WANT TO EARN SBD? Get Paid To Interact With This Blog

in #rewards8 years ago (edited)

From now on, 20% of all earnings on this blog will go back to you-- the ones who actually engage with me and others who have read any of my content.


Since the last hardfork, things have changed a lot. Engagement has taken a hit, and the few decent comments I do get seem to be hidden amidst a ton of spam.

To be completely honest, I am losing the desire to create content while it seems that so few people are even viewing it, so I have come up with an idea that I hope will bring some more attention to my blog and the message I am promoting.

To encourage attention and engagement on my blog, I have decided that from this post going forward, 20% of all earnings made on every one of my posts will go back to those who interacted with my content. This applies to each and every future post of mine-- unless it clearly states otherwise in the post.

The rewards will be paid as follows;

10% of the payout(20% of the SBD) will go the best comment on every post.

10% of the payout(20% of the SBD) will go to one random person who resteemed that particular post.

I am currently working on a method to prove that it is a random resteemer selected each time to receive 10%, but when it comes to the comments, I don't trust voter abuse and so it will always be my subjective opinion. I may choose the most insightful comment, or I may just choose the funniest one. I may even choose a troll if their comment makes me laugh and there's nothing better to reward.

I am curious to see how this change will effect my blog, and if it works, it may be a good way for others to encourage engagement on their own steemit blogs.

This change is now in effect, so I encourage you to resteem this post to spread the word. You or one of your followers may just earn something from it.

I hope to be engaging with many of you soon-


I do highly appreciate your effort to engage the audience @son-of-satire. I hope you will succeed, but even if you don't, it will be a useful info of reaction to — in essence — rewarding better curation work.

That's the best way to look at it I think. Thanks for your comment!

Also, I will probably do a follow up post on how this went in a few weeks, so we will see if it was beneficial at all at the point.

There once was a noble man...a humble man who came to be known as King Son-of-Satire. In his humble beginnings he stumbled upon a large sword embedded in stone deep within the Steemit forest. Many before him tried but could not remove the sword.

However, the Steem was strong with young Son-of-Satire and he removed the glimmering blade from it's stone confines...fulfilling a prophecy that made him King. The people of Steemit rejoiced as the newly crowned King showered them with gifts of Steem and SBDs.

Most took only what they needed but from the shadows crept out those looking to take advantage of King Son-of-Satire's generosity...willing to trample on the weak to get what they want.

Wise as always, King Son-of-Satire already knew the sword he drew from the stone was double-edged. The king reared his mighty sword and struck down the greedy with a well-worded comment. The majority then knew to retreat back to the shadows but a few persisted. The King had no choice other than to strike them down with the ferocity of his feared flag.

The kingdom lived happily ever after as the remaining spammers and scammers fled for the hills in shame!

Lol. Well that wasn't half-creative. You have me thinking about my novel now. How can I make an allegorical reference to the #waronspam ? lol.

I'll figure it out..

The land of Steemit had fallen on hard times. There were mass spamming's everywhere. Agoras, gladiator arenas, markets, crop fields, riversides ...nowhere was safe.

Legislators sought to ban automatic spamming, but they failed to realize the spam being used was only semi-automatic and was not technically classified as 'assault' spam like they loved to spew far and wide to brainwash the clueless peasants.

The kingdom became divided as they all regurgitated talking points from the daily headlines to each other. When intelligently questioned why they were for or against spam it seems neither side could conjure a logical response.

People shouted hateful things from the rooftops because others did not like their canned meat. They screamed until their faces were red with angst and their voting power was drained. They rested for a few days until continuing the pro-spam protests within the kingdom walls.


The Libertarian Steemians are still living happily in their own community in the woods

The PS part of your post indeed.

It is a creative approach to a challenging problem. Interaction with readers is one of the most important and valuable aspects that Steemit possesses. Without discussion, both pro and con, posts are just pages in a diary. I hope this works out. If not, don't give up. Adapt, overcome, and conquer. There are still many people on the platform, you and I included, that work hard to provide thoughtful insights and consistently respond to readers comments.

Never. Stop. Engaging! It makes society better.

I'm with you 100%

I'm also currently developing a debate project which will encourage even more engagement within the community.

I decided to write You because your post really touched me (I don't mean earn for the comments here...no!) The key phrase from Your post: "to be completely honest, I lose the desire to create content, and it seems that so few people even watch it..." . The last two days exactly the same thought never leaves me. I am struggling to find a way to change that. To bring anything new. If even such a respected and popular person like You has less views than before. Then, compared to You, it turns out that I have a very bad case. Your attempt may not be successful! Anyway, I sincerely wish You this. Maybe it's the crisis of the genre :). (I'm trying to justify myself :)), but when there are five comments and two of them are spam or begging, then I want to drop everything and leave. I from the first day on steemit was Your follower and really want to change for the better. Only forward and only success!!! Thank you and resteem.

Yes I think we are all feeling it. Other than those who have guaranteed whale votes coming on every post, but they're always going to do fine regardless.

Your words have really made my day, so I thank you a lot for that. Perhaps there are still those out there who pay attention.

The most important thing is that for some people Your experimental idea may have seemed easy prey or attack You spammers. Time will tell! This needs to be spread in chat rooms and elsewhere. (God , how bad - do not know the language)

I understood just fine. Don't worry. And yes, I will try to promote it a little before I do my next post, just so that it will be a good test of what difference this might make.

