UOW Deathsport rd 2: Abbigail Tries to Prepare:

in #roleplay6 years ago


A few hours later saw Abbigail, Kronin and Valora moved from whatever secret prison camp facility they had been kept at to the hotel they used for both the few rich North Koreans and those VIPS from outside the country. Each person had their own room, but for the moment, the three of them were in a bar in the hotel. Valora, was busily drinking tequila. Kronin for the moment, was drinking coffee. Abbigail sat at the bar, drinking nothing, eating nothing, keeping an eye on her two companions and still trying to deal with both the fact that she killed a person in cold blood and that she was likely going to die coming up. Valora walked over to her and sighed. “You need to eat something.” Abbigail turns and looks at Valora. “They use human feces as fertilizer.. And I don’t need to eat.. Abishag is going to kill me.. So I doubt lack of food is going to matter much.”

Valora sits down and nods. “Well with an attitude like that, yeah he will kill you.” Abbigail sighs. “He’s bigger, stronger and seems impervious to pain. Also, unlike me, he seems like he can kill without hesitation and he’s pissed one of his ‘brothers’ died last show. Just what the hell do you think I can do to cancel all that out?”

Valora said nothing and just reached down and rested her hand on Abbigail’s knee. She slowly moved the hand towards the side of the knee, resting it on one specific area before pulling her hand back, making a fist and striking, causing Abbigail to yelp in pain and fall to the ground, holding her knee Valora nodded. “Sciatic nerve.. It will hurt even Abishag for a few seconds, enough to give you an opening.. His neck, his throat. His nose.. You can’t toughen up those areas… his joints.. Knee, elbow, wrist, ankle, etc.. those are vulnerable and always will be. Yes he is bigger and stronger.. So you need to be faster. Also.. there’s a pool of sharks.. Knock his fuckin ass in and see if he can fight and kill sharks. I’d bet he can’t.”

Abbigail sighed and climbed back up to her seat, rubbing her knee and looked at Valora. “Right.. I’ll just superhero that shit. Run around like the Flash, hit him from all directions at once and knock him into the pool with my superhuman strength… oh wait.. I can’t do any of that.” Valora narrowed her eyes and grabbed Abbigail by the ear, yanking her out of the stool as she stood up as well and led Abbigail past a stunned Kronin, who watched the display with a raised eyebrow, She walked Abbigail out of the room and spun around, throwing Abbigail up against the wall and looked at her. “Alright. What’s your last name?” Abbigail narrowed her eyes. “Dresden.” Valora nodded. “Exactly. I know you can do more. I know you’re holding back who and what you actually are.” Abbigail nods. “Maybe.. And maybe it’s unfair for me to use these talents you think I have… especially here. How do you think the Emperor and his band of genetically inbred lackeys would react if Idid something spectacular and unexpected?”

Valora nods. “Well the Emperor might have other things to worry about. I think some of his allies are growing tired of him. Now.. you might have a bit of help. Part of my price in working for Anderson again was that Warhammer would ensure you live through the match. I want them to help you kill Abishag. They want Abishag dead anyways as his group is in the way of their plans. It’s a natural fit. That’s why I’m telling you to be fast. You might not have to be able to kill Abishag.. You just have to stay alive long enough for Warhammer to help you.” Valora said, her hands moving from a more aggressive stance to a more comforting one as she tried to inspire her younger protege.

Abbigail, for her part, looked up at Valora with tears in her eyes. “And I bet they threatened to kill me if you didn’t work for them. They view me as a weakness of yours.. Me dying is in their best interest.. So what happens when they don’t help me in the match?” Valora thought for a few seconds, weighing the options in her head as she looked around the narrow, richly decorated hallway of the hotel. Valora finally decided on honesty and nodded. “No, they didn’t threaten to kill you… Anderson threatened to activate whatever fuckin’ brainwashing might still be up in my head and make me kill you. If they don’t help you, I will. Then I’ll kill that crippled fuck Anderson, take his cane and shove it up Michael Vastrix’s asshole and burn down the whole fuckin’ operation that is Warhammer if I have to. I was given a few surprises in my meeting and I’ll have a chance to collect more before the show. But I’m being honest with you. I need you to be honest with me. At the stadium in Mt. Vernon.. I came across our locker room and someone had blasted the locker with a fireball or some shit…” Abbigail nods. “A trick you’ve used more than once..” Valora smirks. “Yeah.. but I need the right chemicals, a cloth and a lighter. Do you?”

This was the moment of truth. Valora stood right in front of Abbigail, her eyes locked on Abbigail’s eyes. Abbigail sighed and looked down for a few moments before nodding. “I know some But I’m.. not very good yet.. I have trouble controlling it at times.. Which is why I prefer not to use it.. Besides there are costs.. It works different for everyone depending on the type you’re using.. What you want to do.. And what you are. You know who my father is. You don’t know who my mother is.. If I use my gifts there will be costs and consequences.. It’s too risky.” Abbigail fell silent as she finished her comment, ending early before she went into too much detail. There it was.. She had admitted something she promised she would never reveal to anyone. Valora nodded. “I get costs and consequences.. You if you need to pull some fuckin’ voodoo shit to knock that fucker into the shark tank.. Then you pull some fuckin’ voodoo shit.. I’m not saying go all Dr. Strange on his ass..though I’ll say it’d be fuckin’ awesome if you did… I’m saying if you’re in trouble.. If you need an edge.. Take it. This is your life on the line here.. You gotta win.. Whatever the costs.. We’ll worry about that shit later… For now.. You need to focus on fuckin’ surviving.”

