The draft law on compulsory self-isolation – the path to dictatorship

in #ru4 years ago

The draft law "on compulsory self-isolation" looks like amendments to the law "on protection of the public and territories from natural and man-made emergencies". Its tasks are simple – legalize the "self-isolation regime". But the imposition of a "compulsory self-isolation" regime absolutely legally restricts any rights and freedom of Russians.

As practice has shown, the self-isolation regime creates great opportunities for violating the constitution and legislation - any opportunities for expression of protest and opposition against the government are blocked.

Meanwhile, self-isolation, which undermines the economy and leads to mass starvation of the population, does not solve the problem of the increase in infected people. The government, which has all the necessary statistics, hides this information.

The imposition of a compulsory self-isolation regime is not needed to save Russians, but to isolate and bring regions - that may, for one reason or another, oppose government officials’ arbitrariness - to submission*.

Now the evidence.

The self-isolation regime is neither used in China, where the infection began and with a population of 1.5 billion people, nor in Taiwan. Because it is not included in the list of measures developed during the fight against SARS in 2003-2004.
Do you remember the SARS epidemic in China, the United States, and Canada? Compare the letters in the names SARS-CoV and coronavirus - SARS COVID-19. Can you see that the names of the viruses are very similar? They have a common origin– Chinese bats; and similar symptoms – fever, respiratory failure, etc. Due to their "familiarity" with SARS, China has learned to fight such viruses. That is why, when the epidemic began in Wuhan, the Chinese acted quickly and effectively.

And the outcome – today in China, there are less than 90 thousand cases! In Taiwan, despite the fact that millions of Chinese migrate to and from the mainland every month, thanks to effective measures, there is no coronavirus epidemic: despite a population of 23 million people, the number of infected people is less than 500!

Once again, there is no self-isolation regime in China and Taiwan!

Yes, there are restrictions on the number of people to hold mass events, and on the number of people who visit museums and cultural institutions. All because key measures to prevent the pandemic were introduced immediately!

China produces 76 million, and Taiwan- 15 million disposable masks daily, this is without counting other protective equipment. In Russia, they were neither able to set up production in two months of self-isolation, nor even buy the necessary quantity in a timely manner.

For comparison, in Russia - with a self-isolation regime, there are already 335,000 cases, 4 times more than in China!

And all because Rospotrebnadzor ignored the experience of fighting SARS in China and Taiwan, and also the guidance created by WHO in case of such a situation.

The guidance included simple rules:

 Widespread installation of thermal scanners at points of arrival (by air or land), as well as the ability to use mobile thermal scanners in factories and public places;
 Mass checking of ALL visitors for fever and mandatory swab test for EVERYONE, even people without symptoms of infection;
 Isolation of all potentially infected persons with high temperatures and monitoring of their contacts during the incubation period;
 Since the virus can last on surfaces for up to 48 hours, it is necessary to carry out disinfection procedures on the street and in public places.

You would think that it is not complicated. But Rospotrebnadzor did everything to ensure that the pandemic spread in Russia:

  1. Virologists who study the features of COVID-19 in Russia claim that the virus was "brought in" from several countries in Europe and China. Because the management of Rospotrebnadzor did not order to collect swabs from asymptomatic patients. As a result, no infected people were detected on flights from China!
  2. For the three weeks that followed after the official recognition of the first case in Russia, the decision - taking swabs from everyone or only from passengers with high temperatures- was left to the discretion of staff members.
  3. Afterwards, the State Research Center of Virology "Vector" - a structure of Rospotrebnadzor, was unable to make high-quality diagnostic test systems in the right quantity and quality. You couldn't be sure of the quality of every third test. At the same time, the results of tests went to clinics and hospitals from 7 to 28 days, given that the normal practice in China and the United States is 3-4 hours.
  4. No detailed measures for disinfection of settlements "came down" from above. Each region created them according to its own understanding.

Nevertheless, the management of Rospotrebnadzor "absorbed" the allocated 1.5 billion rubles to fight the spread of the infection. But absorption does not mean using it effectively. Rospotrebnadzor officials were incompetent in their task to ensure the safety of citizens, they rejected the more effective diagnostic test systems, and tried to block their counterparts from the Ministry of Health and the Russian Academy of Sciences from decoding the SARS COVID-19 genome, because they themselves could not do it right ( ).

You would think that, for this, "heads will roll" or at least "shoulder straps go off". Not at all. There were no investigations or sanctions by the president, who is responsible for the health and safety of the population. Moreover, Mr. President is "deeply satisfied" with the situation.

It's simple: the worse it is for everyone, the better it is for the future dictator. Businesses and people being on the edge of survival creates the opportunity for unlimited powers to solve the problems that Mr. President, like the well-known character, Chancellor Palpatine, himself created.

The very fact that you are reading this article proves that even the appearance of democracy is better than an outright dictatorship.

Yes, when the media blows up a corruption scandal or accuses the president and his associates of incompetence- investigations are not conducted, corrupt officials continue to buy luxury real estate and cars, they take their mistresses for shopping in Milan and for a walk in Nice. But at least you know who is to blame and what is really happening.

