tale 1

in #relligion7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time.

Tales from the acasic library of alexadria.
Warning Library of Alexadria do not exist today.
People With Heart or phycological Diseases Forbiten to procced reading.
People with Religius feelings suggested to stop reading.

FurryTale For Adults 1

"The Interview of Paul and his dialectic crash by the Greek Wisemen of Athens,at the supreme court of Areios pagos".

Athenian Polimedes: (Laughing) You cannot claim Paul to preach to us the Uknown GOD, because if you claim that. Then it means that you know the Uknown GOD, isnt that right?

Jeweesh Paul: (Instead of destruction and dialectic "crash"). I know him through the Spirit, that everyone can know God through the Spirit that he sends to his chosen ones (Bullshit).

Athenian Polimedes:(Laughing) Do you mean that God the Universal Organism as a Maximum Entity deals and sends special messages of favor to the Minimum Entities like us? Does the Universal Body show favor in half its cells and the other half is being turned off?

Jeweesh Paul: What god universe and what its cells, I speak to you about the God that created the Universe and the Stars and the Earth and the people.

Athenian Polimedes: Do you claim that the Uknown GOD the Intelligence Universal Organism was created by another God that existed when there was not the Unknown GOD?

Jeweesh Paul: The Universe is not an Intelligence Organism, it is a dead mechanical construction of this God which you just rightly said was the universe [Star, Planet and Humankind].

Athenian Polimedes (Addressing quiet to those around him) This one is heavily brain damaged, now we will laugh. (Strong to Paul). If the Uknown god, which you meant exist before our own Uknown God and even made him, then Paul the Uknown God you preached to us is not the one in whose honor we dedicated the altar to Uknown GOD. Because our own Uknown GOD is self-made and by Identity and by definition unknown due to our sensory vision being insufficient to explore its limits. So why did you do that, while you knew our views, and you have tried to pass your own Uknown GOD through the altar of our true Uknown God? Or did you not know our views before go up to this step?

Jeweesh Paul: (Stunned by the Dialectic Bump) Do you know Athenian men ... I do not ... I mean, how to say it, that is, it is impressive that in any case I do priech Unknown God, you honor Uknown God, this proves that there are common points in our philosophy.

Athenian audience: (They fall on the floor of the rock from laughter and yell) Yes, you are right(laughing), you speak correctly.(laughing) Tell us more like that.(laughter).

Athenian Polimedes: (Addressing to the crowd) Men Athenians Shame on you !!! Here we host the beloved Philosopher Paul of Tarsus of Cilicia and we should let him talk.

Athenian audience: (Swearing in the irony of Polimedes and laughing laughing loud) Let's have him talk, why not have him talk, bring Aristophanes comrades to see how to laugh, we bored their trivial actors.How did he come to Athens? From ship wreck?

Athenian Leontihos: Polimedes leave him to me, because, you put it in a dialectical way, that you ridiculed him very quickly, so we are risk, losing him. He needs us to be slower so we can have fun for the next six hours. (To Paul in a miserable condition). Dear Paul, you do not mind the Crowd, they are farmers, and they are not in the high philosophy. (To the crowd) stop laughing in the name of Zeus.

Athenian audience: (Silently smell Leontihos maneuver).

Athenian Leontihos: Paul, let's go back to your original statement that "You know your own Uknown God,, and because you know him you preach him and you know him by the spirit he sent to you, and this is a God you have never see,right?

Jeweesh Paul: No, I never saw him because he is written "no one can see God and live."

Athenian Leontihos: Who wrote it,the God himself?

Jeweesh Paul: Not the Prophets wrote it.

Athenian Leontihos: And to the prophets who said it?

Jeweesh Paul: God told them.

Athenian Leontihos: So did the prophets see the God and did not die as it should be according to the rule you said?

Jeweesh Paul: No, they did not die. They have known God from the unconscious and the holly spirit. They have never seen him on the face because it is written ...

