Sadcasm:#264 | Can I just be a little kid again?

in #sadcasm7 years ago (edited)

Childhood is the best time in our life.
I am still remember my childhood.
I make so much fun.Enjoy the whole day.
I have two friend,I play with them whole day.
And watch cartoon in night.


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I allways try to share the up to date content related to all gossip, humor, entertainment and many more category.
To get inspired, to smile, to laugh through bad days, to get motivated and I am always there for your entertainment.

I always try to upload good motivated pic.. This is not easy to find them.Motivating pic like everyone.I love to upload #sadcasm

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Your inner child never disappear! You only do not look like a child anymore. I guess every human wants to act like a child again but the outer world does not accept it :)

Childhood never comes again Great post.