News from the Ukrainian frontlines.
In case you missed the headlines on your corporation provided feed on your corporation made flashylight box, there is an active war going on in the Ukraine.
The Donetsk People's Republic has declared themselves sovereign.
Tptb don't like folks declaring themselves the boss of themselves, ergo, they bomb innocence until the good in people causes them to stop resisting.
They would gladly bomb only military targets, but people don't have military targets, they have homes.
Rise up, while you still can.
If nothing else, help @patricklancaster with his cause by donating to his cause.
Thank you so much for your support @freebornangel. I have been trying for 4 years to show the world what is really happening here and what the local population wants but it is so hard to reach people when the MSM is just pumping them with lies. I will never stop I will keep pushing.

Hello to all @freebornangel followers. I am independent Journalist that has been reporting on the Ukraine War, in anti Kiev- "Rebel" DPR/LPR territory for last almost 4 years( no other Western Journalist has been reporting here as long as me).
I have just been on Steemit for 4 weeks. I am loving it so far. I am happy to be the first (as far as I can tell) independent War correspondent on Steemit and Dtube. Steemit seems like a great platform with alot of potential to help spread the word on the what is really happening in the Ukraine War & show the War crimes that have been happening in Donbass. The idea of people really help others with upvotes is amazing. I am happy to bring the breaking news on the Ukraine War to the community. I just need to get a following so any help you all could give me to spread my reports I would appreciate. The world needs to see what is happening in the Ukraine War.Thanks
If you don't self vote it will count in your favor with a lot of established folks here.
Getting an audience is about building connections, comment and vote more people.
What those that rule by force are doing to innocent people is horrible.
Thank you for your work.
Thanks for the tip. I am very open to learn here
I wonder if the powers that be will ever learn that 'Bombing people into liking you' Doesn't work. I hope the Ukraine find peace soon.
Nah, killing people that dissent's grandmothers works much better.
Amazing and well written, Thanks for sharing @freebornangel
Thank you for your kind words.
There has been war for long time already, it’s just that everyone got used to it.
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
Here is something written by some anarchist friends of mine in this area detailing the different factions and how both the USA and Russia are causing this mess trying to further their own elites interests. The people of Ukraine, like always, are in the middle broken into different factions being stirred up by nationalism and racism. Same story different place, right?
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
If we could introduce that concept to a broader audience perhaps we can bring all this to a civil discourse.
If one's ideas are so good that it takes men with guns to get them adopted, there is a problem with one's ideas, imo.
Glad you are here, i hope you get some traction.
Once again superb, thank you for the information, I will take it all in after I cook lunch.
I moved to Poland from England, and have seen what is going on in the Ukraine, I just have no idea who and why?
Could you enlighten me please, I hope you stay safe, and you get some freedom, stay AWESOME!
My family are from Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine and fled during the holodomor to the USA so I follow this more then most people in the USA. My great great grandfather was part of the Makhnovist anarchist movement way back when. Family has been taught to be anarchists generation after generation but back to the story here. Ukraine was given some "democracy" via NATO by rigging an election and installing a pro NATO neo-nazi president and government. This caused a lot of old wounds to open and Ukraine split into a few factions. The area where this fighting is happening is on the border with Russia where the people would like to have friendly relations with Russia and/or be part of Russia. There are mostly ethnic Russians living in this area and Ukranian neo-nazi factions have been armed and funded by the USA to do this. John McCain and the Podestas are big supporter of the neo-nazi militias who most likely did this shooting.
I got to read those earlier, I was wondering how the Mahknovists had fared after Voline's account of them.
I guess the people are pretty much as divided as they are here.
They don't have the knowledge to make more rational decisions.
And who doesn't want to rule the world by force?
'If only they would,....'
Rule by force is the first lesson we learn in life
'Do as you are told, or else!'.
It is continually reinforced through life, 'You can't fight city hall.'
'I'm the boss here.'
Why folks buy into this is all information, or lack thereof, based.
If they knew better we wouldn't have these problems., imo.
I'm guessing that will have to come through video, at this point, nobody likes to read, anymore.
If you are making videos, perhaps you should invest the time in this book:
The Crowd by Gustave LeBon
Affirmation, repetition, contagion.
I'm gonna put up a post later on @freebornsociety, perhaps you would like to produce some of the video ideas in it?
I've had The Crowd on my reading list for quite awhile, since I respect your opinion I'm gonna move it to next. It's like a Bernays - Propaganda type book about controlling people, correct? I'm reading Derrick Jensen - Endgame right now, heard of it? Honestly if I didn't run into you on here I would have probably not become active. It seems to be infested with these yellow/black capitalists self proclaimed voluntaryists who are stealing symbols and reputation of real anarchists to drive their ideology. I've made it my mission to at least try to counter that with some videos and stuff promoting actual anarchism and it's history. Right now seems like the perfect time to expand the movement with all the disgust and anger at "the system". People just don't run into anarchist theory anymore. It used to spread inside trade unions but Democrats destroyed and co-opted them so you will not find it there anymore. I was in the IAMAW (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) and used to print pamphlets and try to discuss anarchism with fellow workers. I was labelled a "nut-job". I was working for TWA the airline and when they offered to give us "employee stock" instead of our wage increases in our contract I was one of a few people at meetings arguing against agreeing to this. Months later after we received our stocks it was revealed Carl Icahn who had purchased control had screwed the company over by selling all the airport gate leases and was selling discounted tickets on the side and the stock was worthless. I went to sell my stocks and received $82 after fees. Even after this people refused to listen or fight. Shortly after most of us were laid off and the airline was out of business and what was left was sold to United Airlines.
