USA or Russia - where is there wolfish capitalism, and where do they care about people?

in #ru4 years ago


It has always been believed that the United States is an embodiment of lies and hypocrisy, where the wildest capitalism on the planet Earth is. In our country, life has always been difficult, but we have soulful people, and in fact, wealth is not the main thing. And now is a difficult time for the country and for the people.

What determines the readiness of a state to help its population? The spiritual staple or personality of the leaders? Maybe the professionalism of the head of state's team determines it?

Let's compare what is happening in the US and here.

USA. So, Trump is the president. A typical American – self-confident, narcissistic, and he has fulfilled a lifelong dream. He became president almost 40 years after he started this race. He busted humps and achieved popularity in all possible ways, "he had a finger in every pie", for example, he starred in more than 30 films and TV series only in small roles, he hosted a reality show "The Apprentice" for 14 seasons on NBC. However, if his film making colleague Reagan was accepted by the whole world, Trump, even after climbing "to the top", remained alone. He was not accepted by the elite, he is constantly teetering on the verge of impeachment. Trump's decisions are considered unprofessional, he is not respected for outright plebeianism and the inability to behave. This alone is enough to calmly watch as the other person's business dies, and the population that does not accept you- try to survive the way it knows. But although Trump feels that he is not liked and the probability of winning the next election is small, he, oddly enough, thinks not only about himself. And really cares about the American people.

US foreign debt is $ 6.8 trillion. But for Trump, it doesn't matter – people have received and are receiving actual support in these difficult times. Currently, $2 trillion has been allocated. All Americans earning less than $75,000 a year have already received $1,200, plus an additional $500 for each child under 17. Now it is planned to allocate another $2000 each.

Unemployment benefits rose to $600 a week. To compare with the unemployment benefit in Russia, the amount of the benefit allows you to pay for two months’ rent in a one-room apartment in a "normal" district in a large city or 3-4 months in a small one. With our allowance, you can rent a one-room apartment only in the slums. Meanwhile before the crisis, benefits were from $200 to $550. For the April-July period, every unemployed American and those who have gotten a residence permit will receive an ADDITIONAL $9,600. Moreover, even freelancers are entitled to the benefits.

During the crisis, all utility payments, payments for mobile network, landline and internet were canceled. The state fully compensates businesses. Loan repayments and mortgages have been rescheduled.

Since March, once a month, EVERY American or anyone who has presented a residence permit receives a grocery basket from one of the largest supermarket chains for up to $300. At the same time, they can fill out an application on the site and adjust the proposed package.
Here you can see the grocery basket (from 1 minute 15 seconds):
Businesses will receive support in the form of loans and grants worth $500 billion. However, there is no corruption - the law prohibits federal elected officials and their close relatives from receiving funds from the program. That is, Trump’s business or that of any of his team members will not receive any subsidies.
And, yes, all patients with coronavirus will be treated absolutely free of charge, at the expense of the state. If the person did not have medical insurance, it is immediately issued.

And given that the Statutory Health Insurance of Russia’s estimated the cost of the moderate cases of the disease at 430 thousand rubles, and extremely severe cases at 1.2 million rubles, about $1 trillion will be spent on the treatment of 1 million infected people.

Russia. Mr. Putin has gone from the status of "the people’s hope" to a maximum drop in his own rating in twenty years of ruling the country. But unlike Trump, he craves a positive rating like manna from heaven and dreams of ruling the country, no longer as the president, but apparently as a dictator or Tsar until his own death.

A nationwide vote on amendments to the constitution is ahead, the success of this will determine whether Mr. President will get absolute power in his hands or not. You’d think, use the old proven methods- give the people bread and circuses. The important thing is that unlike the US, there are free funds, even the money machine does not need to be turned on. Russia's foreign debt is $50 billion. International reserves of the Russian Federation - $567 billion, $165.5 billion - in the sovereign wealth fund. These are free funds earned by us, the Russians, and we have the opportunity to use them in a situation when the economy is about to go into a tailspin.

So what is Mr. President doing? First – he is self-isolating and having a very good time in his bunker in Novo-Ogaryovo. Second, he removes himself from creating a strategy and dumps his direct responsibilities on the governors and big businesses in the regions.

Third. No direct payments to every Russian. The people in charge of finance in his "dream team": Nabiullina, Siluanov "fighting back" the media and the demands of the population, are saying frankly weird stuff that this will undermine the economy and lead to an inflationary explosion. What kind of inflationary explosion if the economy has already lost several trillion rubles? And what, we should believe that the head of the Central Bank and the Finance Minister are not aware that the state has approached a crisis with liquidity reserves of 18 trillion rubles?

