BTS UNO Unpacking Machine

in #review08216 years ago

BTS UNO Unpacking Machine

When I pre-purchased it was 5.99 $ but it just got up to 7.52 $

I bought two of these and paid 22,522 won for the cacao bank.

I had forgotten my reservation on July 18th,

I got an e-mail saying that I'll arrive around September 18, and I'll be sent about August 15 again.

First of all, the box looks like a normal UNO game box (I only see the outer box for UNO games)

Front side.

The image of BTS and MADE IN CHINA are written on the back.

By the way, the box feels like it's worn out here and there.

The components look like this. 112 cards.

I was expecting a lot of BTS photos, but that's all.

It feels like 16 photocards (-_-) ;;

Just the color of that configuration is in the set (-_-) ;;

The quality of the card is something that I can not remember touching the genuine .... I say something but not bad.

But the quality of the picture is worse than I expected ㅠㅠ

Print quality and quality of photograph did not seem to be so good.

(As written on the box, it was a reliable feeling even if it was made in China -_-)

The manual was like this, and on one side there was English, and on one side there was something like Spanish.

There's a special rule on the box and I found out that if you give me that card, you have to dance the BTS -- ;;; Or 3 cards ;;; --) ;;;

There was a part that I was expecting as a BTS version of UNO,

I thought it would be a good gift for my favorite daughter, but I bought it in secret beforehand.

There are not many kinds of pictures.

But my daughter is going to like it because it's BTS

For reference ... I only know RM in BTS -_-)

I don't know who's face ;;;;