
no sorry pal xrp is not a token that no one really wants, thats almost ridiculous to say. It saves banks and payment processors 60% using XRP instead of JUST ripplenet which can save up to 30% or so.

Considering banks are in business to make money, saving is another form of making. Try reading a little more before you make statements that clearly define you've not read enough

youre heavily misinformed...banks will not be trading XRP between each other regardless of what youre reading .... just because something is written on the internet doesnt make it true.... they are licensing their technology, not selling xrp...

You need to read up on Nostro/Vostro accounts to understand why the banks are salivating over the use of XRP over Ripplenet with XRAPID

Did you just say XRP isn't wanted? LOL, go do research before posting nonsense.