Challenge: Tell us about your residence
The engagement on Steemit is great, I have made a lot of new 'online' friends and I love reading all ( ok, the most) of your posts. But what do we really know about eachother? We only know what we write and what we want to share, and that's already great.
I think it's cool if we got to know a little more about the residence's we live. And then I mean some background info about the city or village you live in. I would love to know about more places and then particular the information you won't find on the standard websites for tourism and so on, think about:
- great places in your hometown which not many people know of
- sporting clubs which we must know of
- Origin of the city, cultural knowledge
- perhaps famous people who lived in your hometown
- and any other thing you think is worth sharing
So I think this would be a perfect candidate for a challenge, where the challenge is to write as passionated and extended about your residence...
So will you join?
I have made some rules (or guidelines if you want) so that there will be some consistency into the posts:
- use the hashtag #residencechallenge so we can find all the posts in one place.
- Try to make a good mix of pictures and text so people can see the actual places you write about
- If the pictures aren't yours, please name your source right under the picture and make sure you can are permitted to use them
- Put a link into your post of so we can see on the map where your residence is. How you can achieve this you can find this on the @steemitworldmap website.
- Resteem this post if you like to get more people to participate (not necesarry)
- try to challenge/nominate at least one Steemian to prolonge the chain...
Well I will kick of with my hometown ZUTPHEN

I live in Zutphen, The Netherlands. Together with my wife and two sons. Zutphen resides in the east of Holland about 30 km from Arnheim. It is one of the "Hanze steden" which means they belong to a route where merchants used to travel by with their ships to by (local) goods.
Zutphen has a old town district in the center of the city where most of the local retailers are located. In the mid of the centre there are a lot of great restaurants and bar's. In the summertime that's very cozy.
There are still a lot or remains in Zutphen from the history of the city, there are several old buildings and towers from the Middle Ages.
The Bourgogne tower
The Walburg Church
Some nice to know's
- Zutphen has a important courthouse for the eastern part of the Netherlands. A lot of famous cases were held here.
- In the second worldwar a big fight went on between the German and Alies caused a lot of casulties. A big part of Zutphen had to be rebuild
- You can tour around the waters in Zutphen with 'Whisper boats' , these are electrical driven boats. On each boat there is a pensionada telling you all about the history of Zutphen
- Zutphen has about 50.000 residents
Zutphen is well known for it's yearly festivities, people from all over the Netherlands will visit Zutphen on those occasions.
National Bokbier dag
Every year in October the National Bokbier dag is held in Zutphen. It's in honour of the yearly presentation of Bok Beer, this is a dark kind of beer which is available during fall season. It's always a big event with a classical parade from which the bokbeer is presented and officialy opens the season. Last year 125.000 visited this event, it is well know trough the whole country.
Chocolate Festival
As the name implies this festival is all about chocolate. In the historical center of Zutphen there are many stands with Chocolate as theme. You can taste chocolate beer, they are sculpturing with chocolate. Kids can play and eat choclate. It's a great festival at the end of September. (vistit the site)

Summer party
The last two wednesday's of july and the first two of august there are always the Summer party's. The whole center is filled with stage's and terrasses, a lot of live music. It is alway's fun, for me personally it is alway a great time to see a lot of old friends again.
Live at the brons
Every year in august there is the live at the brons festival. This festival is situated around the Bronsbergen lake. There are multiple stages with on every stage a different style of music. There is Rock, pop, folk and art. It's not a to big festival, but it is always fun because it is for kids and adults.. So a family festival :) ... And I can go by foot because it is about 500 meter from our house.
Zutphen is a nice place to live, it's not to crowded and it's green and clean.
Although it's in the east part of the Netherlands, in about one hour you are in Amsterdam, so things are pretty close.
I love living in Zutphen because it's really relaxed...
I would like to nominate @steevc , really currious about his hometown... Seen already some cool pics.
@slobberchops , @tijntje , @bozz
Have a great sunny day

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I'll have to visit some day. I'll be sure to let you know if I'm coming
you're more then welcome, the place to stay is already arranged :)
omg, that looks gorgeous
i am from australia
id go outside and take pics, but there's too many things that might kill me
AustraliA seems great
Looks like a wonderful place, @verhp11! :) You got some nice shots here yourself and a good collection to show off the place. One day... I would love to visit... :)
Thank you very much, you are more then welcome and I will show you around :)
Zutphen! not bad, should explore the Netherlands more
There are some nice places overhere :)
this is an interesting challenge, I will be joining soon
I can't wait to know more about others from their hometowns and maybe add more places to my "Places to Visit" list.
You've got a really nice hometown and it also has rich culture and I wish could experience the Chocolate festival also
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Give me some time and let me see what I can pull together. It might require me to make a road trip and get some photos.
That would be awesome !!
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