Athenian Leontihos: I know we said that. So, in your personal relationship with God, who has built the Universe, and in the relationship of prophets with this god, your own senses and the senses of the prophets have never seen and heard the God.

Jeweesh Paul: So it is, in addition to Moses who heard God with his back turned, and Abraham and Lot, who saw three representatives of God before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

Athenian Leontihos: Paul when someone talks to me from behind or sends me three dealers, this one can claim to be anyone, is that right or not? Once again, this one sends me wetness can once again claim to be anyone. So with these indirect pseudo-appearances anyone can claim to be anyone, is that right or not? If this is not the case, then our courts in Athens and your courts in Tarsus, Cilicia, would condemn and condemn and acquit the accused, accepting valid testimonies, witnesses who heard voices with their backs and testimonies by three dealers, is it so or not?

Jeweesh Paul: I have to agree.

Athenian Leontihos: So how you and the prophets that you rely on, are you sure that the sounds and the backs that you heard come from your Unknown God whom you can not see? Do you know that there are many gods, few of whom have been controlled by other gods because they used deception against them and against mortals? How can we be sure that the testimonies of wisdom and backward voices and the long transitions of thought or "holy spirit" as you define it, come from gods who are really the ones who declare it?

Jeweesh Paul: You speak rightly but we have the personal experience of the Resurrection of the Son of God Jesus Christ, whom I told you earlier in my speech raised by God from the dead. This Son of God assured us and knew the Father of God [the Creator] of the Universe.

Athenian Leontihos: (To Athens men that laughs with tears and tears) I ask you men of Athens, to be a little serious. (To Paul) Do not give meaning to those barbarians.We will talk about the Son of God then, although we are currently adding the supposed Son to the three dealers and therefore we have four representatives of God, are not we? That is, we still do not see the conspirator but only the envoys of which one is the son of the conspirator.That is, we are still at the same point where the sender's existence is attested this time by four instead of three witnesses.At this time, let's assume that there is a trial about the existence or not of a person that no one saw and it is impossible to see through identity. You present yourself Paul and you assure that this person exists,that God created the universe. You are only a witness and the court asks you "are you eye-witness"? You answer "No, I am the witness of other witnesses, four witnesses who have been presented as representatives of this God. Have you seen these four of your representatives Paul?

Jeweesh Paul: (like trapped fox mood) "No, I have not seen them." Abraham saw three of them two thousand years ago and the Son of God saw his disciples in Judea twenty years ago and they talked to me about it. I knew the Son of God because he blind me remotely and then heal me remotely to believe.

Athenian Leontihos: Athenian men i ask you what the heck you listen too and you laugh at.
(To Paul). For 2,000 years divided by thirty years of one generation, we have sixty-six, so the information on three representatives has reached Athens through sixty-six oral or written transfers, so through 66 persons, and thus judicially, this testimony is invalid.For the Son of God you are a witness of transportation. That is, someone claims to be the Son of God, some people hear him claiming it, and they have transferred it to you. That is, if the court accepts you as honest, you have to deposit what they told you to have told them. In Tarsus of Cilicia you worked as a lawyer. What would you do if you had to evaluate such testimonies from second to sixty-sixth transport? Are such testimonies accepted by the Laws of Tarsus?

Jeweesh Paul: No, it is not, faith is required here.

Athenian Leontihos: The place that you now have your feet on Paul is not a place of blind faith, but is a place of Truth of all the Science, that is, Place of Logic and Knowledge. There is nothing left to you to prove here. And if at this step we reject the theories of our fellow citizens, why should we accept the unproven theories of an foreigner like you whoom we do not know the motives, though we suffer that they are motives for the Jeweesh as you refer to Judea. Besides, many have seen you enter the jeweesh Temple of the Bridge in Athens where no one is allowed to enter.


