Who is behind the new prime minister and who is who?

in #ru5 years ago

Who is behind the new prime minister and who is who?

Perhaps the most interesting question that people who follow politics in Russia ask themselves is which group of the people close to Putin's "throne" strengthened their positions with the appointment. Apparently, we can say that Mishustin is the best compromise that should not provoke Putin's courtiers to conflicts that are fraught with instability, which is inevitable in the conditions of the so-called "transit". For example, it is believed that Mishustin is on good terms with Alexei Kudrin, and it is also known that Herman Gref recommended Mishustin for the position of head of The Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones (RosOEZ). On the other hand, the very fact of his presidency in UFG Capital Partners, which is close to the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, suggests that the person in the state number 2, despite his long-standing enmity with Kudrin, did not receive any objections for the prime minister candidacy. Since Mishustin regularly plays hockey with Arkady Rotenberg – we can be sure that he has an established contact with this Putin courtier too. Therefore, the answer to the question of who is behind Mishustin can be very brief: Putin.

Corruption in the Federal Tax Service. An open letter from employees of the Federal Tax Service (FTS RUS ФНС) to Vladimir Putin.

The original was taken from milchenko_rus on Corruption in the Federal Tax Service. An open letter from employees of the Federal Tax Service to Vladimir Putin.
Thanks to the "efforts" of the crooks from the tax authorities, the country's budget loses billions every year. The most common method of theft is illegal VAT refunds. The same VAT that we regularly deduct when we go to the store for shopping or to a cafe for a cup of tea. The same VAT that should be channeled to the development of the country and care for citizens.

When we started to deal with the corruption in the Federal Tax Service, a lot of honest employees, who were tired of enduring lawlessness and theft, responded. Among them is the former head of the Anti-corruption Department of the Federal Tax Service, Sergei Vasilenko, who was dismissed by the service's management... for fighting against corruption. He has repeatedly given interviews on this topic, including on international publications- The Financial Times and Reuters. Russian media also raised this issue.

Not so long ago, our organization got another report, which I decided to post here. After all, the public has the right to know what the state spends budget money on. The letter contains quite a lot of interesting facts from the biography of Mikhail Mishustin. Facts which can not found in official sources and about which Mishustin himself would probably prefer not to spread in society.

An open letter from employees of the Federal Tax Service to Vladimir Putin

The President
Russian Federation
V.V. Putin
About the corruption of the head of the
Federal Tax Service of Russia M.V. Mishustin

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,

I consider it appropriate to bring to your attention the corrupt activities of the head of the Federal Tax Service
M. V. Mishustin and his "team" , for you to make the subsequent governmental decisions on the dismissal of M.V. Mishustin from his office with respect to distrust.

In April 2010, the Federal Tax Service of Russia appointed a new chief in the person of M.V. Mishustin.

Let's start with the fact that M.V. Mishustin, while on the territory of Canada at the 2010 Olympic games, which is confirmed by photos posted by M.V. Mishustin himself on his personal profile (http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/profile/97104335405( see photo below), already knew about the draft decree of the president of the Russian Federation on his appointment as the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which was under your consideration.

But here, a mysterious power intervened, in the person of the former head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the current Russian defense Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov, who somehow miraculously "slowed down" the decree on the appointment of M.V. Mishustin as the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia almost signed by you and started negotiations on the appointment of his favorites – N.V. Sinikova and T.V. Shevtsova- for this high position.

When this did not happen, A.E. Serdyukov, through his former deputy M.P. Mokretsov, began the process of transferring the property of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Among the properties to be transferred were all sanatoriums and preventive clinics of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (sanatorium "Raduga": 354008, Krasnodar region, Sochi, Vinogradnaya street, 53; sanatorium "Hellas": 353456, Krasnodar region, Anapa, Pionerskiy avenue, 45; preventive clinic "Podmoskovye": 141052, Moscow region, Mytishchi district, Fedoskinsky rural district, Aksakovo village, 1; sanatorium "Rozhok": 346857, Rostov region, Neklinovsky district, Rozhok khutor, Severnaya str., 2) and the majority of the motor pool of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (copies of documents attached).

