#RPGADay2018 Day 17

in #rpgaday20186 years ago

RPG-a-Day 2018 High Contrast.jpg

Day 17; Describe the best compliment you've had while gaming

Honestly I think any compliment I get is amazing and 'the best compliment'. I've had my players tell me they think I'm a great DM, I've had compliments from both my Monday and Wednesday night games that the world they're playing in (one I built from scratch myself specifically to roleplay in) is amazing and complex and beautiful and they love it.

When I play I keep getting told my characters are amazing. I tend to give them full back stories full of other characters and life, because that makes them more real to me and makes them easier to play on my end because I can pick up on their motivations more easily and use that to determine their actions. And with back stories, DM's can more easily tailor the campaign when they're trying to mess with my character's minds or reward them appropriately with something they'd enjoy rather than what I as a player want them to have.

And I honestly find all of that to be amazing. I've had self-esteem issues for years, never feeling like anything I do is good enough. So to hear unbiased people tell me that I'm doing stuff right and they love what I've created has been an amazing boost that's encouraged me to branch out and do other things and that's been great as well <3

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Appreciation of others makes us feel great, doesn't it? :) I'm glad to hear that it was a boost for you to do other things as well :)