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RE: NEW GAME! Answer the question and WIN AN UPVOTE!

in #replyandwin7 years ago (edited)

Recently I met an extremely nice group of people, through steem, namely @thewritersblock, who meet on their own discord server. They are a small geeky group of people from all around the world, extremely ambitious and open and helpful. They volunteer their time and talent to help other people work on their writing. So anything you've already posted is of-limits, as they are very sincere in wanting to actually help you make changes, improve. I've only been there about two weeks now, but I've learned so much and interacted in new ways I'd never thought possible.
Of course that group is not for everyone. And that is fine. But for me, as an aspiring writer, with a first book coming out in two months, and learning the craft of story telling and indulging in the art of poetry every now and then, I find them valuable beyond any value I know. Beyond 15 million dollars.

So... if I would win 15 million dollars, I would like to take those people, and do what is the shared dream there... get an island, and move them all on it, so we can have continuous writing contests, workshopping each others work. Start a shared publishing house. Teach people writing, sharing our dream and talents with as many people as possible. And of course we'll also move the animal shelter of one of the members to the island, and we'll have to make sure we have some proper education going on for the younger members. So, maybe 15 million won't be enough. But it sure would bring this group of volunteers, who spend a lot of their free time editing and commenting and listening to each others, a step closer!


You got 34%!
Wow! Sounds exactly as a dream come true :)