Coronavirus will cut us to the quick. We are waiting for the second and third waves

in #ru4 years ago

The Apocalypse will not happen tomorrow, but it is waiting for us, if not around this corner, then around the next one. In order to destroy our society, neither a war with NATO nor an alien invasion will be necessary. It is enough to allow government officials to ruin the economy and interfere with the treatment of the people infected with COVID-19. Yes, there will still be a second and third wave of the virus to push the situation to its limits. When the original components are connected, prepare for a new stage in your life.


No matter what virologists say about the virus: supposedly, "it is evolutionarily smart", it will not kill everyone, otherwise there will be no one to parasitize - not everything is so simple. Seven billion people are apparently excessive for COVID-19, it can easily do without a hundred or two million carriers.

If you remember, in 1918, a quarter of the World's population was infected with "Spanish flu", almost 650 thousand people died in the United States only. For comparison, America lost about 120 thousand soldiers in World war II. Similarly, coronavirus is overtaking their losses in Vietnam: 70 thousand against 58, and it is not over yet.

A new wave is coming, in fact not alone- the virus mutates, the symptoms are renewed. Head of the Robert Koch Institute of Virology in Berlin, Lothar Wheeler, openly stated that there will soon be a second and third wave of infection*. And since the only effective measures are isolation of the infected, washing hands and maintaining social distance, even with the existing restrictions on the number of infected, Russia will quickly get to a million.

The economy, half destroyed by Putin's rule with Dimon, and a crowd of incompetent corrupt officials, was barely hanging "by a thread" and "in a filthy place". But then, in order to reduce the wave of infected people, the service sector and industrial production were simply shut down.

The closure of non-food stores and shopping centers, cafes and restaurants, hotels, health resorts, fitness centers and massage parlors; the introduction of digital passes and self-isolation –led to an expected situation: 730 thousand officially registered unemployed people in two months. This is while, in some regions, it is not possible to remotely access the unemployment office – the corresponding portals are not working. By the end of the year, the country will have about 7 million unemployed – one in ten. If nothing fundamentally changes.
70% of the population has already started saving, and about 50% of households have reduced food spending by 30% or more. Experts predict that the drop in income due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic will be more noticeable than in the 1990s.

It is not surprising that Putin's ratings are the lowest in the history of his rule. There are fewer and fewer of the most stubborn Putinists who stupidly approve of any behavior of Mr. President. Even the fact that he does nothing and watches as our economy collapses before our eyes, and people spend their last rubles. It is also not surprising that Mr. Peskov, on behalf of Putin, says that he does not trust the results of the Levada Center polls. Enemies all around! What has it come to- even companies "on their payroll" do not want to "draw" the results Kremlin needs.

Again and again, the question of providing real assistance to the population arises. The government is fighting back with all its might. The next pearl was made by Finance Minister Siluanov. This "great specialist" declared that it is impossible to go ahead and print – we will provoke inflation. If the ruble were a currency – then it would be possible. A simple question arises – why print money if there are reserves? According to the calculations of opposition economists, the country's reserves amount to more than 15 trillion rubles and every adult Russian could get 120 thousand rubles without any negative consequences for the economy.

The president and the government did not provide any real assistance to the economy and the population. But all the ideas that were proposed by federal officials had a touch of idiocy, which only worsened the overall situation.

We will not discuss absolutely idiotic and 100% unconstitutional provisions on self-isolation adopted in the regions, and also the behavior of police officers who periodically "execute the plan" - they catch and "lock up" everyone except women with children and the elderly.

Today we will draw your attention to the"little things". For example, right now, when businesses are "drowning", it is very timely to take care of protecting the nation from "pink elephants". And this includes closing establishments that sell alcohol in residential buildings. The First Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Valery Ryazansky said that the "law banning the sale of alcoholic beverages in residential buildings" is part of the strategy of the common fight for a healthy lifestyle. How timely they were- they closed several tens of thousands of businesses and "threw" another hundred thousand unemployed into the labor market.

Life during the coronavirus period "pleases" with new experiences, but one thing remains unchanged - kickbacks "are blooming with all the colors of the rainbow". While the media pulls out another scam in the construction or improvement of the city, government officials come from the flank. How do you like, for example, "weather protection services" for 450 million rubles from our pockets?


That’s it, "the boat has sailed", no scandal in the media will return the money that has settled in the pockets of businessmen and corrupt officials. Meanwhile in the Bryansk region, 20 million rubles were allocated from the budget to support businesses. Yes, who needs this half-dead Bryansk region, it is long past the time to write it with a lowercase letter?

Now about the latest developments in medicine. Our medical workers, as usual, were divided into two camps. The situation is like at the front – an endless stream of patients. The lower part is worn out. Everything is so bad that the number of suicides and letters of resignation among doctors and nurses is growing, some of them have not yet received any bonuses, and the number of those who could use the help of a psychologist is simply off the scale.


And there is the second part- the administrators, for some "war is death", for others "it brings wealth". They earn money from coronavirus in different ways: some of the regional officials buy disposable masks at the price of respirators, some organized a "business" and resell masks at a speculative price from the metro, but the behavior of some of the management of hospitals and clinics is clearly beyond "good and evil".

The statutory health insurance has been working against citizens for a long time. The money goes where there are more patients. As a result of the optimization, a huge number of paramedic stations, clinics and hospitals disappeared. The statutory health insurance now helps spread SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) infection. How?

The cost of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. The federal fund of the statutory health insurance evaluated the treatment of coronavirus: the minimum amount is 259 thousand rubles (pneumonia, pleural effusion or other pleural diseases), moderate cases- continuous artificial ventilation for 5 days. The cost of such treatment is 432 thousand. It will cost more than 1 million to treat an extremely severe case using an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine. It replaces the function of the lungs and allows the organ to recover.

It has become unprofitable to keep "slightly-ill" patients in the hospital, if it can be "filled" with more profitable contracts. It is also possible to write that the patient was taken for treatment and get money from the statutory health insurance for this. But the patient himself can be paid and sent home- to infect his house and others. So far, this is only happening in Moscow, but if the infection spreads, it will start working everywhere.

So far, only a few people have shared information on Facebook that when they arrived at the clinic with symptoms of the disease, they were told the following: "Here is 15-20 thousand cash, here is your prescription. We'll put you on sick leave. Stay at home for 2-3 weeks. Don't go anywhere. And we will "allegedly treat you for coronavirus".

Many people think that the Apocalypse is accompanied by special effects: the four horsemen, waves of destruction, the walking dead. But, as you can see, life is not a Hollywood blockbuster, the country can be destroyed imperceptibly, but very quickly. In less than a year, businesses will no longer fulfill their obligations, people will no longer pay for housing and utilities - a new wave will begin, turning prosperous neighborhoods into ghettos: crime, mass unemployment, unhealthy lifestyles and leisure, infections. There will be that same "ruin in people’s heads" that has not happened since the revolution and the civil war.


I'm sure no one wants to live in a third-world country.

The question is, what do you personally do to ensure that our country does not disappear from the list of the G20, the Group of 20, which it is deemed to be in the world?

What are you doing to prevent the dictatorship of mindless idiots from winning in our country, to preserve the natural right to walk where we need and want, and to allow all those who are suffering to receive qualified medical care for free?

If you do not help the opposition in any way or participate in anything, what are you waiting for? The arrival of aliens who will save us or the arrival of a hero who will lift you from the sofa?

Get involved in the cause of the opposition, vote against the amendments and do not let Putin become a dictator! Create petitions for free aid - make the government, since it can't work properly, at least return the money you earned!

Don't expect someone to do it for you, otherwise you will be living on welfare in the ghetto in a year!