But then, M.V. Mishustin was appointed: the auditing of owned office apartments provided by the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia immediately began. The central office of the FTS of Russia increased by 1.5 times (up to 1350 without cutbacks, in contrast to the territorial tax authorities in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev), the control unit of the service established under the previous heads with hard but effective methods of work with taxpayers was completely replaced. In a number of regions of Russia, the heads of management in entities and territorial tax authorities were replaced .

So who is M.V. Mishustin?

Born on March 3, 1966, the future head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia graduated from the Moscow “Stankin” Institute in 1989 with a degree in system engineering, after which he worked for several years in computer technology at “International Computer Club” under the guidance of the founder and his close friend Levon Amdilyan. In 1998, M.V. Mishustin's life changed dramatically when B.S. Fedorov, the then head of the State tax service (STS) of Russia, appointed him as his assistant for information systems. He was given a difficult task- to handle the informatisation of the service, to make its computerization and to introduce electronic document management. On August 22, 1998, M.V. Mishustin became the Deputy head of the State tax service of Russia, and the new head of the STS, G.V. Boos, appointed just a month later, retained this position for M.V. Mishustin, which from December 23, 1998 became known as the Deputy Minister for taxes and duties.
A.P. Pochinok and G.I. Bukaev, appointed in May 1999 and in May 2000 as Ministers for taxes and duties, also left M.V. Mishustin in their team.

Being the chief informer of the tax Ministry,
M.V. Mishustin became infamous for organizing the receipt of two world Bank loans for the purchase of computer equipment for 100 and 160 million US dollars in 2002 and managed to successfully use them. At the same time, he built a luxury house on Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway with a large sports complex. Despite this, it was thanks to him that the Tax Department created the AIS (Automated information system of tax authorities) and the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), and made a large-scale purchase of computers for territorial tax authorities.

In 2002, M.V. Mishustin met a truly legendary figure in the field refunding VAT from the budget – A.S. Karmanov (husband of the former soloist of the group "Blestyashchiye" O.B. Orlova) and his younger partner- A.V. Udodov.

At the end of 2002, a new love appears in the life of A.V. Udodov - the head of Tax Inspection No. 5 in Moscow, O.V. Chernichuk, who has mutual feelings. The amount of VAT refunds received in Tax Inspection No. 5 in Moscow, which exceeded 1 billion rubles in 2003, was striking by magnitude.

In March 2004, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, you decided to change the cabinet of the Russian Government and instead of G.I. Bukaev, you appointed a young A.E. Serdyukov as Minister of Taxes and Duties. The latter, in turn, immediately parted with M.V. Mishustin. Under the patronage of the then Minister of Economic Development H.O. Gref, M.V. Mishustin received the portfolio of the head of Rosnedvizhimost in V.N. Zubkov's office .

On December 20, 2006, Mikhail Mishustin was appointed head of The Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones. Taking this position also on the recommendation of H.O. Gref, M.V. Mishustin was getting closer to S.E. Naryshkin.

A. Udodov under the patronage of M.V. Mishustin, was hired by his former boss B.S. Fedorov in the company "UFG-Asset Management" as the managing director.

Being a rather obese person and having a disproportionate figure, Mikhail Mishustin nevertheless decides to take up hockey. First of all, because his new patron Sergey Naryshkin plays hockey, and secondly, because you can get close and have manly interaction with a huge number of necessary and important people on the hockey field, and finally, because Alexander Udodov plays hockey. Very soon, Mikhail Mishustin starts appearing on the ice hockey ground in Odintsovo together with Sergey Naryshkin,Rashid Nurgaliyev and Viacheslav Fetisov. Mishustin and Udodov started inviting hockey celebrities, including those from the NHL, to hold VIP tournaments. At the same time, Alexander Udodov's company “Sportima” is one of the organizers of such tournaments, and Mikhail Mishustin himself plays for a team called “Sportima”, which is confirmed by photos posted by Mikhail Mishustin on his personal profile (http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/profile/97104335405, photo below).

