Remote Viewing the Dark Side of the Moon III

Yet, is there any evidence to back up his claims?
Swann’s claims of observing structures, mining activities and humanoids on the far side of the moon are too fantastic to be taken at face value for the average person. For many, perhaps these are nothing more than the ramblings of a mad man and not worth a second thought.
However, claims of strange lunar structures have been circulating for decades and Swann is not the only one who claims there are structures, towers, activity or anomalies on the Moon.
Before I go on, let me just say that I’m not going to prove or disprove anything with this post. I simply would like to explore whatever possible evidence there may be from other sources that also suggest anomalies and the possible discovery of unknown structures on the Moon’s surface.
By exploring similar claims, we can compare them to the results of Swann’s remote viewing experience of the dark side of the moon.
Somebody Else is on the Moon
In 1976, a year after Swann claims he was involved in the secret Remote Viewing of the far side of the Moon, he states that he received partial confirmation of his observations. A booked titled “Somebody Else is on the Moon” by former pilot and NASA scientist George Leonard, arrived on his doorstep.
George Leonard was a former NASA scientist in the photo intelligence division of NASA , as well as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. In the book, Leonard accuses NASA of having photographs that confirm non-human presence on the moon.
The book’s main focus was a detailed review thousands of official NASA photographs of the Moon from the various Apollo missions. At the time, the quality of the images were very poor but Leonard included the photograph identification code numbers.
He also claims that evidence and photographs of non-human structures on the Moon have been hidden or destroyed by NASA to prevent the information from becoming public.
It's important to note that Swann's account of of his 1975 remote viewing of the dark side of the moon was not published until more than 20 years later in 1998. In Swann's book, Penetration, he claims that he was instructed not to talk to anyone about his experience for 10 years.
NASA images of interest – Unclassified
A Visit to NASA
Later in 1979, a pair of researchers named Lester Howes and Vito Saccheri decided to visit the Johnson Space Center in Houston after hearing that NASA was withholding photographs of the Moon and Apollo missions. The pair of engineers insisted that as a government agency supported by taxpayer money information relating to all NASA missions must be open to the American public.
After several days of frustrating bureaucratic run-arounds, they were finally directed to an obscure building off the main NASA road one. Incidentally, though the building was on NASA’s sprawling property it was extremely difficult to find. At the end of a dirt road that passed through a wooded area they found a small nondescript building with a small sign that read - Lunar Landing Observatory.
After nearly 2 weeks of attempting to see the photo archive, they were finally allowed to see them but under the condition that they must follow strict guidelines.
The men were prohibited from making any type of recordings while viewing the lunar photographs.
- No cameras, no pictures
- No pencils or calculators
- No recording devices of any kind
- Must be accompanied at all times
The pair spent 3 days looking over the photos.
On the final day, feeling very tired Saccheri decided to go for a walk to stretch his legs. Noticing a panel that was out of the ordinary Saccheri discovered there was a separate room adjacent to where they had been studying the photographs. The librarian conceded there was another room and, since they had grown quite fond of one another, he allowed Saccheri to enter the room which was filled with thick binders of data and also transcripts of certain Apollo missions.
This is what Saccheri wrote:
. . . killing the last 15 minutes of time. Then my
eyes caught it- "Houston, we've got a bogey at two o'clock."
And there was more- "Roger that, Apollo. Switching to alpha. Roll
eight degrees and begin sequence... "
"Roger, Mission Control. Confirming alpha."
Though I knew instinctively what it meant, I couldn't believe what I
was reading. I raced through the pages and other mission transcripts
and found similar dialogue-
"Mission Control, we've got Santa Claus coming over the hill...."
"Roger, Apollo. Hold your fix. Switching bravo. Do you copy?"
"Roger, Houston. Bravo link...."
These guys were reporting UFO activity, but I couldn't remember ever
hearing this during the live TV broadcasts of lunar missions in 1969
and 1970. I was too dumbfounded to say a word and too scared to tell
Les or Roger [librarian]. I didn't want to get either of them in
trouble-we had no clearance to see these documents.
Saccheri claims to have discovered transcripts detailing an encounter between Apollo astronauts and an UFO that seemed to be monitoring their mission.
