Hundreds of Salt Farmers Get Household Asset Management Training by PKPA Foundation


PIDIE JAYA. The recovery of the economic sector in the post-disaster community is a very important part to support the resilience and survival of the community. Disasters often have a damaging effect and eliminate infrastructure and sectors related to household income and economy. Seeing the importance of immediate recovery efforts, the Center for the Study and Protection of Children (PKPA) trained 105 salt farmers in the village of Lancang Paru related to family financial management (25/09 - 05/10).


The 10-day training for salt farmers who were dominated by women's groups was divided into 5 groups and each attended a 2-day training session. The training itself is part of the activities phase in the ACEH RESILIENT project to Build Community Community Resilience through Economic Recovery and Management of Disaster Risk Reduction conducted by PKPA through the support of Mercy Relief.


Ismail Marzuki as the program manager said that the training would later provide the skills of farmers to be able to carry out household financial management, so that farmers could set priorities for household needs. This training was facilitated by Sony Sucihati from PKPA Medan office. Several training approach methods are used by facilitators, ranging from presentation presentations, question and answer discussions, and joint simulations.

"First I was hesitant about this training, but it turned out to be very useful after I spent two days. We never know the problem of managing money in and out of the family so that money is always used up. I am happy to get new knowledge in this training, ”said Mrs. Deviani, one of the salt farmers from the village of Lancang Paru.


At the closing session of the first wave of training, Teuku Satria Mahmud as the field coordinator in this program expressed hope that the trainees could make a family financial plan after attending the training. Satria said that salt farmers would be specially accompanied by the Economic Staff prepared by PKPA.