@son-of-satire I just found your page as a result of a resteem and this post resonated with me. I'll stick around to see what you come up with on your blog. ☺

Stumbled across your post while I was searching for tutorials. It's too bad that spammers are inundating Steemit. I just joined about a month ago and I've been enjoying Steemit so far. Will check out your other posts and try to be active to help prove your random resteemer method.

I suppose without the memory of what it was like with next to no spam at all, the current state of Steemit is probably not as hard to stomach for newcomers. But if you are enjoying yourself then that's all that matters. Maybe I am just being a bit of a girl, but someone has to or the silence will be interpreted as permission for them to keep doing it.

Loving your posts @son-of-satire. Saw them in my feed resteemed by @tonyr and just followed you. I try not to follow too many people as the feed becomes too overwhelming to keep up with and frankly, I have better shit to do. Tell it like it is brother. I wrote about Steemit's originality in my second ever blog post from just a few weeks back (as I am just a wee minnow). I jumped over here because I want to inspire and empower people and Facebook was killing me with its drivel. But I am beginning to think Steemit wants to be the next Facebook when I see what is trending and making money. It seems like being a whale ensures you just keep making money whether it is "earned" or not. A lot of people are just posting content here they posted somewhere else first ("Internet celebrities" whose names I shall not utter). Others with SP post a stock photo and a few paragraphs about cryptocurrency or the blockchain and make tons of money. I was skeptical of social media anyway. Would really just love to meet some of you cool Steemians in person. F#*k people who are only in it for the money. Their empty lives will haunt them on their deathbed, because unless I am mistaken, you can't take it with you anyway. The only thing that is real is who we are. Full stop. Give your Steem to people who really need it: find some worthy minnows or cash in some Steem and start a cool community project. Much ❤️!

Pretty much my sentiments to be fair. I like the idea of succeeding together, because I don't think some people doing great and more people doing shite amounts to success in my book. Especially not when a lot of the most original content is coming from those who are making pennies.

I keep hearing the word wee today. Are you from Scotland?

No, from the US, haha. Just like the word. Yes, success to me is when everyone does well. If Steemit cannot keep getting people on the platform to create and curate content, won't it ultimately fail and Steem go into the crapper? Then how will the Whales fare then? Just wondering because I have been noticing a lot of discontent on here. I did not expect to get rich, but I think a lot of people would like to feel like their work was valued in some way (and that for most people is not money but reader engagement and appreciation). People just want to be heard.

How to quantify engagement? If anything, I would guess that there is more commenting activity since HF19, but a lot of them being two or three word responses.

But readership and upvoting does seem to have dropped off rather dramatically. At least for the drivel I post. 😅

Yes, you're correct. My vocabulary is clearly insufficient for what I was attempting to say. But, it sounds like you know exactly what I'm talking about anyway..

I wish you success, but are you sure monetary motivation will attract the right people and not the opposite? (I don't pretend to the reward, just interested).

No, you're right. I know it will attract a lot of the wrong types. But, I thought about it, and if those "wrong types" go on to resteem the post and it finds the right kind, I call that win. Will have to see how it goes though.

I totally perplexed when people say things have gone down for them after hardfork 19

Here are some rough average figures for my posts - prior to the hardfork I was averaging about $4 a post. Since the hardfork more than $40. Votes are about the same, but now the people voting for me actually have some money. Yes views have dropped, but not that much.

For example one of the last posts I did before the hardfork got 200 views and paid $3. That was fairly typical.

A post I did last week got 100 views (so halved) but it paid $70 ( so 23 times as much). Comments have remained similar, and I'm getting very little spam. The only reason I'm not posting more is because it takes me hours to do a post and I haven't got enough time. I have got 260 post ideas noted down though!

Well I think you may be the exception. Most people I speak to are feeling it too.

One of my main motivations for posting is that I have a message I would like to share with the world. As you say, page views have dropped significantly since the last hardfork, in spite of their being a lot of new people.

I don't know if this is because no one cares about reading anymore and are just in it for a buck, or if it is that homefeeds have become so overwhelming that not even my followers are able to find my work amidst the work of the other 100's of people they follows. I follow less than 250 and I can't even nearly keep up, forcing me to actively type in the address of those whose work I would like to check up on.

But yes, it is the lack or viewership that I am most bothered by. I would love to make good money too, but I think I accepted a long time ago that I will never make a ton on this account, as too many fuckers with all the influence think I'm a cunt for calling them cunts. Lol.

I'm glad it is going well for you though. And I too have a massive list of articles I want to write at some point. Most of them came to me when I was high though, and I written them down shorthand, so have no idea what the fuck they even mean lol

I think I've always had bugger all people reading anything I posted - used to be I got 100 votes but only 20 actual views.

So I just post stuff for myself and if it gets 10x the payout I'm happy.

But I do always check wallet sizes before calling anyone a cunt :)

I've noticed that half the cunts on Steemit make indignant squeeking noises about "piracy" so it was great to see you mention it.

I seem to be the go to source for movies software and TV for everyone I know so I download about 200gb of "illegal "stuff a month . But when people spazz out about copying and pasting an image, I usually don't mention my hobby of piracy