First Images of the Dark Side
The Russians were the first to get a glimpse of the far side of the Moon as the ZOND-3 satellite orbited the Moon in 1965.
This is the oldest image of the far side of the moon and it appears to show a tower like structure on the surface below. The structure has been nicknamed the “Tower of Babel".
The Tower and the Shard
In 1967, NASA’s Lunar Orbiter 3 took this photograph of a formation now referred to as “the shard”. While people speculated on the abnormal structure of the formation there was, and continues to be, an equal amount of fascination in the tower-like structure looming in the background.

Clementine Lunar Satellite & Censored Images
The Clementine Lunar Missions was a 1994 joint venture between Department of Defense and the US Navy rather than a NASA project. Along with testing various instruments and sensors in space the Clementine mission was tasked with mapping the Moon’s surface.
Over 1.8 million images were taken by Clementine over a two-month period. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has made 170,000 images available to researchers and the public.
1.8 million images of the Moon
170,000 available to the public
This means that less than 10% of the DoD and Navy's mapping of the Moon's surface has been made available to the public!
A common complaint about the images that were released by the NRL is that though the Satellite was mounted with high-tech equipment, the quality of the photographs has very low resolution.
There were also photographs with blacked out areas, such as the Reiner Gamma area in this photo. The official explanation for the blacked-out areas is “data loss”.
Strangely, in an updated version of the Clementine archive the blacked-out areas do not appear. It is difficult to determine whether the photos were completely removed or whether they were filled in.
Several more photographs have been circulating for years that appeared to have had portions editing/altering something on the surface of the moon. A number if these censored photos seem to obscure potential vertical objects of substantial size.
Apollo Archive
These days you can view the official Apollo lunar archives collection online.
Apollo Image Atlas
Independent Observations of the Moon
For decades, the only photographic documentation available to researchers has been the official NASA Lunar archives, Apollo mission video footage and some soviet satellite images. Essentially, NASA has enjoyed a decades long monopoly over space related imagery.
In recent years however, amateur astronomers and hobbyists have obtained more sophisticated land-based telescopes and instruments to study the Earth’s Moon. This has allowed for an increasing amount of independent observation to take place.
The following video explores high resolution images from several independent Observatories (Namibia, Africa). Obviously, the images are of the near side of the Moon yet they seem to show indications of structural anomalies on the Moon’s surface.
Mars Anomalies and Beyond (YouTube channel)
- Chamaleon Observatory
- Onjala Observatory
- Rooisand Observatory
Link to Observatories
YouTube Channel breakdown showing dome like structures, platforms and a massive tower structure right on the surface.
Screen Shots
Note: some of the images have filters applied
Strikingly, these independent images of the moon show what appear to be domed structures in some craters. They also show formations that look like enormous bridges and another formation that resembles human male genitalia.
An enormous tower-like monolith is the most outstanding aspect of these photos.
Most notably, these lunar images are not from NASA, the ESA, Russian, Japanese, Chinese agencies or any other national space program. This aspect makes the collection of observatory images unique and even more impressive.
Chinese Land on the Moon - Chang’e 3

In 2013, the Chinese sent an unmanned orbiter and rover to the Moon. The Jade Rabbit is the name of the lunar rover that explored the surface of the moon. The instrumentation of the rover far surpasses the technology of the Apollo missions. Still, only a handful of photographs from the mission have been released by Chinese state media.
Chang’e 3 Lander instruments
- One color “landform” (topography) camera for terrain imaging 2352 X 1728 pixels
- Three color surveillance (“monitoring” engineering cameras
- One black & white descent camera (1280x1024 pixels)
- Near-ultraviolet telescopes (wavelength range 245 to 340 nanometers) for stellar observations down to 13th magnitude
- Extreme ultraviolet camera for observing Earth’s plasmasphere
Yutu aka Jade Rabbit Rover Instruments
- Two color panoramic cameras for stereo imaging
- Two mast-mounted navcams and two forward-facing hazcams
- Ground-penetrating radar (to depths of 30m-100m)
- Alpha particle X-ray spectrometer
- Visible / near-infrared imaging spectrometer
On the Surface

Of the available images of the Chang'e 3 mission, the most striking photograph is certainly the ‘striations’ photo. Some suggest that the photo indicates the presence of a large structure in the background.
