selamat siang sahabat stemit semuanya...
(good afternoon friends stemit everything ...)
semoga dihari yang cerah ini sahabat steemit dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat dan tidak kurang dari satu apapun.
( hopefully on this sunny day steemit friend in good health wal afiat and no less than one whatever.)
Pada hari ini saya ingin membagi bagi foto dari hasil kelengkapan alat kerja dan septi keselamatan.
(On this day I want to share for photos from the completeness of work tools and safety septi.)

Foto bersama sama sebelum masuk dalam acara gelar peralatan kerja dan kelengkapan septi kerja.
(Shared photos together before entering in a degree event of work equipment and completeness work.)

( The system and workplace should be strictly adhered to in accordance with applicable work laws of the world. Take care of your soul safety while running the work activities of the accident. Wear septi safety work such as gloves, septi shoes, working vests and helmets to protect you from things that are not in want. )

Inilah postingan foto-foto saya pada hari ini semoga bermanfaat untuk anda semua dan juga untuk saya sendiri. Dan bila ada kekurangan mohon kritikan dengan saran dari anda. Dan semoga sahabat steemit menyukainya dan bisa di jadikan momen dalam bekerja. Sekian dan terimakasih . Dari @aryasteem
( Here's my photo postings on this day may be useful for you all and also for myself. And if there is any shortage please criticize with your suggestion. And hopefully steemit friends like it and can make the moment in work. That is all and thank you.) By @arysteem.....
( Follow me and upvote.)
The modern market can offer its customers different types of work shoes. These shoes are intended for use at work, that is, where it is necessary to ensure proper foot protection. But in order for work shoes to perform their function, they must have the proper design. It is worth considering three main points, namely: protection, seasonality, comfort. I bought myself and am very satisfied.