How to be an Amazon reviewer and get tons of things free.

in #review9 years ago

Learn how to review
I have many people asking me how to become a reviewer, and I'm here to finally answer with an easy blog post!

So, what exactly is this reviewing thing all about? Amazon sellers will send you their product for free or at a discount in order to get you to leave an honest, detailed review with some pictures or video. This helps reviewers bring in more business because if you are like me, I read reviews before purchasing things. When we leave detailed reviews it helps buyers know what products will or won't work for them.

How do I get started?
Firstly, it really helps to have Amazon Prime, because many shippers have Amazon ship for them. This will save you money for shipping. Also, Amazon Prime now has a payment option for monthly payments too! If you want to check that out, look here -
Secondly, write a few reviews on purchases you've already made on Amazon. This will give sellers a little idea of what you can offer them.
Third, sign up with a site like Amazon Review Trader, which is my favorite. When you sign up, you'll need your review profile link. You can edit that however you like. This page shows your reviews and a little about you to sellers. You can find that by going to Amazon - My Account - Scroll down to the community section and go to " Your Profile ". The link at the top will look like this But remove everything past the question mark and there's your profile to stick into Amazon Review Trader when you sign up.

Using Amazon Review Trader
So now that you're all set up, you'll sign into " reviewer sign in." When you see the home page which is the " Go Shopping " page, youll see lots of items. You can search by newest, search by catagory, whatever you like. Some things are free, some are discounted super cheap and some not as much. Sometimes you have to catch things at the right moment. Once you get the hang of requesting, check out your " review requests " page. You'll see your pending requests. If you're approved you have the chance to accept or decline still. Make sure you click the item and be sure it's still the price you wanted because sometimes sellers try to be sneaky and change it. There will be a link sending you straight to the product to buy it, link to review it, and report issues if you have them. Once you review, you'll click " i've reviewed this " and enter the permallink. (Will explain that soon!)

How to use Promotional Codes from sellers and ART:
So now you've been approved for a product and you're ready to buy it! A word of advice, only purchase one item at a time because sometimes codes get wonky if you try to use more than one at a time. When you click to buy the product, you'll see your payment info and a box asking for gift codes or promotional codes. Here you'll enter your code. Sometimes Amazon is weird and you have to enter it twice. If after two times it doesn't work, make sure you have the exact product in the color or variety that was listed on ART or where ever you were approached with it. If it doesn't work, you can email the seller with the listed email on ART under the review information. If all else fails, report it as not working.

Disclaimer, tips and other stuff.
When you finish a review, you HAVE to leave a disclaimer under it. If you don't, you can get your account suspended or your reviews removed. Your disclaimer has to say something like " I received this product for free (or discounted) in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. " Many people have their own spin to it. Here are some tips to help you along the way too:

  • DON'T ask people to vote/smile on your reviews if they liked it. That's not allowed for reviewers.
  • Watch your ranking under your profile. The lower it is, the more you get approved for. Keep up long enough reviews, nice pics and details.
  • Don't review too many items from one seller or Amazon will not show all the reviews and assume you have a relationship with them.
  • Don't give your exact rank to other reviewers. This can unfairly have people upvoting others, or even down voting if they're jealous of your ranks.
  • Join Facebook groups! One that I am in and love is
  • Pitch to sellers! Once your rank is a bit lower, feel free to message sellers stores through Amazon and ask them if they'd like to work with you for a review. It doesn't always work but it does sometimes, especially if they don't have many reviews yet.

I think I've covered everything. If you have any questions, feel free to comment here and I'll help you out! Have fun, and apologize in advance to your postal worker LOL.


I have to review my reviewing skills.

I suppose there's a good place to start.
It's pretty easy. Just be honest about what you thought of whatever it is. The good, the bad and whatever else you want to throw in.