Cryptocurrency – is bad, they will devastate or imprison people for working with it

in #ru4 years ago


"Cryptocurrency is terrYble and the peEple that trade it shUld be in prEEson". These crooked points are beautifully packaged in the well-sharpened language of law. Our country is on the verge of turning into an Oriental despotism of the medieval type. I don't care about the rest of the world – as long as our Khan is happy and doesn't make me his "beloved wife" today.

We absolutely unfairly call people who look Eastern, do not speak correctly in Russian and with a noticeable funny accent – "churka". The real "churkas" - regardless of what this means: a wooden log or an impudent foreigner - have settled right in the main legislative body of the country. These are people who are absolutely strangers and alien to all other Russians. That’s why, they come up with laws that destroy our economy and life. By the way, a huge number of people who have big problems with economic and financial literacy "work" in the State Duma of Russia. They do not understand the consequences of all that they "push". But this does not prevent them from getting their millions, taking "baksheesh" and shitting on those of us - who feed and clothe them.

Since 2014, the Russian cryptocurrency market has felt unhealthy interest from the authorities. It seems that this year, the "case" is about to be brought to an end - cryptocurrency trading will become forbidden like "fartsa" (dealing; trading scarce goods) or currency exchange. In Russia, there will be corresponding articles in the criminal and administrative codes. It is still unknown what they will be called by those who will "catch criminals", but today everyone can see what awaits them in case the new "babochka" (how they called Article 88 of the Criminal Code "for fartsa" in the USSR) is applied.*

So far, lawmakers are "asking modestly", but it’s just a start, maybe it will come to "life imprisonment":

  • Administrative liability for individuals: from 20 to 500 thousand rubles, for legal entities — from 100 thousand to 2 million rubles.
  • Criminal liability: from hard labor up to 5 years or imprisonment up to 7 years with a fine of up to 1 million rubles /in the amount of the convicted person's earnings for a period of up to five years.
    Of course, the bill looks like a suppression of "illegal trade and turnover". A question arises: do they know that dealing with cryptocurrency has already been legalized?

No such thing. No one is surprised that we have been overtaken by the majority of economically developed countries on all continents on this issue. However, the fact that they earn more on mining than on tourism from Russia in our neighboring Georgia; or that in the small Belarus, there are more miners than in Russia (460 thousand people make at least one transaction per month compared to 150 thousand people). Including because Batka (father of the nation) himself, despite his undemocratic views, initiated the complete legalization of mining, ownership and exchange of tokens back in 2017. This might surprise us if we didn't know that our country is headed by one of the worst economists and politicians of our time, or just a person who doesn't care about Russia and Russians**. Therefore, it is not difficult for Lukashenko to behave professionally compared to Putin, simply because he not only holds on to power, but also supports his country with all his heart.

The review of the new bill is indicative. Experts, independently of each other, came to a similar opinion: the adoption of the law in this form automatically allows bringing the article under almost any "motions" with cryptocurrency. Mining or exchanging more than 3.5 bitcoins will automatically result in prosecution. Neither individuals nor legal entities will have the right to perform transactions – transfer and accept cryptocurrency as a means of payment. It is clear that the turnover of trade in Russia will sharply decrease, and it will be impossible to use it as property, since it can not be officially sold.

In fact, the Russian cryptocurrency market is being moved abroad. The number of participants who will remain in it will be reduced many times, and they will go "underground" with all the ensuing consequences. Just imagine the horror for a person who has been mining for several years, and unintentionally told several dozen of his friends about it. When the law comes out, he will either have to liquidate the business or literally go "into the woods".

Russian lawmakers made the simplest and most familiar decision for them: "hold and not let go." It's about time - to introduce such a law, and it will certainly help the development of the economy, which has been undermined by the "self-isolation regime". But how will Russia enter the space of the modern world economy with such legislation…

The alternative for the leadership of a country which really cares about its citizens – control through legalization, regulation of tax transactions, allowing Russians to officially earn and trade, and funding the budget through taxes. Especially since, in the world practice, all the issues have been worked out for a long time, all the "bottlenecks" have been sorted out.

Now a question arises: who wants people who have families and work to provide for themselves and their children to lose an additional source of stability and massively change their status from "good citizens" to "criminal elements"?

Who is the initiator of the bill? Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Reason: "The issuance of digital money is associated with an unjustified risk, but there are no unambiguous plans to restrict the ownership of cryptocurrency," Mr. Guznov, Director of the Legal Department of the Central Bank of Russia, said.

Now let's translate from bureaucratese into Russian. There are two hidden reasons why the powers that be are slowly but surely moving to implement a ban on trading in "Crypto".

First - the use of cryptocurrencies undermines the Central Bank's monopoly, its desire to fully control the funds of individuals and legal entities, and introduce new insane duties on the movement of funds not only inside Russia, but even inside the bank's own accounts.

And the second reason - is that the authorities at the top have long considered Russians' money their own. Losing control of every ruble that passes by their pockets is perceived as a personal insult.

That’s why, they will not allow the use of cryptocurrency.

But the fact that these unscrupulous people withdraw funds for 7-10 trillion rubles a year - 1000 times more than the entire crypto market in Russia to offshore budget; and the fact that several thousand nouveaux riches have offshore money as much as that of the entire population of Russia combined - this doesn’t concern us, the plebs.

We have never had a civilized cryptocurrency market, so it is probably not worth dreaming about.

Anyway, if we wait a little longer "calmly", let them vote for amendments to the constitution, and allow the polovtsy-pecheneg lover make a few more laws like this one - you will soon learn what it is to live under a dictatorship.

Wait and shake when your turn comes or oppose Putin's gang today - it's up to you!