Abbigail rolled her eyes. “I don’t use voodoo, but I get your point. I’ll think about it..” Valora nods. “So.. what can you do.. Read minds and shit? Look into the future?” Abbigail sighed. “I can’t read minds.. That’s Telepathy.. I know a friend with that gift but I don’t have it myself.. If we ever get out of here alive, I’ll introduce you.. She might be able to help with whatever Warhammer did to you.” Valora smirked. “I like that idea.. She got a name?” Abbigail wiggled around and eventually broke free of Valora’s grasp before nodding. “Rosalyn. Rosalyn Crowley.” Valora frowned. “Sounds British.” Abbigail nodded a bit. Valora sighed and shook her head. “I hate the British.. Most of the ones I’ve met have been pompus, arrogant, elitist asses.” Abbigail tilted her head slightly to the side and raised an eyebrow. “I saw you on TV.. your big allies in RSW were Druscilla, Rob Riot and Father Nathan.. All three of who are either English or Irish living in Northern Ireland.” Valora nods. “My point exactly. Dru and Riot still have fuckin’ servants. They are the definition of elitists.” Abbigail smiled. “So… what happened? You seemed to have everything.. Rumor had it Riot had the hots for you.”

Valora scoffed. “Yeah… he liked me so much he disappeared and let his enemies beat my fuckin’ skull in week in and week out. I might despise Druscilla.. But at least the pompous bitch tried to get my back.I don’t know what happened. What I do know is that when I needed him, Riot wasn’t there. Then came the message.. I know it was likely one of Riot’s enemies.. But I got a notice that my contract was up and the company was not interested in renewing. I left Riot a message, waited for his call. It never came. Now I’m here… once again being asked to fight someone else’s fuckin’ war.. Once again not being paid nearly enough fuckin’ money to fight the god damn fuckin’ thing.. I used to be good at this shit… I’m getting soft in my old age…”

Abbigail laughed. “Or maybe you’re a better person than you thought.” Abbigail said, adding in a small smile. Valora wasted no time and shook her head. “No. I’m not.” Valora said before hugging Abbigail close. As she did so, Abbigail felt Valora slip something into her pocket. Valora whisper into her ear. “It’s a specialized injector.. Warhammer has all kinds of neat toys.. I mixed up something special for our friend Abishag.. Inject him with it and it should disorientate him, he’ll appear drunk.. I don’t know how long it will last, so when it kicks in, hit him hard and fast and do not, do not, do not show him any mercy.. If you fuckin’ hesitate like you did against porn star, he will break your fuckin’ back. I get it.. You don’t think Gabrielle deserved to die.. Trust me.. Abishag does The end justifies the means.. The end is you living another day.. Because if you fuckin; die on me I swear I will find a way to either bring you back from the dead and kill you or I will fuckin’ hunt your ass down in the afterlife and kick your ass.” Abbigail smiled a bit and hugged back as Valora finally released the hug, Abbigail looked at Valora and nodded. “Why? You seem to really care about me.. I mean you’ve never charged me for the training or anything…”

Valora smirks. “Survive the match.. Then we’ll talk. One more thing… box his ears..” Abbigail blinked in confusion. Valora turned and her hands moved out stopping just short of Abbigail’s ears on each side of her ears. “Hit both his ears hard and fast.. At the same time.. Your ears are key for balance.. A quick, sudden shock to them will disorientate a person for a few seconds.. Make them struggle to keep their balance.. Which then makes it easier for you to knock him down… or say.. Knock him off the platform and into the shark infested tank below.” Abbigail nods. “Any tips for me if I get knocked into the tank?” Valora nods. “Yeah.. your instinct will tell you to swim hard and fast… ignore it.. Stay fuckin’ still. Sharks don’t hunt with their eyes.. They’re basically blind.. They hunt by sound.. Splashing and thrashing in the water.. And blood.. Now if the North Koreans add blood and food to the water before the match.. Forget what I said and haul ass and hope you’re faster than the sharks.. But in clear water.. Float, try to blend in and make as little noise and such as possible.” Abbigail smirks. “Not reassuring.” Valora shrugged. “Then here’s a better plan… make sure you don’t get knocked in.”

Abbigail rolled her eyes at that and turned to head back to her room. She felt a bit better, and was definitely curious about a few things.. But she was still 100% sure she was going to die and that thought is what brought her here.. To the point where she needed to be alone, so she could prepare. One regret.. Her last few days on this Earth were going to be spent in North Korea. Not the best place to spend your final days.. As she got to her room and opened the door, she walked in and closed the door behind her, letting out a long sigh as she made her way to the bed and plopped down. Here, alone in her room, she could face the truth.. Here she could be what she really was and feel what she really felt. Here she could admit the truth. The truth was she knew she was going to die… and the thought terrified her.

It wasn’t that she did not appreciate the help Valora had offered. But let’s face it.. Valora and Abbigail had faced Abishag before.. Abishag had nearly broken Abbigail’s back in that match. Abbigail had lost to a damn porn star.. Maybe if Abbigail had some more experience and training under her belt she might have had a chance but right now.. The only way Abbigail saw herself surviving was if someone got involved and helped her. But then that wouldn’t mean that Abbigail had defeated Abishag.. It would mean that Abbigail needed help to win. Abbigail did find herself wondering why she cared about that.. I mean as long as she lived.. That was what was important, right? It certainly seemed to be the mindset Valora followed. Maybe that outlook would help Abbigail too.. There was only one way to find out.. Follow the plan Valora had given her.. Try to survive and.. See what happens...