Second chance to WIN with Ripple
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Smile and be free, it's simple, don't judge my self.
Intent is mechanical while natural flows free.....

Thanks for the info!
I have been doing a similar thing. Glad to hear I am not off my chump with my thinking!
@craig-grant You inspired me to pick up some ripple. I have been waiting for a dip and talking myself out of it the whole way down. If I lose I'll just blame you. J/K You make it perfectly clear. "The moment you get serious with your done, your done, ha ha ha" -craig -grant. Your videos are very entertaining. Keep up the good work
About to buy about 30-40 bucks worth of bitcoin to ripple. I feel the vibes. I'm not usually a day or even weekly trader so I figure I will sit on it till' your vision of its practicality raises it to a profit. BANG!
More down....but just sit back at wait for the bump....may be tomorrow...may be next year...but I'm going to wait.