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RE: Angels and Demons - A book review.

in #review7 years ago

Nice book review pal. I remember back when i was a dive instructor and those of us that worked for the company would make a bet on the "over/under" about how many Dan Brown books would be on board each day of diving. It was normally "2" and you would probably earn a free beer or two by taking the "over."

I read all of the books that you talked about in your review and enjoyed all of them a lot. The movies on the other hand.....not so much.

Great article and thanks for posting quality content.


Thanks alot my friend, i got the idea from your reviews that i read constantly. Would try to do more often, maybe i will even review the Da Vinci Code and get some controversies going... lol. Thanks for dropping by, meant alot@

Do that. I'll resteem it when you do. I hope some of my readers will take part.