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RE: The Salesperson Misconception

in #saas8 years ago (edited)


Your analysis of a common perception of a salesperson is correct.

I spent many years as a professional commission salesman. I never had to cheat a customer to make a good living. However, I have seen some misleading of customers by other sales people. Much of it was due to the fact that they were unskilled and needed to compensate for their lack of sales or just plain greed.

I will say that when it comes to sales, I have seen a slow, general deterioration of morals over the years. Back in the day, being a salesman was something to be proud of. Diamond Jim Brady (long before your time) was the greatest salesman of all time. A salesman could do things that average people can't do. You had the ability to walk up to someone's door cold turkey, present your wares and close the deal. Because they had this ability, salesmen could earn way more than the average wage slave.

Unfortunately, over the years, management failed to recognize the value of a real salesman and they took advantage as much as they could to leech off the high commissions that skilled salemen earned.

As a true professional salesman, I turned the tables on any "job interview." I had the talent they desperately needed and I knew it. If they gave me any guff, I'd go someplace else. There was always a job for a professional because we created business where there was none. Your average wage slave has to have the job handed to him because that is what he is worth.

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