Why in the USSR was the left-handers retrained?

in #russianschools7 years ago

In order to re-educate the left-hander, different methods were used in schools, which could vary depending on the "adherence" of teachers. Somewhere on the left-handed people could just act morally, and somewhere literally tied the child's left arm to the chair - so that during the lesson he used only the right hand. Left-handers also got their hands on the pointer - in the event that they persistently continued to use their left hand.
The left-handers were also forced to retrain parents, the following methods were suggested for this: at the time when the child is doing lessons, he should put on his left hand a dense mitten and forbid her to take pictures. It was also suggested that the fingers of the left hand should be tightly bandaged!

For what did you retrain?

There were several reasons. Firstly, the very Soviet doctrine did not presume the existence of someone who will at least differ from the rest of the masses. In different years in the USSR gnobili lefties, longhaired, "stilyag" and hippies - just because they were "not like that."!
The "official" reason for re-training left-handed people was that the objects of the surrounding world were created for right-handed people, and left-handed people would live very hard in it - as an example the letter was cited with an ink pen - from the left to the right, writing with the left hand and not smearing the written text is very difficult.

There was one more reason, which was not widely spread, it was connected with service in the army - the gates of the automatic weapons are located on the right side, there are also shot cartridge cases. If the machine takes a left-hander, then during the shooting the cartridges will fly straight to the face - that will make the service in the army difficult, if at all possible.regnum_picture_148188971595268_big.jpg
How did it end?

Observations of the "retrained" southpaws revealed a uniquely negative impact on their psyche - the left-handers felt themselves to be somewhat guilty, often becoming outcasts in the classroom and starting to learn badly because they constantly had to contend with the "bad habit". Many left-handers, subjected to the Soviet methods of "re-education," there was also insomnia, stammering and nervous tics.415507_orig.jpg
Scientific research has shown that it is impossible to completely reverse the left-handed people - the right hemisphere of the brain is the leading one (right-handed people have the left hemisphere), and this can not be done. More or less after "re-learning" only a few left-handers managed to adapt - and that often they did not become "full right-handed people", but only started to own both right and left hands. As a result, "retraining left-handers" in 1986, the USSR was abolished.