Thailand Nightlife #2 - Phuket Bangla RoadsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #review7 years ago


Hi Steemers

This is part two continuation on from my article yesterday. Thailand does not only attract tourists because of its beautiful white sand beaches with crystal waters but many people come for the beautiful Thai girls. These are often referred to as sex tourists. Prostitution is illegal yet still widespread.

Caute Steemeri

Dneska je druhe pokracovani meho vcerejsiho prispevku. Thajsko nelaka turisty jenom svymy prekrasnymi plazemi a azurove kristalovou vodou, ale take laka turisty krasou Thajskych zen. Prostituce je sice v Thajsku nelegalni, ale je vsudypritomna.


Prostitution became very popular in Thailand during the Vietnam war and many soldiers were stationed here. Thai girls found a way to exploit the situation and things remain the same today.

Za rossirenim prostituce stoji hlavne valka ve Vietnamu. S prilivem zahranicnich vojaku Thajske divky nasly zpusob jak toho vyuzit. Tohle jim zustalo dodnes.


On the other side, in Western countries prostitution is mostly frowned upon whereas in Thailand it is accepted. These girls most have already kids and family somewhere else in more rural areas. Every month they send most of their earnings back to their home to support their family and village. Most of these girls are wishing and waiting for a prince on white horse to rescue them.

Na druhou stranu prostituce je zde brana uplne jinak nez jak zname z nasich zemi. Tyhle holky vetsinou maji jiz deti a rodinu nekde ve vnitrozemi Thajska a kazdy mesic posilaji vetsinu penez co vydelaji rodine a detem do rodnych vesnic. Vetsina z nich doufa, ze jednou potka sveho prince a uz nebude muset delat tuhle praci.




Nice nightlife.

Někdo má rád holky, někdo zase vdolky. Já jsem spíš vdolkovej...

No, a některý ty holky jsou ve skutečnosti kluci, že ;)

Na tehle fotkach ne, ale na te posledni ze vcerejsiho prvniho dilu jsou vsechny 3 kluci..:)

Ale ve finále mne to celé spíš rozesmutnilo. Ty osobní příběhy jsou někdy dost síla..

Wow wonderful Pic

nice sir upvoted your vote is important for me @deshwal

Wow! beautiful nightbar.

Wow that's great a fun.......
want to go there............

you can call it the colorful night of Thailand as [email protected].

This is a really interesting post. I live in Australia and it's often joked about going to Thailand for prostitutes... Seems that it isn't such a joke however.