Yes, the crowd will help you influence folks more efficiently, imo.
I have heard of Derick Jensen, I think I tried to sign up to his forum, but they had a bunch of rules to follow, so I called bs and moved on.
I try to avoid any authors from after about 1935.
Up to that point they weren't as controlled by the forces of crapitalism, imo.
Any modern 'anarchists' that are allowed to receive coverage in the press have sold their souls, near as I can tell.
As for the yellow and black, I see some big 'anarchist' names getting blown up as shills once their misdirection is more commonly known.
I had to stop following Larken, and a couple of others, because i was starting to troll them.
Not much you can do to change the beliefs of a true belieber, and honestly, before I read the old books, I made their same arguments.
I'm glad you are here now to be a resource that I can point folks toward.
Not many people reading now days, they all want video.
I got that post up.
I don't know what station I can get them run on, but they sure would hit hard with the message.
Hmm, found this today,...
Here is my collection of about 30 books on the Makhnovists in english. About half are written by Makhno and the other half about the Makhnovists by others.
I'll have to pick that up when I get something to keep it on.
I may have time to read it shortly. and (makhnos writings only) all have books you can read online without downloading. I used to use them all the time before i became a homebum. is the best source for downloading books.
Ok, I will keep that in mind.
I guess you know about the anarchist library and
Yes, the crowd will help you influence folks more efficiently, imo.
I have heard of Derick Jensen, I think I tried to sign up to his forum, but they had a bunch of rules to follow, so I called bs and moved on.
I try to avoid any authors from after about 1935.
Up to that point they weren't as controlled by the forces of crapitalism, imo.
Any modern 'anarchists' that are allowed to receive coverage in the press have sold their souls, near as I can tell.
As for the yellow and black, I see some big 'anarchist' names getting blown up as shills once their misdirection is more commonly known.
I had to stop following Larken, and a couple of others, because i was starting to troll them.
Not much you can do to change the beliefs of a true belieber, and honestly, before I read the old books, I made their same arguments.
I'm glad you are here now to be a resource that I can point folks toward.
Not many people reading now days, they all want video.
I got that post up.
I don't know what station I can get them run on, but they sure would hit hard with the message.
Lewis Mumford=Derrick Jensen before 1934. The whole Derrick Jensen thing online went crazy because the women in his deep green resistance group were having some "women only" talks about rape and a trans woman wanted to come but the women felt threatened and didnt want her there. some say she came to start trouble because there was already contreversy because of something they wrote that was offensive to trans ppl and some trans kids had started trashing their books at anarchist book fairs. so instead of just getting involved in another similar group like ELF earth liberation front and letting jensen and his people continue doing their work which is good work they decided to start a war between "anarchists" over it. i read jensen for insight into the destruction caused by civilization not to learn about trans ppl ya know what i mean? so then the war went into online too and thats im guessing why they became anal online... does every group need to include every person? im not sure about that. especially when your doing sabotage and shit and its known that fbi were infiltrating those type of ALF/ELF groups. activist group drama is like the thing i hate the most in the world. it makes me prefer to work alone.
Yes, any group of more than a couple dozen has it's imposters.
It's not so much actual agents, but those that break under threats from them.
Poppy bush got elected with a war room of 30 people.
And, he may be responsible for the deaths of 100m people.
I was starting to get traction with my society, I had a dozen girls painting ceramics in my living room, when I got raided.
Rats that hated that I was making life look sooo easy.
Life has been harder since then, but it's looking up now, what with all this internet money I'm getting,...
If you read Voline's account you know what happened. Short story=The Bolsheviks killed and jailed them all. The ones who escaped fled all over the world. It destroyed the whole movement and Anarchism in Ukraine has never recovered to this day. Bolsheviks are more skilled at destroying anarchist movements than capitalists and their militaries. I cringe when I see anarchists calling for solidarity with communists/leninists/stalinists/bolsheviks. It's my main motivation for trying to spread books/documentaries about anarchist history. Almost every single place anarchists had success it was Bolsheviks who helped or single handedly destroyed it. Free Ukraine, Catalonia, Hungary, etc. Leninism/Bolshevikism is ideology designed to seize power and Anarchism is designed to destroy power. While temporarily working together may seem to be a good idea at times the Bolsheviks will always attempt to weaken anarchists during this time and attack when weakened. We don't have that killer instinct inside us.
Bad people always have the advantage over the good, because the good don't like to strike first, but the bad get their jollies that way.
I'm glad to meet up with you, it has been a long lonely sojourn to this point.
Here is a story detailing the lead up to all of this...
Superb thank you, I will read both, I am hoping for the best, and wishing freedom to these people, enough of war already, half of the world has been blown to small pieces by faceless men in suits who hide behind desks and votes.
I'm, currently, on the great plains of the united snakes, you'll have to ask @patricklancaster for his specific data, but generally, there is lots of profit in blowing stuff up, and it's 'fun' to be evil.
Unfortunately so, I heard George Soros had a big hand in this whole mess, I have added Patrick up to my follow list, and your good self. thank you.
this one bites into me deeply
Power him up some steem?
Thanks a lot for sharing news feed..
Carry on your activity...