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RE: Question for the community - "How to cheer a cat?";(

in #sad7 years ago (edited)

thanks for your reply ! You are so right about your point of view about his freedom ! no way to force a cat, however to provide as you say mini motivation or a conducive environment to help him regain the feeling of a joyful life putting a banana skin over his head isn't recommended. there is a show with cat comportementalist in the usa, the woman is just awesome... in short a little of time with your cat, like taking care of the fur, trying to invent a few games that could be interesting (he must be able to win to love it) maybe the ball with food inside that when he moves it he get food and creating new stuf for him to discover, plants, spaces, a cat cave... what ever :) be creative !!! I would love to help you make this cat one of the happyiest in the world ! first and foremost respect.


Big thanks for realy interesting advice!

her name is Pam Johnson-Bennett ! she is amazing !!!