Campaigning for votes against "the reset of term limits" and amendments to the constitution" is prohibited. But we will still continue!

in #ru4 years ago

Yesterday, at another populist event – a meeting with "his" government official, the President of the Direct Investment Fund in the bunker, Mr. Putin said: "...we manage to keep the economy in working order, at a very good, high-quality level, inflation is kept within limits, and the unemployment rate has not increased as dramatically as in other countries."

Mr. President made a choice a long time ago between being the leader of the nation or an unscrupulous corrupt official who destroys the country. But in any case, his latest false statement kills the faith in any honesty and justice in Russia, it perverts patriotism and destroys the connection of each of us with our homeland, big and small. This is not even a fly in the ointment- it is rot and poison from the factory collector in a clean lake, which will never please us with its pristine beauty.

Going back to the vote on the "Putin Constitution", did you notice that the final text of the amendments is not publicly available?! That none of those responsible for informing the population has given us an opportunity to learn more about the fact that Mr. President, our future monarch, is going to legitimize his long-illegitimate power?!

We remind you that amendments to more than 30 articles at the same time are not adopted in any civilized country, and that the current constitution itself prohibits such practices and automatically gets the status of unconstitutional.

Watch this video:

I was ready to subscribe to every word these people said. Our constitution isn’t perfect, but today it is the best thing we have. It does not prevent Mr. Putin and his associates from breaking the law and corrupting it, or the police from beating up peaceful protesters. But its text is our beacon, our right to demand the enforcement of laws and not to introduce new ones that deprive us of our freedom, natural rights and do not turn us into outright slaves of the regime.
But the last sentence of this video negates the entire constitution, and at the same time - our entire life, our hope for freedom, internal and external. If we allow Putin to pull off this scam, freedom in Russia will end.

The video was recorded before Mr. Putin presented the real amendments to the public. Since then, his hypocrisy has become apparent, but only one person from those who participated in the video – admitted that he was tricked into participating in this performance. The other people, scientists, artists, businessmen whom we used to believe - are silent, apparently afraid of losing their jobs and contracts.

As the bravest of the participants, Artemy Lebedev, said: "I was sure that all the amendments are positive populism. A lot of good stuff was proposed that it's hard not to want to vote for. When we were shooting the video, Article 81 of the Constitution read as follows: "One and the same person may not hold the office of President of the Russian Federation for more than two terms running." And then suddenly paragraph 31 appeared… I don't mind Putin being Tsar until he turns into a mummy. But I'm totally against the fact that it was spelled out in the constitution".

Mr. Lebedev is now regretful, but the job is done – the video is actively "spinning" on TV, and based on the data of independent polls, about 70% of those who plan to cast their vote will vote "for" and only a little more than 20% — "against" the new constitution.

Mr Putin has already prepared a victory speech. Everything is calculated, even such little things like the Central Election Commission's ban on campaigning "against" the amendments, because "the law on holding a nationwide vote on changing the constitution does not provide for campaigning. Only informing is possible", but for some reason paid appeals "for " are allowed access everywhere – on TV, on social networks, etc.

Administrative resource is actively used to "silence" the opponents of the 2020 Constitution.

192 deputies of municipalities and regional parliaments from 26 constituent entities of the country signed an open letter against amendments to the constitution. The letter was ignored because the deputies did not promote it.

The strongest protest can be found on the manifesto website: "The Nyet! Campaign" It was signed by about 60,000 people. But it is still not enough on the scale of Russia, so Roskomnadzor did not even block the resource.

However, others, even single pickets on the streets are instantly "swept" to the police station and they give the conscious citizens 15 days in the "monkey house" (jail for pre-charge detention) to "understand the situation" and "accept the new reality".


By the way, on the website of the Central Election Commission (CEC), in a weak font, despicably, but nevertheless frankly stated: "Nationwide vote on APPROVING amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation."

In other words, the CEC itself openly violates the resolution on voting and promotes to the population.

