Repossession - Burn

in #repossession12 days ago

Just some clarification. Steve Bell is not a police man. Steve Bell is a con man. The biggest con artist the world has ever seen. Steve Bell was the manager at the Slough Council Parking Shop in the UK, many decades ago.

I never had any issues with this man. He was so forgettable for me. He is on the top of the list.

This man was so forgettable to me. I couldn't tell you anything about him of significance. But this con man attached himself to me and built a career of telling lies to idiots, by impersonating a police officer before he actually became one. These vile and evil man built a career out of telling lies about me and having people fake friend me, rape me and assualt me.

In return the abusers get careers, luxury vacations, houses, cars and high paying jobs. Empires were built from the lies told about me.

After so many decades I am still renting bedrooms in people's home and been chased from place to place.

Now that I have planted the dynamite. I am patiently waiting for the lies in writing this would be the green light for I need to completely tear those empires down.