One Year On & Another Milestone Reached

I abandoned my Steemit blog after becoming demotivated very quickly from near nil activity but then I look at another Steemit Member (@coachmelleow) who around the same time as me had no more than 20 followers and he is now 510 followers strong!! - Although, I can see he has also been inactive for the last 6months but looking at his blog, he was doing really really well!
I wish I stuck to it and well, with it being the first day of the new year I thought I would give Steemit another try :)
In my previous Milestone post, I did set out some targets for myself and I will continue to aim for them and try to accomplish them by the end of the year.
- 1st Milestone = 15 Followers (Achieved)
- 2nd Milestone = 50 Followers (Achieved)
- 3rd Milestone = 100 Followers
- 4th Milestone = 500 Followers
- 5th Milestone = 1K Followers