Why is Ripple (XRP) crashing so hard?

in #ripple8 years ago

Ripple's price is falling and it's "crashing" due to the price stabilizing. The major challenges for Ripple and its product, XRP, will be pretty much overcoming any government and competition obstacles, making sure the banks AND the investors are calm and constantly updating the company and its products while not making any major mistakes. I think XRP is a safe longterm bet, but I really do mean LONGterm!

▶▶▶ Ripple is different than XRP, I mean it's basically a company vs its product / cryptocurrency, so keep that in mind

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Ripple is hated by so many people all the time. Nevertheless, it is one of few coins that has a real use case and very little competition. It is very foolish of people to think that banks will disappear and everything will be ruled by btc or other cryptos in the near future. XRP is a win-win situation not only for the banks but most importantly for consumers. I have been sending money regularly from USA to Europe over the past ten years always costing me more than 10USD and taking 5 to 8 days to deliver. Majority of the people involved in crypto could at least agree on the fact that it takes them 4 to 6 days to send funds to exchanges in order to buy the cryptocurrency of their choice and again costing them quite a bit of money. So what is so terrible about XRP that people talk so much shit about it? Don't you want your bank to send your money instantly for a fraction of the cost? And yes, majority of us are using banks and bank accounts to receive our salaries, pay our bills and do our shopping and I can guarantee you that this is not going away any-time soon. That is just my humble opinion. Have a great night everyone and steem on!

Once Bitcoin has large blocks a la Bitcoin Cash hard fork, there won't be any need for ripple.

Ojalá y eso pase rápido

I agree with @czechglobalhosts, you have explained it very clearly. Considering the fact that so many banks have already invested in Ripple, it makes it harder than other cryptos to crash.

Ripple Ripple Ripple XRP - is where it is at. $0.30 by Jan. and $1.00 next year. The lockup will really boost it as well. Very stable and well supported coin with a tremendous employee base of experienced and knowledgeable people. Yes, it is not the ideal as it is heavily tied to the establishment, however I believe it will be one of the coins that lasts when the dust settles and 75% of the current crypto-coins are extinct. #ripplexrp wallet: rPVMhWBsfF9iMXYj3aAzJVkPDTFNSyWdKy Tag: 1317751799

haha love your picture at the end of your post though @avilsd!

;) hey hey mr millionaire

#shitcoin on the way out in my opinion... Time will tell.

Agreed. XRP is disliked by the bitcoin community. Banks will not use it either, but instead develop their own solutions.

It was good while it lasted but Im out of it :P However it's definitely still a very good coin for the long haul, you just need to be prepared with the short prices for a while!

Está bien cabrona tu información Muchas gracias ;)

i disagree with your video no real evidence or news its just talk, all altcoins​ in bubbles so why you picking on ripple

Hey @azadhaso what do you disagree with? You said @avilsd didn't provide any evidence but you havn't really clearly stated what you disagree with or why?

I hold some ripple but the main criticism I hear is there's way too much out there and the creators hold too much. I honestly don't know that much about it personally, I just kind of jumped on the band wagon and don't wanna be not holding it if it goes up.

great content! and thanks again for following!

I hold a couple thousand Ripple although doubt I'll be getting in much heavier.

I'm honestly not that knowledgeable about it but the main criticism I hear is there is way too much out there and the creators hold way too much, not sure if it's true but I've heard upwards of 50%.

More like 20%

It's a controlled entity by the big financial institutions : which reads "We make it go up and we also make it go down!".

It's a bankster coin, used by the banks and I believe backed by the US dollar, which is crashing right now.