Here’s the same image with a negative filter applied.
Striations over the moon's surface are visible with increased noise. As the moon has no atmosphere, dust should be ruled out as the cause of the phenomenon depicted in the photo.
Although the Chang'e 3 mission was a great achievement for the Chinese they're ambitiously planning several more Chang'e missions to the Moon, including the very first controlled landing on the far side as part of their next mission Chang'e 4.
Return to the Dark Side - Chang’e 4 Launch Set for May 2018

- Upcoming Chinese mission to the Far Side of the Moon
- China will be 1st nation to land and conduct experiments on far side of moon
- Mission involves 2 launches
- Relay Satellite will be Launched in May 2018
- Relay will allow communication with Chang’E-4 lander and rover spacecraft
- Relay will hover at 60,000 km above the center of Moon’s far side, maintaining a constant view of both the Earth and Moon simultaneously.
Officially, no space mission has explored the surface of the far side of the moon. The Chang'e 4 aims to be the first mission to explore the far side of the moon with it's lander and rover. Chinese officials state that the relay craft will not only be an important part of the mission but could be used by other missions in the future as well.
The communications satellite will be used not only for the Chang’e 4 mission, but also for supporting future manned and unmanned lunar exploration missions to the far side, and cis-lunar activities.
Future missions, the Chang'e 5 and Chang'e 6 projects that are slated to follow this year's venture will be focused on obtaining, securing and retrieving moon samples.
A likely destination for Chang’e 4 is the Apollo crater, located near the edge of the moon’s South Pole-Aitken basin, the largest and oldest lunar impact site. Scientists believe the huge basin, which extends up to 5 miles (8 kilometers) deep and stretches almost 1,500 miles (2,500 kilometers) across, exposes parts of the deep lunar crust, and perhaps even material from the ancient molten lunar mantle.
Scientists are eager for a mission to land there, and a sample return probe to bring back rocks from the South Pole-Aitken basin ranks among the highest planetary science priorities for NASA.
Change'4 Far Side of the Moon Projected Landing Site for 2018

There's much more information that could be included in a post speculating on the possibility of structures on the moon, what was included here was a collection of some of the best existing material available.
Swann's Remote Viewing of the dark side of the moon highlighted towers, lights, bases, tracks and green haze. In this brief exploration there seems to be some indications that there exist massive vertical structures on the surface of the moon. Furthermore, the haze Swann claims to have seen may have been captured in the Chang'e 3 'striations' photograph.
Certainly, the most intriguing revelations presented here are the independent observations made from the Namibian Observatories. These images would suggest that there are certainly large monolithic structures on the near side of the moon: domes, towers, bridges, and platforms.
Considering that 90% of the Moon's surface mapped by the Navel Research Laboratory has NOT been made public it seem reasonable to assume that there's something being hidden from us about the true nature of the moon. Whether there's mining activity related to a secret space program, alien bases being covered up or a structures that indicate the colonization of the moon by an ancient civilization, there's certainly no end to the speculation.
Final Note
Remote Viewer Ingo Swann also claimed that the far side of the moon was populated by humanoids who were busy with some sort of mining activities. Since, this post was already getting out of control lengthy, I decided not to include evidence of alien craft. However, there's a multitude of alien craft and UFO videos footage on YouTube available to those that are interested.
Here's a couple of videos provided by Secure Team 10.
Moon Compilation
Airbrushed Crater
Far Side of the Moon
If you have some Must See Links related to Structures or Anomalies on the Moon, please feel free to leave them in the comments.
Cheers :)

In the past I taught students to Remote View. When your frequency is high enough it comes naturally, and is about aligning your grid elsewhere. Some students got it immediately while others struggled, which should never be the case.
Sunday night, my friend Ron and I did a remote view to the dark side of the moon and something interesting happened. Ron works with computer technologies so his mind viewed what he was seeing as if a GPS system. Laughing we called it our version of Google Moon wherein he was able to see what was going on by creating a consciousness GPS and zooming in on activities on the far side. This might be a helpful suggestion for those who can't remote view.
