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RE: Anonymous- Warning about RFID Micro chips! Must see!!

in #rfid8 years ago

Whether we take the chip or not, we are looking at a grim future. The chip will be the death of humanity. We better start learning to grow food, hunt food, barter goods, and learn defense. Life should be getting easier with all our technology. It's a shame that a few evil humans can use it to destroy us. The powers that be want every human as a slave. To work us to death to fulfill their desires. We have walked into their trap, we do everything they tell us. Who barters anymore? No one. You use either their money or their cards. You/I deserve what we get. Maybe we should have not followed the system so willingly. I don't see a way out. I hate saying that. Tough times are coming. Even if you believe the christian faith, it says the end times will kill most of the world population. So, live every day like it's the last. Good luck to us all!