Just a few more handouts before everything is taken away

in #ru4 years ago


It is impossible to believe that Mr. President was born "in the city on the Neva" to the family of a security service officer. They always had a good salary and extra rations. Their families never died of starvation even during the blockade. But Mr. Putin is incredibly, indecently and frankly greedy (like a peasant), as if he has lived all his life without food. And he behaves like village kulaks used to do when they took land and farm from orphans, and took the powerless and defenseless as farmhands - they put them in the stable with a cattle and fed them so that they could only survive and work.

You would think that there are a couple of months left before the triumph, just feed the population a little so that they pray for you and carry you to the throne with their hands. No, you won't see that. Old age has increased the natural avarice, and Mr. Putin "is too stingy" to give a loaf. Only has enough strength to make his greedy hands pinch off a crust and throw it.

Have you ever seen what happens to a dog that sat all day in four walls and suffered from loneliness and inactivity, and waited for the owner to finally come? And eventually the door opens - the dog is happy and squeals with delight, it wags its tail and licks the hands and face of its master. It knows that it is about to be fed and taken out for a walk. At this moment, the master is a god. Putin has a wealth of experience as a "dog person", and he clearly decided to save money and work with the Russians in the same way. Mr. President showed where he twisted the text of the fundamental document of our country, and who the boss really is. Coronavirus has become a great reason to deprive people of those natural pleasures that are embodied in constitutional freedoms. Who would have thought before the artificially created "self-isolation regime" that it was so easy to lose freedom of movement? And that those who should protect us from criminals and lawbreakers will openly support Putin's organized crime group.

The head of a formally democratic state (for now) cynically withdrew himself and is watching the "movie" as the economy - which he is responsible for its effective operation - "goes into a tailspin", while the population is parting with their last savings.
And just like that, all the conditions "for the arrival of the owner were made" - there is physical inactivity, a mass famine has begun in Russia (https://golos.io/@runews/v-rossii-nachalas-epidemiya-goloda-1589809686631 ). And now, when the tension reached the desired level, "night came" and Mr. President "personally" called Sobyanin, and ordered "early lifting of restrictions due to coronavirus".

In other words, it was not the doctors or Rospotrebnadzor who made the decision about the need for a self-isolation regime, they simply fulfilled Mr Putin's "wishes" in the right way. So now, " the dog is released and given time to run around."

Undoubtedly, our future Pharaoh is right: you can't fight physiology. Walking in the fresh air - which everyone missed so much, sports, restaurants and beauty salons will not only lift the mood, but also serve as a hint that it is better for "the dogs" to not make the "owner" angry, after all, he can deprive them of all this again - with great ease and facility.

By the way, the country should know not only its heroes, but its anti-heroes also. Yesterday, the author of Putin's amendments to the constitution, a certain Ms. Khabrieva - Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law finally received her 30 silver coins. Ms. Khabrieva has successfully "mutated" from studying the facts of corruption at the state level and conducting investigations to fully supporting the regime that generates this corruption. So she was fully rewarded – an entire institute was created for her, and Ms. Khabrieva received the title of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Well, and now – a new award: two days ago, a decree was issued on awarding "for merits in scientific activity and long-term conscientious work, the title of "Honored Worker of Science"". Not a big deal, but nice. Others have been creating breakthrough technologies and new scientific schools for decades, but a lawyer of the devil sat for a month, messed up the text of the constitution and got a "a nice piece on the jacket"*.

In the regions, government officials mostly help businesses and the population as much as they can. But they can be ineffective, "losing money" in the pockets of direct perpetrators on the go, and helping those who are louder or are involved in "shadowy schemes". In general, it’s all boring and predictable, although there are "outstanding heads of regions". For example, the head of Buryatia, Mr. Tsydenov, is following in the footsteps of the stingy president. Instead of providing real assistance to the population, he intimidates them like a small child. He predicts "terrible things": if somehow, Putin's terms "are not reset", all power will be seized by the oligarchs and they will divide the great Russia. "Every good thing that we have now happened under Putin. If you vote incorrectly, the oligarchs will seize power again like in the 90s, and things will become very bad". The propaganda of the first person in the region responsible for a territory of 300 thousand square kilometers perfectly shows his intellectual level.**

