MINA'S MOVIE REVIEWS: Full Metal Alchemist - Live Action NETFLIX Movie. Entertaining but Unsatisfying

in #review7 years ago (edited)


For fans of the series, and by series I mean the real series, Brotherhood, not the travesty that was the first series (which we will never mention again), Full Metal Alchemist the live action movie, only delivers aesthetically. If you're looking for any depth or substance from the real series, you're looking in the wrong place. Also brace yourself for some seriously cheesy moments.


The movie rushes through the first quarter of the series, hitting some of the most well know and infamous side stories. Halfway through, the plot is lost, and unsurprisingly, adjusted to cram in an ending. I don't feel I can do this review without discussing certain plot lines and characters so there are SPOILERS ahead (including many screens).

If you have not seen anything of FMA please leave and watch Brotherhood.

Let's Begin.

I'll quickly cover some more redeeming factors of the movie, but most of them have to do with aesthetics alone.
The scene with mother dearest delivers well enough, but not enough. The best part in the anime was seeing the monster they made. I don't know if they worried about making it too grotesque but that's what I really wanted.


The Door of Truth stays the same, though it's not like it would have been overly difficult to replicate.

door of truth.jpg


Alphonse is a visual delight, they definitely captured the full extent of the armour and his movements.



The film only features the three main homunculi, Lust, Gluttony and Envy.


Same as the anime, Lust steals the show again, but Gluttony is enjoyably accurate. This is helped by some well-casted actors.



Continuing on decent actors, the gentleman chosen for Major Hughes was also a great pick.


How handsome. Look at that beautiful smile.


Now onto the many many issues.

Attempting to cram a series of such depth into a movie length feature is always going to create serious issues. As stated before the first quarter of the series is rushed through for the majority of the movie. This does not allow anyone who is unfamiliar with the series, characters or story lines to appreciate and become attached to anything nor does it allow for viewers to understand what drives any of these characters giving them depth. Obviously the brothers mission is openly stated but the depth of the brothers' relationship is quickly skimmed over.

It also delivers some serious cheese in the moments that are supposed to be the most hard hitting. Let's take the infamous Nina and Alexander subplot for example. For a subplot that scarred a generation of young anime viewers, Mr. Tucker and his daughter is wrapped up in about three 10 minute intervals.


It stays true to the original plot, but a new viewer wouldn't have as developed sense of the depths of the characters and how this incident was one of the most defining moments in the Elric brothers' lives (as it was ours).

nina ed.jpg

The chimera is a bit puppety looking, though an exact replica of what we know, it's the ensuing fight with Dr. Tucker that is pure cheese. Here's another screen just to re-open some wounds.


Both Edward and Winry have squeally or (what is known as) guttural wail moments that also come off extremely labored and jarring which makes them seem more annoying than normal.






The movie reaches the last quarter and rushes for a conclusion that falls so far short from what the real story delivers.

My best friend was sorely disappointed, as the film had to cut out characters. I don't think I heard the end of General Armstrongs' absence for at least two hours.

To wrap it up, the Full Metal Alchemist live action movie will either anger puritans, or just make you want to revisit Brotherhood again.

5.5/10 - for entertainment value.

Screen shots taken by me. Does not include poster image