counted a couple of times now that he put the coffeemaker on and we noticed that after a while (not sure how long while). When we leave somewhere we usually check the coffeemaker just to be sure that it’s not on. There was a couple of times that the coffeemaker was on, even if we didn’t use that recently. There is only one explanation. This kind of situations could end badly.

We decided to buy a Moccamaster with auto-off function. Our old coffeemaker was very good, last five years and cost only 25 euros. It served us well. This new coffeemaker is much expensive and hopefully, the coffee is a little bit better too. Doubt that but with that price tag it just should be. ;)
Very good choice...Moccamaster is probably the best coffeemaker in the world. I vote that! :-)
Well, any recommendations?
I’ve been thinking about buying the same coffeemaker. Let me know if it’s any good
This is looking like great coffee maker wish you guys great coffee and safety