With the departure of H.O. Gref from the post of Minister of economic development, the seat under M.V. Mishustin in the government staggered and at the end of February 2008, he resigned from the post of the head of the Federal Executive authority.

At the same time, M.V. Mishustin's departure from the post of head of The Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones was preceded by a huge scandal.

In 2008, the Prosecutor General's office of Russia, in the course of checking compliance with the law in special economic zones, revealed numerous facts of violations in the use of budget funds.

In this regard, submissions were made to the Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation, E.S. Nabiullina, and the head of The Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones, A.A. Alpatov.

According to the Prosecutor's audit, since the entry of the law "on special economic zones in the Russian Federation" into force, tens of billions of rubles have been allocated from the Federal and regional budgets to ensure the functioning of special economic zones, but the Agency has not ensured its effective and efficient use.

During the Prosecutor's audit, the facts of placing funds allocated for the development of special economic zones at extremely low interest rates were established. Thus, "Special economic zones" JSC, the only shareholder of which is the Federal Agency for special economic zones, kept 5 billion rubles on deposit at 3.5 % and 5.5% per annum.

In 2010, the Investigative Committee of Russia checked information about the possible theft of 2.5 billion rubles when creating an automated management information system for The Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones through the actions of a tender commission created for the purchase of equipment and software development.

The terms of the contract were revealed, they were supposed to be fulfilled in 2 days, and the warranty obligations for the equipment reached up to 15 years. Even after the agency was liquidated in December 2009, its management continued to buy computer equipment and pay for the creation of a deliberately unnecessary information system.

The head of the agency at that time was Mikhail Mishustin, who now heads the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Isn't that where his famously declared fortune of 79 million rubles came from? And can it be much more?

His old business partner, the man to whom M.V. Mishustin owes almost everything - B.S. Fedorov, invites him to head the management company "UFG" and makes him his partner. But even after becoming an official businessman, Mikhail Mishustin continued to communicate closely with high-ranking Russian officials. He played hockey even more, the company "UFG" became a sponsor of tournaments in which a variety of VIPs participated. Unfortunately, Mishustin's career as a businessman actually ended in November 2008, when B.S. Fedorov tragically died in London. M.V. Mishustin continues to work for UFG, but seriously considered returning to the government, and S.E. Naryshkin arranged for him to be included in the pool of the "golden hundred" of the president of Russia.

The first two recruitment decisions of M.V. Mishustin for his triumphant return to the tax service were the resignation of the head of the control unit of the service T.V. Shevtsova and the appointment of S.A. Andryushchenko -head of FTS Russia in Kemerovo region- who was solely loyal to him since the beginning of the 90s, to this position , and the appointment of O.V. Chernichuk as the deputy head of the FTS Russia for Moscow.

In the summer of 2010, the VAT spree started in Moscow.

More than 50 organizations submitted exactly the same type of documents for VAT refund paid to them for goods purchased in Russia that were previously imported from abroad. Only the nomenclature of these products differs - all documents were written like a carbon copy. Each taxpayer claimed a similar amount - from 200 to 450 million rubles. Of course, each set was executed in a different font, no nominal CEO was repeated, but any professional can see the signs of fraud at a glance.

