Anime review: "Rizelmine" (AVERAGE)

in #rizelmine7 years ago

Series in one sentence:
A boy has to bang a stranger or else she'll stay a midget.

Series in more sentences:
A scientifically engineered girl moves into the home of a boy as ordered by the state, who must fall for her, so that the experience of love will help her physically grow up. The problem is that he only falls for older women and is not eager to marry someone he just met. Who is 12 years old.


A series I watched years and years ago. I'm almost afraid to review it, as I remember it vaguely. I understood little of the plot and my young age might've been the reason for that, though it's difficult to say at this point.

I never understood what the series meant when it talked about this girl "needing love in order to grow", and it all just sounded weird to me. I still don't get why Rizel was made to begin with. What's her purpose, and why did this laboratory make her tears explosive? She seems like a dangerous, if not random creation.
Maybe it all made more sense than I remember it to be, but I don't care much for revisiting this show. I have enough other things to watch, so please, do give this a try if the overall story appeals to you.

It does have a fairly good intro, I find that rare for an anime. No offense, but I'm tired of all these Japanese pop songs that sound alike, it doesn't give the anime a distinctive opening.
Rizelmine did this well, the intro is what stayed with me for all these years.


So how ling ago it was you it?

It must've been 12 or 14 years ago now.