However, even in a conditionally democratic state, there is a possibility to put a corrupt government official behind bars, not to mention the loss of power and status when their term of office ends. But some people, let's not point fingers at them, are so close to power that, like Louis XIV, they are about to declare that: "I am the state!" And you can be sure that Mr. President wants to rule longer than Ivan the Terrible and will only give up the "throne" after his death.

For a number of reasons, Mr. Putin is in no hurry and prefers a slow transition to dictatorship and is ready to wait a year or two, gradually and imperceptibly "driving" the population "into a stall", creating new laws.

There is already a law allowing the police to use tasers under the pretext of self-defense, the ability to open premises and cars in the absence of their owners, and finally, permission to kill a person who does not use firearms or edged weapons, without consequences. All this gives the intelligence services carte blanche to take any actions against the opposition and disperse any events, regardless of the victims and the age of the victims.

The sovereignty of the internet has long displeased federal officials. It is there that: the uncontrolled media "are frolicking", blowing up corruption scandals; the opposition communicates and gathers forces for their protest marches; and ordinary people with no less pleasure make parodies and jokes about "serious people".

All this makes it difficult to turn citizens into a crowd of easily controlled sheep. Laughter and jokes destroy the cult of personality almost better than cannons. Therefore, in the next year or two, Roskomnadzor will be provided with equipment that can block any resource or personal account without a court order.

There remains one last thing – taking full control of any movement of citizens. Mass chip implantation is technically impossible for now. But citizens can be prohibited from being too far from their place of residence and work, using digital permits and video surveillance cameras. First with fines, and then introduce criminal prosecution. The first step has already been taken. On April 24, the law on the experimental legal framework in Moscow was signed. It gives the Moscow City Hall the authority to define conditions, set requirements and implement "artificial intelligence technology". But in fact, we are talking about the introduction of mass video surveillance systems to take control of movement in public places, transport, on the streets up to your own front doors and apartment.

And this law allows to violate the law on personal data.


By the way, the framework has not yet been worked out, but Sobyanin openly declares that the system developed under his patronage should be implemented in all localities of Russia*** Reason? "A violator of the self-isolation regime can potentially spread the infection. We were forced to take these measures to stop the spread of infection."

An absolute lie. First, infections occur in infected places and to a greater extent this is due to imperfect ventilation in homes. Secondly, if many people are ill without symptoms, then the introduction of a digital permit, without measures of full-fledged disinfection, is absolutely ineffective for fighting the spread of the virus.

An independent analyst- Dmitry Zverev, member of the Guild of Marketers of Russia, head of the PR Committee of the Guild, used open data from the resource, and then conducted a correlation analysis to identify a significant statistical relationship between the self-isolation regime and a decrease in the number of cases in Moscow. He took those cases that endured incubation periods of 3, 5, 10 days at home (diagrams at the end of the article). And here is the final diagram.


His analysis and conclusions: "there is practically no statistically significant relationship between the self-isolation index and the number of registered coronavirus cases.... the Pearson correlation coefficient for the entire data set is -0.2414, and is negative, as initially expected.

Let me explain the graph. As you know, self-isolation was introduced on April 1, which immediately increased the self-isolation index from 0.4 to 3.5-4.0 points. However, it was from this moment that the numbers of cases began to actively progress. There is no noticeable connection with the self-isolation index. The largest jump in morbidity occurred on May 2, with the index of self-isolation unchanged. Further, in May, starting from the 7th day of the month, an inverse relationship began to appear, i.e. the index of self-isolation fell, but the number of new cases did not grow, which did not fit into the logic of their relationship…

From all this, we can conclude that the isolation of citizens and the decrease in the number of contacts between them did not stop the growing spread in any way - coronavirus spread occurred in infected places and uncontrollably. The places were not detected or controlled. The introduction of the compulsory digital permit by the Moscow authorities from April 15, in fact, not only did not reduce the number of cases, but also led to its jump in 2-3 days after the introduction."

It is not surprising that Mr. Zverev is not among the analysts of the operational team under Mr. President and the government. There, honest analysis of the situation is not welcome. The self-isolation regime does not work, and the introduction of digital permits has led to an increase in the spread of the infection.

In a good way, Mr Sobyanin should at least be suspended, if not put in jail. But his initiative was given "the green light". Civil servants cannot openly admit all this, because they are working at the behest of Mr. President and are preparing to pass the law "on compulsory self-isolation".

The self-isolation regime that Mr. President and the government forced us into literally brought down the economy in a month and a half - destroying tens of thousands of businesses, as well as financial and food supplies for more than 50% of the population. On social networks, hundreds of thousands of people are forced to beg for food to survive, ready to take any job to feed their children (link to the article).

And what happens if they find out that the self-isolation regime was not introduced to fight the spread of the disease? And that they were condemned to starvation and poverty because of the desire to give Mr. Putin absolute power?

Friends, really try to make this article read by as many people as possible! And let Mr. President receive the "objective assessment of his actions" that he so actively encourages from the people.




Law "on conducting the experiment to establish special regulation to create the necessary conditions to develop and implement artificial intelligence technology in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation"



