The lawlessness of law enforcement officers during the pandemic

in #ru4 years ago

The best way to do good is to do very bad first,and then return everything as it was.
Folk wisdom

Pandemick and Pandemicia. These could be nice and good-sounding names. But for some reason, there is a strong belief that even the most "stoned" parents will not give them to their children. The self-isolation regime brought us all a lot of unpleasant emotions. And the "unwitting" and too frequent meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies, who were brought en masse to the streets of cities, will be remembered by many for a long time. There is an opinion that it is time to call law enforcement agencies taking-away-rights agencies. Because, besides directly violating the constitutional rights of citizens, by preventing their movement, they also massively "locked people up".
The most vulnerable spot of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is women. As you know, they can only keep secrets collectively. One lady from Novosibirsk, a part-time head of the neighbourhood police services in Novosibirsk, Major Elena Ustinova, was very loud and clear "on open channels", by passing on the task from above:

"We’re booking everyone from the age of 16 - without exception, we won’t touch women with strollers and old people". Indeed, sending a woman with a stroller "to the monkey house" (detention cell ) is "over the edge" for the security forces for now, and this pleases.
Well, there is no way without a plan: "Dear supervisors, we are still working until we get at least 10 reports from each district. There are enough people walking on the street. If you do not have a result at 17:00, you should continue working".
It was timely that on another April Fools' Day, April1st, the Code of Administrative Offences was supplemented with a new Article: 20.6.1 "failure to comply with the rules of conduct in an emergency or in a situation where there is a threat of its occurrence" and new types of fines for the population: from 1 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, "if the actions of the violator did not entail serious consequences" and from 15 thousand to 50 thousand rubles for repeated violations or consequences in the form of harm to human health or damage to property. As if this is not enough, the regions were allowed to impose their own fines if they are within the norms of the Code of Administrative Offences.
We remind you that a state of emergency was not introduced in any region, and the "self-isolation regime" was not given a legal status, for example, equal to a state of emergency. Therefore, the use of fines for the violation of what is not in the legal framework is absolutely illegal.
But all this does not concern our dear (in every sense of the word) law enforcement officers. So now, instead of going about their business, tens of thousands of people are disputing the fines imposed in courts. Well, the courts, where hundreds of thousands of cases were suspended, are forced to consider tens of thousands of episodes that are "created out of thin air".
And if you want more, you can watch several thousand videos online about how the police carried out the plan passed from above, without sparing either themselves or the detained citizens.
Type "lawlessness of the police during coronavirus" and, I would like to say, "enjoy", but here "expand your horizons" is more appropriate:беспредел+полиции+во+время+коронавируса+
Three groups of episodes can be noted.
A. "Law-enforcement officers" quite inoffensive sometimes, though with numerous violations – without introduction, receiving the appropriate sanctions and orders, but persistently engaged in ensuring security:

Basically, the police use the fear and ignorance of the citizens about the fundamental documents and "throw their weight around".
How do you like an offer to plant drugs and be sent to prison?
What about being taken to the "monkey house" for the fact that a person went to "Pyaterochka" without a mask. The person was held for 6 hours, trying to get a fine from him. And the suggestion of the police: "So you just fine us, the law does not apply to us."
They prefer not to get involved with those who show knowledge of their rights – they leave or pretend that the "violator" has become an invisible person.
B. Sometimes they act "on the edge": roughly, harshly, though without physical violence. What do you think of an attack on an elderly woman who went further than 100 meters from her home? They dragged a woman with a child "to the monkey house". A police officer pulled out a service weapon because a man with a child refused to leave the playground and refuses to leave in a raised voice. Here are the violators of the "self-isolation regime", about 20 people are in a room at the same time - without protective equipment, right in the middle of a pandemic.

And what about the situation when a weaker person, a girl, who had slightly different plans than to be in the police station, was handcuffed

The police were forced to investigate the incident. The response of Internal Affairs bodies to the official request of Navalny's team: recognition of violation of discipline of the officers as "insignificant". That is, the use of force and abuse of power by an official may be "insignificant".

C. And finally, applying physical abuse, using available tools and household techniques of hand-to-hand combat, for example, "fist in the face" or "foot in the stomach":
There are those who clearly did not forget the lessons at police school, they "beat", "throw" and "strangle" the caught offenders.
In Surgut, a police officer threw one girl to the ground and knelt on her neck, and the second girl, who was recording everything on camera, was taken to the police station and they tried to pressure her into deleting the video.

Here are the men who were very unlucky to meet officers on the street:
Anyway, the opponents of our police are worthy, they can't protect themselves. It’s wrong to not try the learned moves on them.
Police officers in the republics of the Caucasus are now not only above the law, but also trample on traditions. The well-bred – and some are still left – "find it hard to understand how you can raise your hand against an elderly person". In Dagestan, on the "Kavkaz" federal highway, a gathering of more than a thousand people took place, they demanded to dismiss a police officer who hit an elderly man during arrest.
On the one hand, the lack of indifference pleases, on the other hand, it is absolutely clear that such demonstrations will end in nothing.
And so, over the past two months, tens of thousands of young people in police uniforms have flooded the streets and roads. They carried out a certain "mission", which was to deprive of freedom of movement and complicate the lives of people who feed them. Blocking pedestrian roads and creating traffic jams on highways is not the worst thing.
We really felt our own vulnerability the hard way, and those who should protect us felt their power and impunity. We, who suffered from the self-isolation regime, paid for this "work for the nation" and continue to provide for one of the largest police services in the world, only second in size to the United States.
We are already late, laws have been signed that allow police to use tasers to disperse completely peaceful protests, and it is already allowed to open cars and apartments without the presence of the legal owner. And yes, now, a police officer can also get away with the murder of an unarmed person who does not resist, if the officer was "on assignment".
We all missed all these bills while trying to survive. By the way, you have noticed that the ROC basically ignores all these numerous offenses of the police and national guard against its flock, and it does not notice violence. "For there is no power not from God"?
This raises a question. Mr. Putin and his associates have shown that they can easily set the rights-takers on us when they need it after the transition to a dictatorship. And meanwhile, they want us to vote for amendments to the constitution and "reset of term limits". Do they really think that such a demonstration works for them and we, the "frightened herd", will "bleat" as they would indicate?!
Are we really sheep?!
Anyway, let everyone decide for himself whether he will allow to be insulted with impunity, robbed and live in eternal fear of: "they’ll come –they won’t" or not.