@mysthrio please post some more so i can have some new content to flag of yours and knock you out of the game altogether for supporting a known criminal fraud who slanders, libels, and cons everyone daily... you support troy reid by delegating all your earnings to him and for that you lose here...

Another account slimy? Flagged for creating a 5th FREE account

this is my first and only account in here
its a platform try out account non profitable and every profit is returned back.
i am not slimy at all.
i am from athens greece and i am newbie here
thanks for your flag and your comment

@mmysthrio you mean a troyvian fraud account designed to create as much steem etc... as possible to be handed over to troy reids official accounts @diy-electronics and @thediyworld everything @mysthrio earns on here gets transfered to troy reid accounts... thus proof you are either troy reid himself or one of his retarded goons. and dont lie about the facts stated here because they are all recorded permanently and open for all to see here: http://steemd.com/@mysthrio as long as you continue to commit fraud and support troy reids accounts in this matter i will flag the shit out of you until you are worthless.

LMAO. @thediyworld is a dumb fuck scamming, slimy POS douchebag, bucking the steemit community with all his filthy accounts, fraud, self -praising, self-upvoting, raping the steemit community with his fraudulent scamming. Just saying his filthy name makes me have to wash my hands.

5 accounts now the crybaby bitch has :

Everyone should know what a low life LYING con man you are! I bet your wife is embarrassed, or have you corrupted her now too? Feel sorry for your daughter. Once other kids find out what a low life you are she will be teased throughout her whole school years. Nice going moron.

troy reids daughter when she discovers who her daddy is:


She will probably be living in a walmart buggy in the walmart parking lot at this age. He can't support his family on social media but he has no clue. Once the frozen wasteland in in foreclosure that will be the new homestead, growing weeds in a buggy in the parking lot.

it wont take troy long to fuck this new place up and get evicted once again. that is his track record you know...

Once again troy you forgot to misspell every word in you blog and comments. You have practiced deception for 5 years now and still are lousy at it. Maybe Ming Pling should write your blogs for you.

Another failure.....ROTF...Yep he's not bright. He'd do better with a cardboard sign at a Walmart. They can all dress like bums with their tin cups. "Peek at the offgrid baby $1.00"

When will the kid start wearing her neck brace in public? Should be good for a few quarters tossed into the buggy. It will bring flashbacks to Ming Spling about the things she often did in her country for a quarter.

@mysthrio AKA @thediyworld
You miss spelled grease. You should know how to spell that word by now, you use enough of it daily. Lying scammer! Did you visit 15 yr old Sam in Canada? Did his parents let you have a sleepover by yourselves again? Your whole cult is a bunch of freaks and it isn't for Jesus. No wonder you all sneak around at each others houses and no wonder not many people want anything to do with adults who "hang with children & call them uncle".
Gotta go wash my hands again!

trog looks like the creeps in the paper that have to report their addresses and stay a good distance from schools. Could that be why he needs to live away from society?

Troy you forgot to post this shit up top so here it is:

Please ignore the troll comments below.

Sadly they thrive on trying to make others miserable by spreading their lies and hate filled comments.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.


Don't be taken in by TR the scammer.

Troy Reid, better know as TR, Trog, Leatherhead* (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for only 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone because he can't delete their comment.
Trogs story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated TroyBusters web site, it is definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reids suckers make it out to be.


first i am not troy.
second i am a subscriber to his page
third i do not care what is going on about you and troy.
I learn in my life when someone point his finger to the sun to follow his mind and look at the sun and what he has to say.
i do not look his finger nail if its dirty.
that what you are all doing here with troy.
if you have got any issuess with him go to his page and post contents like the above
and do not try address your problems elsewhere.
its another thing the belief = i am not sure that this is troy page
and another thing i am sure = with proofs . and there is no proof because i am not troy.
my page for now its bot operating page (look my pic avatar)

Explain for us troy why you initially could barely speak the English language posing as mysthrio but when you get angry you speak it very well and rarely remember to make mistakes. Not buying it for a minute troy.

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