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RE: When Dimple met Rishi - Book Review

in #review7 years ago

Hi @esli.kloppers! Thank you for having won over procrastination and writing this nice book review in your very special style! Your article has been upvoted by the Literature Guild on steemvoter ( This Guild is an emerging association of steeemians (@literaturkritik, @rarebooksleuth, @reaggaemuffin, @city-of-berlin, @victorrain, @fragmentarion, @aydogdy, @godflesh, @Kaelci, @didic) interested in literature, books and writing. By joining the Literature Guild you can freely decide to delegate between 1-100% of the Upvote Power for manually curated (chosen by responsible curators) content about books and literature. This is resulting in 1-5 daily votes an good literature content to support authors writing about our hoppy.
You are also invited to join our Guild. If you are also interested to be involved as a curator, drop me a comment. Hope to see you soon joining. Kind regards Literaturkritik


Thank you so so much! I'm not a writer myself (except for the reviews of course 😉) How does the Guild work if I join? I'm still relatively new here on steemit and still not active enough to be a curator. But I have been looking for more literature related posts to read and follow 😊

Hi @esli.kloppers ! Thank you for your reply. The Literature Guild is a Voting Trail that supports Literature Posts that are mannually curated. This means you can delegate a fraction of your Votinpower (between 1-100%) to the guild and artikels that are choosen by curators are automativally upvoted. We hope that more literature fans are joining but are also happy to have alteady 12 mebers 😊. Hope that answers your questions.