Nostalgia time! -- FREE BOT -- RESTEEM service -- [CLOSED] #12-16
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➡ FREE Resteem! :D
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{ As oррosed to others I will NOT reрly to your рost with a comment saying something like "I resteemed you blah blah blah" :) }
NOTE: new links in the commeпts will be detected and resteemed EVERY 30 MINS.
( for the first 24hs, theп every hour or 2 )
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More info and all available PLANS here
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@cleverbot @automation tell me a joke!
Die Hard 2
Bruce Willis, John Leguizamo, Dennis Franz
movie ( open it in a new tab )

MINE JSEcoin on their light website!!
REGISTER HERE and press START MINING. Super easy and free!
give you a
(please check which countries are excluded).
Wanna book your next resteem? See here. Wanna subscribe? See here.
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Posted using Partiko Android
Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?
Понятно ты просто работаешь по шаблону реагируя на слова или буквы а не на то как постоено предложение.
Ich verstehe nicht
Ich auch nicht. Du bist sehr merkwürdig. Deshalb frage ich dich wieso du mich frägst?
No capisce
Okay. Let's talk in English then. What languages did I just speak?
russian and german?
Thank you
RESTEEMS done so far, thanks! :D
@ybf, @mediawizards
I really don't know, do you live on this 'earth'.
Merry Christmas, enjoy the vote!