Mr. Putin and Co. have foreseen most of the problem areas, and as much as possible, they block the opportunity to interfere with the desired result, both before and during the vote.

If we want to know more about the "CEC guidelines for organizing voting on amendments to the Constitution", we will learn a lot of new and interesting things:

Polling stations should preferably be set up in the open air under canopies or in army tents, and observers should be at least 2 meters away from the Election Commission desks. It isn’t possible to come closer. And how to check whether they are engaged in illegal activities or not?

The Chairs of the Commission will be left alone with the election documents for 10 minutes every hour. Of course, to disinfect the space, or what were you thinking?

If the sick want to vote at home, they will come to them separately in enhanced protection. Based on an oral statement. Observers who want to go with the Commission will need to bring these protections with them, otherwise they will not be allowed.

All voters will have their temperature measured, if someone comes and is not quite healthy, they will be packed in a separate room until the ambulance arrives. But it seems to me that they will "pack" those who notice "inappropriateness" that prevent them from getting the necessary number of votes for the "Putin Constitution".
Yes, Mr. Putin, you are already celebrating your victory. Back in 2019, you were so sure of it that during the self-isolation regime you made a beautiful gesture- you postponed the vote because of coronavirus. And at the same time, like a good chess player, you made your move – you allowed electronic voting, which is uncontrolled by independent observers.

The "self-isolation regime" did not benefit the opposition. Its initiatives are blocked or silenced. We, citizens of Russian, have almost lost, but you have not yet given us checkmate, we also have moves in reserve.

And now it is up to each of us – will the last step into the dictatorship be made or Mr. President will understand that he does not belong in the Kremlin and he should go away from Russia with the stolen things and his entire gang as far as possible.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's remind Mr. Putin of the time when he still tried to fulfill the duties of the head of the country. Let us remind him of his annual statements about the inviolability of the Constitution and the need to comply with its provisions!

Mr. Putin and Co. have foreseen most of the problem areas, and as much as possible, they block the opportunity to interfere with the desired result, both before and during the vote.

If we want to know more about the "CEC guidelines for organizing voting on amendments to the Constitution", we will learn a lot of new and interesting things:

Polling stations should preferably be set up in the open air under canopies or in army tents, and observers should be at least 2 meters away from the Election Commission desks. It isn’t possible to come closer. And how to check whether they are engaged in illegal activities or not?

The Chairs of the Commission will be left alone with the election documents for 10 minutes every hour. Of course, to disinfect the space, or what were you thinking?

If the sick want to vote at home, they will come to them separately in enhanced protection. Based on an oral statement. Observers who want to go with the Commission will need to bring these protections with them, otherwise they will not be allowed.

All voters will have their temperature measured, if someone comes and is not quite healthy, they will be packed in a separate room until the ambulance arrives. But it seems to me that they will "pack" those who notice "inappropriateness" that prevent them from getting the necessary number of votes for the "Putin Constitution".
Yes, Mr. Putin, you are already celebrating your victory. Back in 2019, you were so sure of it that during the self-isolation regime you made a beautiful gesture- you postponed the vote because of coronavirus. And at the same time, like a good chess player, you made your move – you allowed electronic voting, which is uncontrolled by independent observers.

The "self-isolation regime" did not benefit the opposition. Its initiatives are blocked or silenced. We, citizens of Russian, have almost lost, but you have not yet given us checkmate, we also have moves in reserve.

And now it is up to each of us – will the last step into the dictatorship be made or Mr. President will understand that he does not belong in the Kremlin and he should go away from Russia with the stolen things and his entire gang as far as possible.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's remind Mr. Putin of the time when he still tried to fulfill the duties of the head of the country. Let us remind him of his annual statements about the inviolability of the Constitution and the need to comply with its provisions!


Let’s go, without fear of coronavirus, to fulfill our civic duty - to stop the tyrant from achieving his dream - to get absolute power over our money, life, and even the air we breathe.