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RE: This Revolution Is Non-Ideological

in #revolution6 years ago

I tend to lean left too, and always vote independent left. The left parties sicken me to be honest and the next best thing is the independents, at least they are free to make whatever alliances they choose.

The last general election was the first time the person I voted for got in, I couldn't believe it. An ex girlfriend of mine actually works for her, Ireland is a small country!

However I'm under no illusions about the effectiveness of mainstream politicians to affect the kind of change you're talking about, fundamental systematic change. In Ireland right now this isn't going to happen and there's no appetite for it. The ruling party right now is completely beholden to the status quo. And one of the reasons I do vote independent is to try and break up that power, to decentralise it a little. Still, we're moving nowhere fast.

On the topic of the end of ideology, you know I've always thought of that as a cop out for neo-liberalism to justify the new "normal", similar to the end of history claim. However thinking about it in the context you talk about it makes more sense. I once read about these pan-anarchist groups where anarchists of all stripes try to do work together, I like the sound of that.

Even though I'm a little left I try to stay in the centre. I think these days it's the place to be. Building bridges instead of ravines.