All these applicant companies were similar like twin brothers. So, each company includes in the set of documents: the tax declaration for the II quarter of 2010 for VAT, a supply contract under which the company bought some goods, the invoice confirming the purchase of goods and transfer of payment for the goods including VAT, the lease of the warehouse, with an area of 80-150m for the storage of allegedly purchased goods and the contract of transportation, contract of deliveries, on which part of the goods were sold and the invoice to it, and also purchase book, sales book and the application for a VAT refund. When a tax inspector or police officer on behalf of the tax Inspectorate came to the warehouse, the storekeeper of the warehouse landlord showed him the stored boxes, but the inspector or police officer could not check what is in them, and, as a rule, he did not want to. Thus, the formal conditions for VAT refund from the budget were met. Later, the story about the purchase of the product is confirmed by a specially hired general director-a nominal who receives from 300 to 500 US dollars for memorizing the information on a piece of paper.

The amount of VAT declared only for the second quarter of 2010 exceeded 30 billion rubles.

Having a direct access to the head of the FTS of Russia, bypassing his immediate supervisor - the head of Federal tax service in Moscow L.V. Vorobyova, O. V. Chernichuk selected people close to her for the key posts for the Moscow tax inspections .

No. 1-Tatiana Tsareva
No. 2-Lyudmila Filimonova
No. 5-Andrey Gavrilov
No. 6-Irina Rodionova
No. 10-Sergey Zhemchuzhnikov
No. 16-Natalia Mikhailova
No. 45-Vladimir Nosenkov
No. 46-Vadim Guzhev
No. 48-Olga Makhalova

However, instead of an objectively large and complex managed procedure, the VAT check can be assigned to the Russian tax service for the relevant Federal district, for Moscow- the Central Federal district. M.V. Mishustin appointed one of his closest people for the post of the head of the Inspectorate of the FTS (MIFNS) of Russia for the Central Federal district – M.V. Tretyakova, who served as the head of the Department of Rosnedvizhimost in Moscow, when this organization was headed by M.V. Mishustin. Then, Mikhail Mishustin assigned M.V. Tretyakova to the post of the head the tax service in Moscow, and yet another devotee colleague of his V. D. Guzhev – as the head of the inspectorate in the Central Federal district.

So, in the 3rd quarter of 2010, applications for VAT refunds based on the results of the 2nd quarter of 2010 in respect of 28 taxpayers were satisfactory. Of these, 26 taxpayers who received compensation in the amount of 6.86 billion rubles are large and respected companies (for example, "GT-TPP Energo" JSC , "DCM Engineering" JSC, "South Ural industrial company” JSC,
OOO "MAN Avtomobili Rossiya", "Castorama RUS” LLC,
Rusvietpetro JV, Ruiz diamonds LLC, MZK LLC, SCA hygiene products LLC, TARKETT SOMMER LLC, ATB-Leasing LLC, DS-invest LLC, Yug-oil Products LLC, “Client leasing company” LLC, “BiznesPro” LLC, “Shell Aerofuels” CJSC, “Louis Dreyfus commoditises Vostok” LLC), and four of them, considered to be the largest taxpayers in Russia, received compensation without verification at all (“SUEK”, TSV PROTEK, “Alliance oil”, “TD Tomsk oil and gas company”).

The remaining 2 suspicious taxpayers
"Incorporating" LLC and “Rosmix" LLC received 608.6 million rubles from the budget- which is less than 10 % of the allocated.

However, in September - early October 2010, 29 suspicious taxpayers suddenly applied to several Moscow tax authorities and asked them to refund them 10.9 billion rubles from the budget. The most surprising thing is that all the taxpayers seem to have deliberately submitted applications to № 1, 2, 6 ,7, 10, 25 and 28 fully controlled
by O.V. Chernichuk.