By the way, what will remain of the economy in 2-3 months, if already about 70% of the population has run out of savings and about 50% of families have reduced their consumption by half or more? What will they rescue?

Fourth. Unemployment benefits were raised to the minimum wage. Families with children over 3 years old without maternal capital received NOTHING. 12,300 rubles a month – 2-3 visits to the store for a family with one child. With the most economical expenditure, food will last for 2 weeks. Government officials clearly believe that – "it is none of their concern" how the remaining two weeks is lived, previously, some of the unemployed actually received 1500 rubles in benefits. Appreciate it!

Small and medium-sized businesses are dying because the deferral on loans does not solve the problem of the exodus of old customers and the absence of new ones. The promised salary loans are not issued to more than 80% of organizations - "this is not the Russian Classification of Types of Economic Activity (OKVED )". And since it is the wrong one, the business owner can't prove that it is a "victim of coronavirus".

The money promised by the government to pay employees in the amount of the minimum wage has not been received, and the mechanisms for transferring it to business have not been worked out yet. If "OKVED" will also be needed there, then most of the organizations will not receive any real support.

In fact, we see outright sabotage from officials in relation to small and medium-sized businesses. The funds allocated by regional budgets are small and can help a limited number of companies. The support mechanisms have not yet been worked out, as the federal center has not been in a hurry for these two months. So how all this will work and what percentage will not go "into the pockets of their people", we can only but guess.

Large businesses will receive 2 trillion rubles in grant. But only 1150 "systemically important" enterprises. For some reason, the list of companies was created and approved without the participation of the head of government. And who would have asked him? Mr. Mishustin is a puppet in this matter. The list includes companies that feed the lobbyists in the Duma and the Senate, or those who have a direct relationship with the main federal and regional officials. It does not matter whether we are talking about kickbacks from tenders or that they belong to relatives of officials in government structures.

Now the question is: why do Mr. President and his associates calmly watch as business goes wrong and the economy crumbles before their eyes? Do you believe that people with a degree in economics do not understand the simple truth that was obvious to an illiterate peasant in the 19th century:"you can't sow silver and you can't feed horses with it"? If the economy collapses, people will no longer need the money that sat almost idle.

What drives Putin and co? The answer is simple: greed and complete indifference to the fate of people. Well, gold and bonds will always be valuable. By the way, in this, Mr. Putin is a real Russian monarch in spirit. This attitude to people with an accuracy of "up to a millimeter" resembles the behavior of Russian tsars.

They also believed that gold and silver are more important than human lives, also their "boyars" are closer and can be allowed to ruin the people and be openly corrupt.

Mr. Putin demonstrates his knowledge from school history curriculum from time to time. He remembers, you know, the Polovtsians, then the Pechenegs.

However we are ready to remind him that greed and unwillingness to share "the grabbed" goodies with the people in difficult years always ended badly – physical destruction of the Royal dynasty. That’s how Boris Godunov " fell off" from the throne and the time of troubles began. The Romanovs were given the opportunity to rule for 300 years, and all that time the tsars, then emperors, just like Godunov, calmly watched as death waved its scythe right and left in the years of famine. At first, they were concerned only about back taxes, and then from the end of the 19th century – what the advanced countries would think about them. That’s why, Alexander III openly lied to foreign media about the absence of mass starvation in the Volga region, and his son brought the situation to a point that Petrograd and Moscow ceased to be supplied with food and basic necessities. That's when the people ran out of patience, and the rotten Empire collapsed.

Although, Mr. Putin clearly feels smarter than Nicholas II and will not allow the army and special services to remain without supplies and wages. And the "boyars" have long been "fed " - they received a carte blanche and openly use the budget to pump money into their own pockets.

Therefore, Mr. President believes that everything is under control - he can do nothing and hypocritically complain about the lack of spiritual staples that bond Russians.

Yes, we chose this person and by our inaction we help him destroy our lives. And he is doing everything to keep us occupied with trying to survive and being disunited. The"Immortal Regiment" game is a beautiful illusion of unity once a year. And the Victory Day, which is celebrated with more and more "fanfare" every year, shows that as long as Putin is the head of state, there will be no more victories, neither big nor small.

Putin has long dressed up "in a sheepskin", but all games end sometime. Soon the moment of truth will come, and the wolf will be released.

And then today's wolfish grin of capitalism will seem like a human face. If we allow him to become a dictator, we will lose the last vestiges of freedom and the right to manage our finances. Most of us will simply not have them, and the remaining ones will be managed by the "monarch's" accomplices.

If you do nothing, it means that you are helping the "bruised headed" supporters of the future dictator to keep him in power. Fight, help the opposition, vote against amendments to the constitution!
