@reviewme - Permieemmy - Go on, I dare you. And thank you, of course.

in #reviewme7 years ago

@ReviewMe! I'm @permieemmy ≧◠‿◠≦✌



About Me:

I'm new around here and I'm trying to gain some kind of self-empowerment through sharing my experiences out in the world. I brand myself as a social permaculturalist - a systems thinker that goes beyond the soil constructs and regenerative agriculture to work out how we can use those natural patterns to create self-perpetuating, self-sustainable communities. I want to tackle the injustice we feel in the world, the loneliness, the anxiety. I want people to know that there are others out there who want to boost them, give them a leg up, who see and acknowledge their suffering and would like to somehow find the tools between us to work with that and tackle it. Most of all, I want people to know that if we put our heads together, we can really find solutions.

I bounce from town to town. I find my heroes on the backside of newspapers that once held fish and chips. I find my sanctity in the oddest of communities, huddling outside 7Elevens and shining the shoes of others just to make a dime. I'm not looking for pity, just honest and authentic conversation. It makes my life look alluring, wonderful, frivolous. That's my own form of suffering; exploring to try and find a home. I'm hoping I can find it here a little; that's why I joined Steemit. I'll be honest, so far so good. And know the door to this little virtual home I've found here is always open.


Currently I'm in Bangkok and I'd love to chat to anyone who shares the same vision as me, or an alternate one we can discuss over a few beers. I'll soon be in Spain and the same again.

Contact Info:

You can grab me on Facebook: @permieemmy


ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっPlease review your experience interacting with me on steemit.com!

To #reviewme,

1. Copy the text next to the stars exactly as shown for the number of stars you want to give me!
2. Write your feedback/review about me in the comments below. Help earn a thousand stars! (^.^)/"
Note: Quality reviews can help others learn more about @kaliju and in return, earn upvotes.

one star ![one cred star](http://bit.ly/1credstar)
two star ![2 cred stars](http://bit.ly/twocredstars)
three star ![3 cred stars](http://bit.ly/3credstars)
four star ![4 cred stars](http://bit.ly/4credstars)
five star ![5 cred stars](http://bit.ly/5credstars)


NOTE: Thanks for everything so far. I've really found the support and motivation that I'm looking for here and I would like this exercise to be one that could help me improve on my work, my communication, and my sense of community building. So go ahead, let it rip! And thanks!)




Thank Cliff. Trying to have fun and get it done all at once! Love the blog, some great reads and you also look like you're living life!

@permieemmy very interesting your presentation. I am also interested in permaculture and natural farming.
Greetings from Cádiz > Andalusian > Spain

@bustillo I did my permaculture design course in villamartin, not too far from you at Suryalila Yoga Centre. They now have a permie center there. Maybe you should check it out!

@permieemmy el centro Danyadara Permaculture Farm está muy cerca de mi pueblo, a una hora en coche. Contactaré con ellos para visitarlos.


Es muy bonito. Hay mas proyectos que cuando visite. La gente son muy amistosos tambien :)

@permieemmy visitaré el centro que me comentas en Villamartin. ;-) Mi pueblo está a pocos kilómetros de Villamartin.

five stars

I find you lead an interesting life. Back when I was a young man I traveled twice across the country without a dime in my pocket, trusting my talents and the spirit of things to always make things as they should be. I applaud your adventurous spirit, and your thirst for knowledge.

I feel I can learn many things that will still be useful in my life, despite growing older now and am always delighted when I see in my feed you have posted again. Thank you for giving us a window into your adventure, as well as sharing what you have been learning in permaculture lifestyles.

@practicalthought thank you so much for your review and your vote of confidence. I think we can all be an inspiration for one another and knowing that we can see those windows into each other's lives helps to serve as the motivation we all need. As does the continuous support from the communities you meet, you included in that :)