Inspectorate Taxpayer Amount to be refunded (RUB)

№ 1 "Inform Svyaz" LLC 249 000 000
“Optima Torg” LLC 472 000 000
"Intercorporater" LLC 386 000 000
“Promtorg” LLC 513 000 000
№ 2 "Obyedineniye TD" LLC 224 000 000
228 000 000 000
"MMSG" LLC 124 000 000
“Tallin” LLC 249 000 000
“Zodiac” OJSC 493 000 000
№. 6 “Newcome” LLC 270,000,000
№ 7 "Torg expo" LLC 501 000 000
"Sfera trade" LLC 505 800 000
“Stels service” LLC 127 600 000
“Equator” LLC 147 800 000
№ 10 “Lux” LLC 486 000 000
“Investstroykompany” LLC 349 929 916
“Lux shoe factory” LLC 393 719 387
“Trading invest” LLC 378 706 548
“Elians” LLC 270 610 965
№ 25, "Maksitek" LLC 348 545 196
“Global Konsalt” LLC 378 283 693
“Energia” LLC 380 684 098
“Paris” LLC 387 211 921
№ 28 "Factor" LLC 299 000 000
“Mysteria” LLC 485 591 578
“Detskaya Nezavisimaya kompania” LLC 458 777 351
“Sonata plu”s LLC 498 165 166
“Elite Status” LLC 298 473 843
“Wescont” LLC 379 960 286
“Country Plus” LLC 260 010 753

When a taxpayer submits a declaration- in accordance with which he asks the budget to refund him the amount of VAT- to the Inspectorate, the inspectorate requests for confirmation documents from him, it checks them and submits the taxpayer's documents to the commission of the subject of the Russian Federation, which decides whether to refund the VAT or not. However, if the amount of VAT refunded is less than 3 million rubles, the inspection can make a decision itself, without actually conducting a serious check. That's what I thought. Apparently, M.V. Mishustin in April 2011, having convinced the former Minister of Finance of Russia A. L. Kudrin to appoint V. V. Polezhaev as the head of the Federal tax service for the Moscow region. After the appointment, he set the main task for the new suburban tax specialist: the FTS of Russia will appoint new chiefs of territorial inspections, and they have to organize the results from the budget of the stolen VAT, breaking it in amounts up to 3 million rubles, half of which should be accumulated in the tax service across Moscow region and transferred to FTS Russia.

In the summer of 2011, a 41-year-old R.M. Botsoev was appointed the head of Interdistrict inspection № 2 across Moscow region by the order of the head of FTS. Botsoev was the head of the audit unit of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of North Ossetia — Alania. The promising financier was personally acquainted with A.L. Kudrin, who recommended him to M.V. Mishustin.

Mikhail Mishustin made R.M. Botsoev an offer: it is not necessary to pay for the appointment, but half of the VAT should be given to the FTS through the head of the Moscow region tax service Vladimir Polezhaev.

R.M. Botsoev could not even dream about this and without hesitation, he agreed. After moving to Moscow, he lived really nice, he rented a huge apartment near Begovaya for 17 thousand US dollars a month, and visited expensive restaurants.

After the appointment of R.M. Botsoev, VAT declarations for the compensation of tax amounts not more than 3 million began to come into Interdistrict inspection № 2 of Moscow region, methodically from registered firms in the town of Yubileiny and Korolev. Thus, in the corruption scheme, the tax inspector - head of desk audits - head of inspection - head of TFS office in Moscow region - the leadership of the tax service were involved.

On the basis of the documents of the General Administration for Economic Security and Combatting Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a pre-investigation inspection was carried out, and by results of it, on 9 December 2011, a criminal case was opened under article 159 part 4 of the criminal code of Russia. Searches in the inspectorate (ИФНС), in the tax service of Moscow region office and the home of the suspect R.M. Botsoev were scheduled for Monday 19 December 2011, however, the Federal tax service of Russia was not informed in advance, and the arrest of R.M. Botsoev in the morning of December 19, 2011 crushed. Apparently,
M.V. Mishustin and his "team" were in a state of shock.

Currently, this criminal case is being investigated by the main department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, but the leadership of the Federal tax service of Russia provides all sorts of obstacles to the investigation. So, investigators still can not reclassify the crime of suspects from article 159 of the criminal code to article 285.