But Mr. Kadyrov was smart enough to help the population. The "devoted pupil" and loyal little-Putin surpassed his "teacher" in beautiful and generous gestures. Anyways, unlike Putin, who is surrounded by security on all sides and separated from ordinary people by "ten fences", Mr. Kadyrov is somewhat "closer to the people". Although he is under constant guard, he regularly travels around the region and assesses the situation more correctly. The leader of Chechnya does not want the starving population, through a protest, to destroy his businesses, for which he never paid taxes to the Federal Treasury.

And let's be honest - everything is learned in comparison. For 2019, the Kadyrov Foundation collected a "voluntary tribute" from Chechens, which is officially called "donations" for a record amount of 6.1 billion rubles. So now, for the first time in all the years of work in Chechnya, a relatively large amount of money was allocated - but in fact returned to the population - from the fund, to which a part of the salary of each resident of the Republic was forcibly taken every month. Well, a little more than 15% of the taken, but as they say: "good things come in small packages". Such an "attraction of outstanding generosity" had never been seen in Chechnya. In previous years, out of "sincere generosity", Mr. Kadyrov gave iPhones on birthdays, expensive gifts at weddings, and for free, he gave apartments to his "thoroughbred horses" - the best wrestlers, MMA athletes, bodyguards and special forces soldiers, he bought SUVs for the district police departments. To get the same financial assistance, it was only possible "through connections" or personally "bugging and going after" Mr. President.

And here, the "blessing of the Almighty" just dropped on one and a half million people of Chechnya - two-thirds of families were given food packages, more than 30 thousand families were paid material assistance for 700 million rubles. The poor were paid with acquisition of about 100 apartments, and grooms were given 50 thousand rubles each from the Kadyrov Foundation to pay bride price. However, a total of 207 "chosen" and the list was compiled under the personal control of Mr. Kadyrov.

Even a hedgehog can understand why the "rain of gold" dropped - Mr. Kadyrov fulfills the "teacher's request" - he buys the loyalty of the right families in the clans - wholesale and retail, and ensures the success of voting in the region. But it doesn't matter what sauce the appetizer is served with, the main thing is that it has meat in it. People in the Republic have received quite significant support, not just handouts to a hungry dog, like Mr. Putin has done for the rest of Russia.

Yes, the "signature feature" of the regime is not forgotten – the ban on the most important thing that caused the greatest indignation among the population living "according to the traditions of their ancestors" was lifted. The region is finally doing weddings again. For a while, all problems are forgotten, the young and their parents are pleased and happy in some places.

Now, all over Russia, residents can't breathe enough, crowds have filled parks and squares. The expectations of Putin and co. are justified – the population "will have optimism in the fresh air", the young and not-so-young – hormones bursting, hundreds of thousands of couples "are fooling around" at a time when "self-isolation regime" is retreating. And as the saying goes: "there is a silver lining" - the environment is also improving due to the stopped operation of production facilities and hundreds of thousands of cars not in traffic jams, but in parking lots. What can I say? We are humans, and no matter how hard it is now, it is scary waiting for the future, the mood actually gets better when taking a walk.

However, on July 1, everyone can visit the restaurant and celebrate the last day of the existence of a democratic state.

Or are we going to send Mr. Dictator into political wilderness and preserve at least the semblance of democracy and freedom? Everything depends on each of us!

Yes, Putin has all the cards in his hands, he managed to fool the elderly population, and have government officials and security forces in his pocket.

Yes, he will use the administrative resource to the full and he is doing that now, by promoting to vote for the "reset of term limits" and amendments to the constitution. And there are all the possibilities for falsifying voting lists, and there is little that independent observers can do. But this is not a reason to sit and wait for the onset of a dictatorship!

Support the opposition against the "reset of term limits" and amendments to the constitution. Go and vote, so that we all have a chance!



** https://www.newsru.com/russia/09jun2020/peredel.html





