Cannibe oil

in #rheumatism9 years ago

After 5 nights not sleeping well because the pain I have from having rheumatism I finally have found the right medicine for it.

I have rheumatism for 21 years. I have it on 2 places at my back. Sometimes the pain is killing me. I got medicine for it but that does not work anymore. A few days ago I found at the internet cannibe oil. I all ready heard good things about it. But because it is expensive I did not buy it.
But because of the pain I could not walk so i decided to buy cannibe oil. It works for many diseases. So I bought it. After I tried it a day or two I could walk a litlle bit better en the pain was almost gone.

Good bye medicine from the dokter and hello cannibe oil.


If elected president, I promise to always inhale!

Hahaha I like to see that

yes rheumatism is incredibly painfull. i suffer from inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis in joints. especially wrists, ankles, knees, shoulders and spine. i dont know how i would have coped without the help of cannabis. i also get relief from lavender oil, in the bath or rubbed on the joints. positive thinking and music healing help too. :-)

I tried so many things. Positive thinking and music helps but only for a while. And this help me true the day.
I am glad to read that I am not the only one and cannabis helps you.
But have you tried the cannabis oil?