What did we see ... Lots of activities that reflect the study and archiving of humans on the planet. I have always seen a very tall rocket-shaped building with a communication device above its domed top. The entire structure appears to be made of some sort of glass that allows for viewing within and from the outside. Long ago I named it "The Library". Some sort of teleportation device allows for the coming and going of all sorts of interesting characters all of who arrive in groups or 2 or 3, appear to be there to gain knowledge, then leave. I have never seen aggressive activities, that energy not part of what is going on there.
Ron immediately saw something reflecting off the surface that was not natural -> followed by rudimentary mining, which came as no surprise to us.
I have always seen the moon as a satellite placed there in the beginning for light and observation. If you remote vier the multiverse, or parallel grid programs, you will see more than one moon.

Hiya buddy where can i learn to remote view?
Reminds me of the movie - Truman Show.
@spellmaker looks at the photos of the lunar module and laughs thinking it was able to land on the moon and then get back to the earth. It's literally made with ducktape.
The Moon could really be a base for the elite or it could all be imaginary.
Again we're back to - what is life but a dream? And if the Multiverse is real - everything can happen now.
Peace - Love - Gratitude!
Hello @v4vapid, I think I can add a bit more info on some of the photos you have presented here. It takes a while to research everything so I'll just tackle some the images under "Screen Shots" where you have a red arrow pointing to a feature on the moon. I just happen to have home observatory that was setup to take photo's of the planet Jupiter and the full moon was nearby so I decided to take some images of that area. Here it is (you can click the image for a bigger view). It turns out this feature is called Cleomedes E and Cleomedes A.
Additionally, I accessed the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter image from their website . I found the area around Cleomedes and have copied it here. You will need to click the image for the larger version which has labels. Its not in quite the same orientation so you need to adjust a little for this (but Cleomedes A and E are the twin craters near the middle top)
Hope this is of interest.
Well sheeeeiit, thanks @terrylovejoy I appreciate that you took the time to find and name this crater and it's features for me.
In light of these images, I think I need to reassess my own assumptions. I'll be honest, perhaps I was seeing what I wanted to see in these photographs. I searched for Cleomedes and found a lot of information pertaining to these formations.
As an amateur astronomer what do you make of the hexagon shaped craters that cover the moon's surface especially on the far side of the moon? I believe there are similar hexagon shapes on the surface of Mercury and some of the Gas planet moons as well.
Also, do you have any opinion as to why we haven't set foot on the Moon since the seventies?
Thanks for your feedback much appreciated.
No problems @v4vapid it was a fun bit of detective work! Sometimes it's hard identifying stuff on the moon as the lighting angle changes and therefore the way the shadows fall change which in turn dramatically alters the appearance of the lunar terrain.
I don't know what causes those hexagon shaped craters, they seem to crop about from time to time on lots of different objects. This one on asteroid Ceres is pretty cool -
Did you know about Saturns north polar hexagon? I don't think anyone knows why these form the way they do, lots of things we still have to learn :)
I don't know why we didn't go back to the moon...I always assumed dollars, but I really don't know.
Thanks for the Ceres image, I haven't seen this before but I recently became aware of the Saturn hexagon at the pole! Now that is something strange...I saw somewhere that there's another hexagon at the south pole region of Saturn as well. I don't know what to make of it but it sure is mysterious. However, there are a number of naturally occurring hexagons on Earth such as snowflakes and crystals so maybe it's not so strange.
Btw thanks for the vote on my last blog post...that was very generous of you!
Hey V great post.
I don’t have any links to anomalies however I do recommend you read....
Who built the Moon by Christopher Knight.Its impossible to argue the science regarding the anomalies surrounding our planetary neighbour.
In fact I would recommend all of his books, mind blowing subject matter dude.
Thanks for the recommendation, I've been looking to read something a little bit different from my usual fare and you've piqued my interest :)
Uriel's Machine is one of my favourites of his, mind blowing indeed!
Definitely mate.
His first book The Hiram Key was a real eye opener for me 20 odd years ago now. It’s amazing the subject matter he has covered along with different co-authors since then.
It will be really interesting to see what the Chinese mission uncovers if they are able to successfully land on the far side of the moon.
