Moscow City Duma Deputies came out to fight against the "co-op board of Ozero"

in #ru4 years ago

In the United States, there is such a term known as "unitary executive theory". This is a number of provisions in the legislation that allows the US president to absolutely "legally" usurp power and turn into a dictator. And his vice president becomes beyond the control of either the Senate or Congress. In the US, this was already done once by Dick Cheney under George W. Bush. At that time, the United States started a war with Iraq without obtaining permission from Congress, because Bush and Cheney were not allowed by Saddam to plunder Iraq's oil reserves.


Cheney was not only the vice president, but was also the CEO of Halliburton. 4.5 thousand Americans and about 200 thousand Iraqis died in order for this company to get a contract to restore and develop oil fields in the occupied Iraq, and its shares rose by 500%!

If you can say so – "the US was lucky", Bush and Cheney pulled off a one-time operation to exchange human lives for money. The vile creatures "pumped oil" and returned power to Congress.

This will not work in Russia. If a dictator comes – he will take it totally and completely, and this will be for a long time. Everyone will suffer: people, business, and the economy. And even the dictator's caducity and senility will work against the country, because they are beneficial to corrupt officials in his circle.

The Ozero cooperative, created by Mr. President in the last century, has long become an oligarchic union that has been parasitically feeding on the Russian budget. The main problem of Putin’s 11 friends is that an appearance of propriety should be observed, and an access to the whole piece of the pie can not be gotten – the media and individual opposition figures are "getting in their way". And although most of the results of investigations are persistently ignored by the investigative bodies and procurator's offices, this whole "cloud of buzzing mosquitoes" prevents them from enjoying geshefts and forces them to give up openly stealing the budget.

Putin and co have long been fed up with all these games with the media and the opposition. And although they have all the security ministries on their side, they apparently do not want outright rebellion and mass bloodshed. After all, this is not the 19th century, when you can send Cossacks to kill a few dozen workers and the intimidated people will tolerate it. Too many weapons can be found in the public domain. And it is unknown how far the people will go in response this time, and also the thieving officials and oligarchs do not need a new revolution. Therefore, "chess player" Putin leads his game relatively bloodless. For now. But he has taken precautions, laws that allow to kill and maim, open cars, and destroy citizens' property- without consequences for the police- have already emerged.

It seemed like Putin, in his quest to "take the throne", is supported by literally everyone who has climbed to the top, and we are heading straight towards the dictatorship. People are silent, the opposition is weak, and coronavirus has allowed mass rallies and protest marches to be blocked. And then in a situation when the opposition suggests that VVP shove all these unconstitutional amendments as deep as possible in his ... it was unexpectedly supported by the Moscow City Duma deputies. Fortunately for us- not all Duma deputies are corrupt and dream of getting their snout deeper in the feeding trough. Deputies of the Moscow City Duma actively opposed the "reset" of term limits and amendments to the constitution.

I am astonished with Darya Besedina's courage. Few people could sum up the results of more than twenty years of Putin's rule so succinctly:

"They deceive and keep the Russians in fear. They steal money. The State machinery is corrupt from top to bottom. They kill people. The security forces became worthy successors of the NKVD (The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs). The worst thing is that they are depriving our country of its future. I believe that my country has a better future than Vladimir Putin can offer it..."

It is good to see that not only the young reckless deputies opposed the corrupt group. Their older comrades, despite the experience of past generations who taught them to "keep their heads down", were also not afraid to openly express what they think about Mr. Putin and his wild, carefully hidden- for many years- thirst for power.

Unfortunately, Pro-Putin kinsmen were more. And if there were no comments on the content of the speeches, it was possible to "sweet-talk" the point in a large number of empty comments.

We hope that the sparks that were so generously scattered by the fighters against the regime will ignite a huge, fierce flame that devours the Putin regime.

Good luck to all the brave ones!