When Will The People Realize, That It’s In Our Hands The Power Lies?


For centuries they’ve blinded all of us with their big web of lies.
Selling their facade and fooling people with this big disguise.
So we never realize;
In our hands the power lies.
When will the people finally awake and open up their eyes?
And cast all of their fears and petty differences aside?
On that day, united, humanity will finally rise.
When We the People realize;
That it’s in our hands the power lies.

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The only thing that stands between We the People and our freedom, true lasting peace on earth, and a more just world for all of us, is this: the simple realization that the true power lies not with those who seek to control us and profit off of our inequality, suffering and perpetual war, but rather in our hands and within each of us; all we must to do become empowered is to recognize that power and then act.


Just four words can change the entire world, probably the four most terrifying words to governments, religious institutions, and mega-corporations: Power to the People. These four words, when realized and acted upon, threaten the very existence of all governments, imperialism, organized religious institutions, and the corporate stranglehold on the global economy. AT the same time these four words are the key to setting humanity free. Free from the fear, greed, and division which has kept the bulk of humanity enslaved to elite governing classes and institutions for countless centuries, under various names and through countless different forms of tyranny.


Power to the People. We have the power, we’ve always had the power, and we always will. The only questions is, when will we realize our true power, and choose to actually use it to set humanity free? May we soon come to realize, that it’s in our hands the power lies. Awake humanity! The power structures of society have held us in bondage for long enough. Now it is finally our time to rise!

For a number of simple, practical ways to begin empowering ourselves and affecting positive change in our world, see my in-depth post on the subject - Everybody Wants to Change the World, But So Few Are Willing to Change Themselves.