A little bit away from your post, I've always thought it was really strange that the space race in the 1960's was such a huge deal and then just like that, we've never sent another human to the moon. I am not fully convinced that we have actually landed on the moon. I'm not saying we haven't either, I am just skeptical of the evidence put forward and the lack of progress made after the supposed mission.
The evidence coming out from independent observers is very interesting. It does point to some sort of extra terrestrial life form or perhaps maybe even human activity.
I think the universe is too big for us to be alone. As Neil Degrasse points out, why should we think that we are so special to be the only multi cellular organisms in the galaxy.
I'm excited to see what the Chang'e mission uncovers, do you know when it is scheduled to land?
It's extremely odd that after 20 (unofficial) Apollo missions in the 1970s we would just decide to close the program and deem returning to the moon to be unimportant, too expensive or not technically feasible. In the 70s and 80s there was a lot of talk about establishing moon bases for research and experimentation. Today, it's never mentioned, the focus is on space stations and Mars. Why would we not practice for Mars on the Moon?
Some people believe that the Moon landings didn't happen, but I think they did (with some footage being faked). I think it's more likely that they discovered something like a civilization or were warned off the moon by another species (or multiple species). It just doesn't make any sense that NASA/USA has not returned to the moon.
I did search for the Chang'e 4 launch date but I think that the exact date may be a guarded secret. It appears on's schedule but only says it will be launched in May.
As the old adage goes, anything we consider technological advancement in terms of civilian, commercial use has been or was being used by DARPA 30 years ago. I believe it was the former director of Lockheed Martin "Skunk Works" who said this - a credible source.
That said, my thinking is that rather than direct more attention than necessary, the US power structure tried to squash all interest in the moon and any space programs by officially announcing that they were over. What is more realistic, is that they immediately set to work on how to leverage access to the moon into a militaristic strategy advantage.
It is very plausible that the next war is going to be via cyber. When you think about it the primary vital utility to any functional military is communications. After all, how are you able to effectively coordinate millions of moving parts, supply lines, strategy,intel collection, distribution, and mobilization efforts without communications? You cannot.
Knowing where the next military edge was going to be, the US, China, and Russia set out to focusing on satellites and the moon. This is so that if (when?) a cyber black swan event occurs, or an EMP within our atmosphere wipes out comms. these soverign military forces have the ability to re-establish communications, GPS, and surveillance. Never underestimate how often militaries lean on these weapons.
This is not even going into the can of worms that is extraterrestrial life. That is a discussion best had offline with a cold beer!
Great comments, I think a couple of cold ones is required no doubt!
I like your point about Skunk works and how military technology is always well in advanced to the tech the population has at their disposal. No doubt American weapons are far in advance of anything we could imagine at this point.
I don't believe for a minute that the secret black budget for the military space program was only 200 million ( i think that was the number). It must be several orders of magnitude greater than that.
Maybe one of the reasons why the Star Wars programs were shut down was simply because they wanted to take it off the table and away from public scrutiny. Let the public believe they had won but really give the industry carte-blanche to develop all the space weapons and tech they wanted.
Yeah you might be right. I still remember my mom telling me about the moon landing and the whole world watching. It seems more plausible that they found something up there rather than have faked the whole mission. But the 4 decades since, never attempting to set up shop on the moon or do more explorations, that smells really fishy to me. Especially now in the Elon Musk era, we are just gonna bypass the moon and go straight to mars? Something just doesn’t add up
Many unclassified documents NASA had about the aliens, why would they send encrypted messages using high radio coverage outside the earth, that means they have some stuff that we didn't know in the first place. If aliens are willing to reveal themselves in front of an apes, what would be the reasons? we didn't know maybe aliens are just observing us via higher dimension that the human cant perceive.
Great topic and post (upped and resteemed)! I saw someone already meantioned Karl Wolfe - I featured him in my ET / Ufo Series, here with a longer video interview.
There is a lot to say about 'our' moon. One of the most interesting facts is that the size of the moon in relation to the Earth is perfectly proportional to the size of the great pyramid in Egypt:
Bashar has stated that the moon is an artificially created object that was magnetically 'towed' here a long time ago by another civilisation for their own reasons!
