TV and the government make the people crazy

in #ru4 years ago


A plastic chair bought 10 years ago at an IKEA sale for 199 rubles disappeared from the common balcony of my colleague's house in Moscow. For 10 years, it stood quietly on the balcony for everyone who wants to expose their face to the sun, but this spring it was "thieved". Well, technically, that is all you need to know about the level of well-being of Russians who tried to survive this spring. But this article is not about the economy. Our financial problems and fear of coronavirus have led to mass phobia and hysteria.


The blind fear of the possibility of getting infected, the hatred towards a potential carrier of the virus to the point of being ready to kill, even if it is a child or a woman.

It is clear that now it is spring and the spring fever has begun for a number of citizens. We also understand the media's desire to find and show impressive "pictures", for example, rows of coffins in Italy and hint that we still have everything ahead of us. It is not surprising that when the media show pictures like this, the state of anxiety is escalated.


At first, the media induced the fear of being left without food in people. You should have seen it - adults, who seemed to be adequate people yesterday, rushed to the stores in large numbers, lickety-split, buying buckwheat, toilet paper, and in fact, all the food that they could reach.

Auchan, Perekrestok and Pyaterochka displayed empty shelves.


Then, the introduction of a self-isolation regime, without specifying the time frame before it ends, hit the business. People who are used to the atmosphere of a restaurant will not get takeaway food from there. Hotels and fitness centers were closed, but people realized that the end of the "self-isolation regime is not known" as well- they have to save some money.

The hysteria directly affects normal people - who are not prone to panic attacks. They lose their jobs and suffer losses. During the period of isolation, the number of online vacancies on the HeadHunter and portals has grown by 75%; the number of résumés only has grown by almost 300% and the number of officially unemployed alone has grown by a million people in a month and a half.

But the fact that until more than 70% of the population gets sick – the pandemic will not end, and since the virus mutates - it is in fact forever. This information added to the "enthusiasm" of those who watch TV and those to whom it was conveyed by opinion leaders.

And finally, the general sentiment: "we are all going to die", which reached the masses because of the media. As a friend told me: "my people have constant tension and fear, as if we are on the front line in the trenches. They watch TV the way people used to listen to reports from the front on the radio. And until recently, it was impossible to go out on the street, and take a normal walk. My mother-in-law, wife and daughter periodically get hysterical: one friend's relative got sick, the other one's husband got sick with something incomprehensible, the clinic did not allow him to take the coronavirus test, they said that the symptoms do not match, and now, he is at home for the third day – he is spreading the infection. The news showed that yet again a certain number of doctors and nurses working "in the red zone" died. Any domestic dispute is now almost like a quarrel before a divorce. Of course, I want to tell them: "Calm down, we are all more or less healthy, we have done everything necessary for protection – we use hand sanitarizers, we wear face masks. Well, even if we get sick, the mortality rate is less than 2%. Also, in fact, since we are "in the trenches" - why go crazy every time the bombs fall? We should take it calmly when they fall. But you know how it will end if I tell them that."

A question arises: who benefits from focusing on the increase in the number of cases and showing constant deaths from the virus, instead of interviewing patients and telling them that the death rate from coronavirus is less than from common flu? Who benefits from increasing the population that has become the client of "madhouses" and putting others into a state of stress?

The reason for any panic and hysteria –is driving a person to the condition of a trapped and frightened animal. The higher functions of the brain are turned off – animal instincts are turned on at full power. People easily turn into a crowd controlled by a "conductor".

The media has long been used as a "tuner" that puts the population in the right condition. The final step is to find a foreign enemy. So the question of who will be designated the enemy, which remains open, will answer for everything at once: coronavirus that destroyed economy, the mass unemployment and starvation.

Who controls the media? The main TV channels: Channel One, RTR (Russia 1,2, etc.), NTV – the president, the government and the oligarchs. So as not to be unfounded, you can look at the ownership structure under the article*.

Could you believe that Mr. President and his associates are not aware of what "dishes" are served to the population through these channels?

So, it is clear who the initiator is, now we need an answer to the question- why were the conditions created for mass hysteria?
Everything is simple: when a person tries to survive, he thinks about today and he will be forced to accept what politicians "push on the sly" later.

"People are used to looking into their wallets, but they are forced to look at their temperature and monitor their cough. However, they will find out -what they will have left in their wallets after the pandemic- too late" a good analyst and publicist Sergey Filatov said.

If the US government and the Federal Reserve are preparing the country for a powerful redistribution of ownership, a huge number of large companies will change their owners at the end of the fall in the share price. And they are also preparing to give an object lesson to their creditors- European countries, Russia, and China, which had the sense to buy huge amounts of US government bonds. The Federal Reserve decided to print trillions of unsecured dollars to save the US people and democracy. So the great economists, or rather, the corrupt ones, who have put their countries' assets in the US – will be deprived of real dividends.

The Russian president and government have slightly different reasons. We are all "in the run-up to a grand showdown", and our president, like the biggest chess player of all time Ostap Bender, is already making the foundation for his New Vasyuki:

  • Coronavirus made it possible to introduce and implement those bills that would have been met with a "howl" by the uncontrolled media, the opposition, and the sane minority. They would not have passed so easily. But now Mr. President, sitting in his Novo-Ogaryovo bunker, is preparing his throne and himself for the role of dictator. If you are interested in what laws and bills have already started to take effect, see the article "The draft law on compulsory self-isolation – the path to dictatorship" (

  • The "self-isolation" regime made the crushing of any activity of the opposition possible– there is no one and nowhere to gather to defend their rights. By the way, the regime was not introduced in China, Taiwan, and Sweden; meanwhile, the lowest number of infected people is there, but here we come to the fact that Mr. Putin, his friends and government officials continue to profit from the population, pumping budget funds into their pockets, but not solving the problem of saving the population. (

  • Dictatorship is effective only when the country and the population are dysfunctional. In an economically developed country, a monarchy is possible, but certainly not a usurpation of power. That is why Mr. Putin criticizes government officials, but does not remove them from office, he talks about supporting the population and business, but throws handouts that do not cover even 20% of those who are in distress and are ready to accept any help.

People are judged by their deeds. That is why it became obvious that Mr. Putin does not care how many people will die of hunger and how many small and medium-sized businesses will "crumble". You may have noticed that he is a great economist and once said, "... small and medium-sized businesses give Russia less than 20% of GDP". So there is nothing wrong with its collapse. And not so long ago, he told a TASS correspondent that "entrepreneurs, by default, are crooks"**. Perhaps, Mr. President believes that by destroying the economy with his inaction and leaving millions of people to their fate, he is doing a "regularization" work, making our society "healthier" and "free from crooks", and from those families who do not have money and food supplies as well.

While millions of people are preparing to go to the panel with their hands outstretched, Mr. President is eating, drinking and having a great time on the 150 million rubles allocated in the country's budget personally for him this year. And he plans to live another 25-30 years this way, enjoying absolute power.
It only depends on us whether he and his impudent accomplices will fatten at our expense or they will be swept away by our anger and active actions.

Independent source:Первыйканал(Россия)Всероссийскаягосударственнаятелевизионнаяирадиовещательная_компанияНТВ