The Crystal Spiral Maze


Perception is a gate and it has many sub-gates called senses. There are gates we normally cannot perceive until our decoder is upgraded. Some of us have our normal sensors optimized and/or upgraded. A few of us have sensors of which others are not aware and do not have. It is very easy for someone with better, more accurate perception than you have to manipulate your decoder. They do this with ease, with mere word forms that modify the waveforms by the power of interference.

They have figured out that via interference at the correct amplitude and modulation, they have the absolute power to change your perception to whatever they will it to be, for whatever their purpose. The manipulation of interference patterns of waveforms is their secret power. This interference also naturally occurs of course as it is a fundamental design function in this reality. Learning this will allow you to perceive more and differently than your neighbors. Study like your life depended upon knowledge becoming wisdom.

This manipulation is against your will if you fully perceived it with your decoder. Manipulation is deceptive force. It is a lie. It is a poison. The war is against your decoder and your ability to perceive accurately. When someone steals from you or harms you physically and you notice, you will react. When you don't notice, you do not react. Many are now reacting by submitting and surrendering to the constantly growing onslaught of manipulation. A few of us are saying “NO!”, and refusing to be manipulated within our own decoders.

Spirit is higher-order software and is more real than any hardware. It is self-contained and needs no hardware. Those who can walk in the Spirit, which is like wind, or a stream, are able to have their perceptions upgraded. They can perceive the attacks of those who want to control them via manipulation. They can also learn how to counter-attack if they so choose. Some of us will be able to both snipe from cover and bombard from a distance via spiritual weapons. Once your decoder is repaired and upgraded, you can make weapons of spirit and fight back. Those who choose the dark path of force are the once forcing you. They are cowards and liars. They are the manipulators. The Bible calls them witches, sorcerers, necromancers, and other labels you are likely to reject out of hand. Do not.

It is true that fear is the mind killer. Most of us fear the future at times which manifest as worry. Most of us fear the consequences of our past actions in some fashion which manifest as regret, and depression. Many of us belong to groups that maintain control via fear. It doesn't matter if your group is a church, a club, a gang, a cadre of law enforcement, or a squad. They are almost all governed by fear in its many subtle forms. This is manipulation via force. It is evil you are soaking in, dear. The Bible says there is a god of forces... a dark one. You may be asking, “How do I escape this matrix of lies?”. The answer is that you do not want to escape, so you never will. Fear is still a key, but you don't really want the key. Unlocking that door is both costly and very highly rewarded. But your fears stop you from even taking the key from my outstretched hand.

Until you want something so badly, you will do anything to attain it, you will not have the things of true value: a larger, higher, better perception of reality and true wisdom. To change perception is a miracle for sure. To radically alter your paradigm will feel like insanity encroaching. It is real work for most. A few get upgraded instantly, some quickly. Most of us must struggle and fight to walk in true love and true light. This struggle is described as putting off the old man while putting on the new. It is the literal death of the carnal meat mind and the birthing of the spirit mind. This birth is new and it is a miracle. The common thought pattern is that there are many paths to this end goal of a spiritual mind. There are many paths for sure. However, only one has been designed for the few. It is very difficult to find and even harder to stay on without falling. It is the only path to truth, light, and love. All others lead to perma-death and worse.

Your perceptions and mine, if like most, are incorrect. They are called strongholds because they are difficult to break, difficult to knock down. A correct perception is called love and this love is full of truth and light. Not love as you know it as you are inside a stronghold that you add bricks to daily. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be very dangerous to your carnal meat mind. It is often dangerous to your body as there are many individuals who want most of us dead by default and those who can see and destroy strongholds specifically dead. Your death is the end of this game, this test, and you get no second chance to re-spawn. There is no make-up exam. They know this and want most of us off the chess board as soon as possible. They know a few of us are having our decoders repaired and upgraded and they fear us as they should. They are always hunting us.

The most common tactic is to mimic love and light and truth. The most effective poisons are undetectable before exposure and after death. This is because they are 99% good food/air/drink and 1% or less toxic. However, there are toxins that can murder you deader than a hammer that you cannot detect. Propaganda is a system of lies designed to ultimately murder you. The most effective propaganda is 99% truth. First they must control you. Once they have that control, you are owned.

Once you are owned, you are even easier to manipulate. We are born under their control and are their slaves. The love most of us think we know is a lie. It is totally misplaced and totally corrupted, yet we love it and we love many aspects of this reality, this world. This love is taught to you via repetition, manipulation, and toxic force. It is meat love... carnal love, through and through. The poison is not detectable and it will murder your soul unless you escape its slimy, cutting grasp.

Before you knee-jerk and say yes to this upgrade, know that the costs are real and high. If you love this reality you cannot easily leave it or destroy vast parts of it. If you love things or people within this reality more than you love the actual truth, cognitive dissonance will pull you away from the light of love and you will continue walking in the darkness of your meat mind.

It really does take a miracle for you to be freed from the matrix of lies. It is a pervasive and sticky spider's web. It is thick, meaty tentacles slowly encircling your very heart and squeezing tighter and tighter. It is a crystal spire maze, hard as diamond, and reflective as mirrors. You are still lost inside of it, while you marvel at all the pretty colors and reflections of yourself. Only a few of us will make it out alive, truly alive. Are you one?