An outbreak of famine has started in Russia

in #ru4 years ago

Russia is going about its normal routine: the main barin of the whole country is criticizing government officials for their passivity and sabotage, for stealing additional payments meant for doctors; the real estate market has collapsed – developers ran to the government for grants; "the commercial vehicle of Europe"- Volkswagen- fires people en masse from the factory in Kaluga, but all this messing around covers up the mass famine that has begun in the country.


This hasn't happened since the civil war! Even in the 90s, living was hard for people, but families did not starve. People are desperate to turn to anyone but the president, whose duty it is to protect and care for the people who chose him! For 20 years, Mr. Putin has been fed and given to drink, clothed, "shown to the world", treated and entertained at the expense of the people who are now starving. However, he had long since ceased to feel natural human feelings like gratitude or sympathy. Like a deep-water cold-blooded fish, he looks at what is happening indifferently and is not really interested in how many Russians are starving and where. The "monarch" does not care about such "little things". "Patricians" in power do not care how many "plebeians" remain alive, after all, it has always been like that: those who are alive will pay taxes for everyone, both for themselves and for the dead. Our future dictator is calm about his place on the throne: the army and police are fed and combat-ready, which means that everything is under control. The Romanovs could watch and lie to foreign media that there was no famine, and that it was a matter of everyday life when somewhere in the province some commoners were dying. From June 1, 2020, Mr. Putin will bring back the word "commoner" to official records, so get used to the appropriate "tsarist" attitude.

What is happening today?
If you type "people are starving in self-isolation" in a search engine or on YouTube, you will see hundreds of videos of those who describe their plight. These people still look plump, they smile and try to crack jokes. For now, let's be honest, it has not yet reached the point of hunger riots. In particular, because there are relatives who help their people, and volunteers who are ready to share food supplies even with strangers.

If you type "food sharing" - a free distribution of food, you will see thousands of current links, hundreds of groups on social networks.
Social networks are also filled with requests for help.
Dozens of groups appeared on VK and Facebook:фудшеринг&c%5Bsection%5D=communities
The most popular group is More than 65,000 people, 248 pages, about 5,000 direct appeals: "Feed!"
Who was first threatened with starvation?

Families with many children. They are already few in Russia, many of them have never asked for support from the state. There is no doubt that they are the most friendly and the most patient to any unfortunate situations. But if you take away the parents' jobs, it's like kicking a stool from under the feet of a doomed person – the agony will be short-lived.

There is an "open letter" resource, where it is possible to reach a particular politician or popular personality. However, the mechanism for communicating information to these people is unclear.

Here you can find dozens of letters to the popular TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, asking for help.голод-в-режиме-самоизоляции

Please note that the letters were written in early April.


And here is an example of a letter to the famous clown of the political scene- Mr. Zhirinovsky, with a request for financial assistance:нужна-помощь-во-время-пандемии


Mr. Malakhov, would you like to try yourself in the role of the saviour of the people? With your charm and connections, you will easily get the support of the people in the elections for your help in difficult times.

Mr. Zhirinovsky, you have been dreaming of becoming president for so many years. Today you have the opportunity to positively influence the lives of thousands of people, simply by using your connections and making the deputies from your faction work. Don't miss your chance! You will be able to push Putin bloodlessly only in this way- on the wave of assistance to the abandoned and starving!

While Mr. Malakhov and Zhirinovsky are thinking, members of large families are ready to do anything to save their children from starvation - first, working for food:

"We need food. A family with many children. We are 4 in the family, including my mother, I don’t have a father. I can't get a job. I'm 17. I’m ready to help with cleaning the house or washing things and walking dogs."


Many pensioners are not able to think critically in a situation that they are facing for the first time, finding someone who could provide real help. Their helpless requests on social networks resemble the meowing of an abandoned kitten: "Good afternoon, I am a pensioner, I really need food, I live in Shushary, please help if you can...."


Families who worked in small and medium-sized businesses. Many of them were paid from shadowy schemes. Many were not officially employed. We do not blame small and medium-sized business owners. They tried to survive based on the wolfish laws that government officials imposed on entrepreneurs, by sucking them dry. If the majority paid all the taxes they were supposed to, most businesses wouldn't last a year. Today, the situation for owners is "stable and difficult". But their former employees- car mechanics, salesmen, hotel and restaurant employees who were laid off upon their own request; without paying a single ruble of compensation- are in a frankly distressed situation.

Let alone if a person lived and worked without registration – this is equivalent to a slow suicide.


Have you read the diary of Tanya Savicheva from the siege of Leningrad? 9 pages in all.


Now read the lines from the food sharing group:

"Hello, I haven't eaten for two days because there is no work due to the situation in the world, I will accept any food as a gift. Krassnogvardeysky District."

"Hi, I haven't eaten for four days, as there is no work, I will accept any food as a gift. Tolyatti, Avtozavodsky City District."


Don't you think there's something in common? But we are not at war, and there are still shops full of food around! The "people's representatives" still want for nothing. For example, the budget allocated 150 million rubles for food and other important items for Mr. President, but for some reason he did not reduce his allowance by a penny…

Single mothers left with young children in their arms. Their life turned from drama to tragedy.

"Hello! Please help me with food. I am raising two children. My husband died." It's reassuring to know that there are people who can empathize and help.


Tanya Savicheva's diary was shown at the Nuremberg trials when Nazi criminals were tried.

A question: by whom, when and where will the president and his associates who sabotage their work to support the economy, and calmly watch as tens of thousands of people struggle to survive and get food for themselves and their loved ones be judged!?

We do not know about the Creator, but it’s worthless to rely on the Russian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch is ready to hold prayers "for the health of the Russian people", but is not ready to share even a ruble of his personal billions. He would rather once again go to Antarctica to the penguins for 20 million rubles, than give this money to the hungry.

We want to believe that a mass death from starvation and freezing to death in the winter due to the inability to pay for utilities is not awaiting Russia. I also want to believe that Mr. President is not so limited, and that he still has the sense to do something to prevent people who voted for him from taking to the streets holding their hungry children in front of them. The best way to sit on the throne is not to wait for mass hunger riots, and especially not to bring matters to the introduction of the National Guard and the use of firearms to suppress them.

So use your brain, Mr. Soon-to-be-a-dictator and finally find time to perform your regular duties!голод-в-режиме-самоизоляции