Putin is losing his grip and control

in #ru4 years ago

Mr. Putin was always known for his outward composure and ability to keep a public face. And he probably prided himself on being able to talk about certain opponents with a soft smile without losing the gentle notes in his voice. But life in the Novo-Ogaryovo bunker changed him.


Mr. President only just felt what it’s like on the throne, he began to get a taste of the serene life of the master - when you do nothing, and your lackeys drive the kholops and everything happens "by itself": you put a cup down and milk or something stronger is poured into it. But the ruler only deigned to relax a little, "slacken the reins", and the inner circle went haywire.

The "imperturbable gunfighter" showed that his self-control is not iron and began to show emotions. And they weren’t positive at all: boredom at online meetings, changing his complexion from natural to red, and throwing pens on the table when the ministers frankly and openly sabotaged his instructions.

When the Finance Minister, Mr. Siluanov, failed to comply with his instructions and did not make funds available to the budget for additional payments to doctors fighting coronavirus, Mr. President simply interrupted his report and demanded that it be done. But when the Minister of Health, Mr. Murashko, a former gynecologist, "wrote" in the decree of the ministry that his colleagues, doctors fighting coronavirus, could not get the bonuses they deserved — Mr. President was openly angry for the first time. How is it that I signed the papers, but when I looked at them for the first time a month and a half later, I realized that I had signed "a useless scrap of paper". After all, the ministers are not fools to just set up their boss and run into trouble. So they are not afraid of Mr. President's anger and its consequences.

Thus, they are subordinate to him and the head of government only formally, but they actually serve the interests of lobbyists, with whom Mr. Putin has to reckon. Well, lobbyists have long considered the state budget earned by Russians and businesses to be their own. How can money that should have "stuck to their hands" be given to support the economy and help the affected people?! What are you trying to do? Let the people try to survive on their own!

So Mr. President, for once, tries to keep his promise, but they don't allow him to do that. Since the lobbyists are behind the scenes, they do not have to worry about negative consequences for their personal image. They just don't give a darn about the people. If the Russian economy "goes down in flames", and the country turns into a new Venezuela, where the ordinary citizen does not know whether he will be robbed today right at his house entrance or it will happen tomorrow, then government officials and oligarchs will not be affected.

Apart from the ministers, the governors felt their freedom too. Mr. Putin needlessly removed himself and gave them full carte blanche in their controlled territories. But here the situation looks very strange. In contrast to the ministers, almost all the governors are Putin's henchmen and members of the United Russia party, that is, they are "double" subordinate to the president. At the same time, elections in 20 constituent territories of the Russian Federation will be held in a number of regions in autumn. In other words, it's time to demonstrate loyalty, high degree of efficiency, etc.

But nothing of the sort happens!

Most governors sabotage Putin's instructions related to coronavirus. Those additional payments for doctors again. In fact, they spur a disastrous situation in the industry, where many doctors, wearing themselves down from fatigue, without the necessary psychological support and financial compensation, are ready to write a letter of resignation at any time.

"You made some kind of bureaucratic rigmarole! "- the president scolded the negligent heads of the region "in a father-like way", but the question of why such small funds were not allocated in a timely manner from the budget remained unresolved.

This is a strategic issue that for some reason the free press does not pay attention to at all: why did only 8 out of 85 regions have clinics built in record time?! The other governors "didn't even blink about it"? It is known that the peak of diseases is on the decline in Moscow, but it is the opposite in the regions. In two or three weeks, due to a sharp increase in cases in most cities, all beds will be occupied, and not enough ventilators have been purchased. There will be a new stage when patients will not be able to receive treatment, and this will severely damage the image of the president. The population will not forget or forgive the president and the governors for this, but for some reason the governors are not being sanctioned by the president.

We have no other choice but to make bets: will the governors run like cockroaches when the speeches in the regions begin, trying to correct the situation, or will Mr. President send the National Guard to suppress the speeches?

The regional princes not only sabotage the May decrees, but also sometimes begin to "lose their faculties". The governor of the Vladimir Region Vladimir Sipyagin, at a meeting on May 2, took the liberty of interrupting the president twice in one meeting and did not finish listening to his instructions. Meanwhile, Mr. Sipyagin’s region, even compared to the others, is so disgustingly ready to receive patients from the pandemic – a scandal broke out because of the use of ventilators that has expired for 15 years.