Leonard is either a bad scientist with no understanding how to present his findings properly or a moderate fiction writer with a great imagination. Hands down the most moronic book I've ever read. The author's hypothesis is that the moon is inhabited by an alien race. Therein he puts forth all sorts of "evidence" to support his idea. 99.9% percent of this evidence involves photographs of the moon taken by NASA during orbiting probes. Keep in mind the book was written in the 70s immediately after the Apollo missions. So the book is rife with moronic predictions that haven't come true within the time frame the author lays out there. The whole thing works well as a comedy piece, but the sad truth is the deluded idiot is writing with all seriousness. He includes illustrations of "rigs" and "machinery" on the moon surface. Then references a photo as proof. Inevitably I'd flip to the grainy, low-contrast photo included in the book and would see a rock. Back and forth. Uh...that's a rock. That's a shadow cast by a rock. That's another rock. Uh...light striking a rock. I'm not sure if the guy is legitimately crazy (although he's since deceased) or if he just can't evaluate a photograph. But he's referencing photos of rocks and claiming they're "machines" and "rigs". Oh...this book was so stupid. Did I say that already? But for knuckle-biting entertainment I'd give it a half star. He does offer a smidgen of a quasi-detective story that illustrates people at NASA and real scientists within the text staring at him in flabbergasted, stunned silence. Oddly enough he deduces that these looks of stunned awe are a sign that these people are hiding something when it's patently obvious it's a reaction of shock to the supreme levels of stupidity this moron is putting forth. Oh...did I mention how stupid this book was? Sorry, I'm just spent. I can't even convey the brainless chatter that boiled out of this paperback. Did I mention how stupid this book was? Oh...I already said that (this is how the book reads). Ouch...
So, would you recommend that I read the book?
I honestly believe these subject will only be resolved after we develope the proper technology to document the dark side of the moon in a transparent way with no chance for manipulation nor deceive. The cost of space exploration should be lower and lower as time pass and in the coming decades (or perhaps by next century) independent teams will be able to take little explorations in celestial bodies that are close to us.
So, I think these issues will one day be resolved.
Having said that, I do remember years ago reading about a hacker called Gary McKinnon who discovered pictures of UFOs hidden by the NASA.
More of that in this link:
And here you can see what probably is his most famous interview
There is also the famous conspiracy theorist David Icke, who claims the Moon is an artificial structure. I saw a video about his theory a while ago and mentioned a book called "Who built the moon" several times.
I am not quite sure if this was the same video I saw weeks ago, but I think it is. I also just noticed David made a mistake when telling we use a "fraction of our brain" capacity, that is not true. But the information about the moon can certainly make us wonder, there are simply so many weird facts about this. Here is David Icke's video:
How to document Proof: Mix the Blockchain with the photos of the Moon at the time they are taken. Then you CAN'T edit them without an audit trail a.k.a you CAN prove they are original. Transmit them back to earth in a open format so anyone interested can listen in and save a copy of the image as its being sent back to Earth. This doesnt solve the problem of the image being modified before it's sent to Earth or being pre recorded images sent back. But it's a start.
Save the Bees
Thanks, I did come across a few references to the NASA hacker but I don't remember all the details about the case. I'll certainly have a look.
Now I have two recommendations to read Who Built the Moon... I think it's calling my name ;P
Just an initial reaction to the report of a large monolith on the moon... of course I immediately think of Stanley Kubrick. Maybe the Shining wasn't a confession that he had faked footage of the moon landing, like some think. And the monolith from 2001... I've heard people suggest it represents his medium of influence: the movie screen. But these theories seem to fall short. Now I want to watch both movies again... 😃
I'm a huge Kubrick fan and both of those movies are classics even if S. King didn't like the Shining. My favorite Kubrick film is Full Metal Jackets though.
I saw a decent documentary about how Kubrick was recruited to fake the moon landings. Perhaps some of the Moon Landing footage was faked but I do believe that the Apollo missions were real.
I'm really excited that China is sending a mission to the far side of the moon but I'm not very optimistic that they'll share their findings with the public, unfortunately.
This is really interesting man, I wonder who the hell is there... but I heard a story about it being a base by the Grey.
Here's the link if you care to check it out... I made the video
Cheers! @spiritualmax & @killvrill