Mr. Shantsev, the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, also started interrupting his boss. No matter what, he decided to convey to the patron that it is necessary to raise the salary of housing and utilities workers to the level of teachers. And the governor considered it so important that he openly interjected into the president's speech. As a result, Putin had to put the governor firmly in his place: "I listened to you carefully and I will ask you to never interrupt me again!" By the way, did the official not understand that by irritating the president, he would also cause the rejection of his proposal? Then what was all this circus for?


Some governors are more reasonable - they do not contradict Mr. President, they do not do anything, just like him. For example, the Governor of the Voronezh region, Alexander Gusev, honestly admitted in his address that "... i did not solve the dilemma between the need to save the regional economy and ensure the safety of the lives of residents of the region". The guidance compiled by the operational team in the Kremlin did not help him in any way. That’s why, Mr. Governor tries to serve the president as well, formally maintaining the "self-isolation regime" and not dropping his rating among the people, demanding that they keep things pretty discreet and do not pursue violators of the "mask regime". The governor is holding on to his luck – the region is one of the most prosperous in terms of the number of cases in the Central Federal District, and the economy is running almost at full capacity – only shopping centers, catering establishments, night clubs, hotels and fitness centers do not work. The governor's laissez faire with the economy is for the good, but it is unlikely that this is the result that Putin was waiting for when handing over the region to his control.


Putin clearly no longer "has his finger on the pulse" of the situation, his reaction to what is happening in the country's society and economy is frankly inappropriate. Does this mean that the president is losing his influence at the top and gradually turning into a "high-muck-a-muck"? Or is he just busy confronting other clans in power and does not have time for the ordinary people?

In any case, in the public space, the president openly gives up his position and loses his rating. Never in the 20 years of his rule, did a single "discarded" former protege of his dared to "not stay put" for the patron. And for the first time, the former Head of the Chuvash Republic Ignatyev, who was dismissed for his inappropriate actions in public - suddenly decided to show his "teeth and character". Even "his own people" turned away from the man who used the resources of the region like his own and showed outright disregard for people - Mr. Ignatyev was excluded from the United Russia party, and this is tantamount to a funeral in politics. Unexpectedly, the mutt with a bad temper, thrown out of the door, suddenly decided to come back and bite. 4 months later, Mr. Ignatyev decided to challenge the decree of the president of the Russian Federation on his early retirement. The lawsuit was filed in the Supreme Court of Russia on May 21, and the court session is scheduled for June 30*. A question arises: why now, and not immediately after his dismissal, and why such courage from a man who knows perfectly well how everything works and what his chances of winning are? After all, there is no real power behind this man.

So there are three versions here. Version one: Mr. Ignatyev represented the interests of corrupt officials and did not forget himself. He put tens of millions in his pocket. Since now he has "fallen out" of fortunes and no one needs him - he is thoroughly dealt with by investigative bodies and procurator's offices. That’s why, the former governor has only one way out – escape abroad from criminal prosecution, where through this process, he can declare himself a "persecuted prisoner of conscience". Then he will not be extradited to Russian justice. Version two: one of the groups fighting for power, just now, when Putin has lost control - decided to "rock the boat". A loud scandal in the media is needed and the inappropriate Mr. Ignatyev,under the leadership of the puppeteers, will make one according to all the rules of the political scene. Therefore, the former government official received certain guarantees and benefits that prompted him to take these actions.

The third version is the most boring. The former "hand of Putin" wants to return to politics again as a deputy of the State Duma. Therefore, he needs a hype, and he is going to score points like the pug dog that "knows it is strong, if it barks at an elephant". This version is also supported by the fact that the former Governor of the Irkutsk region, Sergey Levchenko, has risen from political wilderness. Now he is trying to remind voters of himself and he will re-participate in the elections for the governor's seat against a new protege of Putin, Kobzev, in autumn.

While the political pottage is cooking, only one point is important for us: Putin's position has weakened and we need to do everything possible so that he does not sit on the throne. We don't need a dictator, we don't need an incompetent politician and economist who has practically destroyed the economy and is so hungry for his greatness that he wants to immortalize himself in the mosaic of the temple along with the Lord and the saints.

The man who freely gave China our territory, for which our border guards shed blood, and one that is 20 times larger than "Our Crimea"; he destroyed science, medicine, agriculture; he proclaimed import substitution, but did nothing to ensure that our economy became on a par with the world powers.

We do not need such a president, a monarch, no matter what he calls himself, when he completely subdues the power and the country. If we let him.

Right now, each of us must do everything possible to help the opposition to remove this spider, which is sucking the country dry, from the throne! Don't expect someone to do it for you.

First, send this article to others, and then join the resistance!






