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RE: The Gospel of Matthew

in #reliquary7 years ago

This Knight has said on occasion - these times within which we live, are similar to the times of Jesus.

  1. Virtue Signalling shall have no reward in heaven.
  2. Those who want to do 'good, should do it quietly, with no thought of reward.
  3. Forgive us our debts! Yes please! The gentiles have forced us into debt just to live.
  4. Don't through worry turn to the government or the gentiles for food and clothing. God was the one who provided the resources in the first place. God knows you need them and that they need to be shared. So like the bird, you must rise early and take what you need.



Adding a little to your point number 2 ; I'd say that many fellows nowadays do things for people cause they expect something in return but it suppose not to be so. When this continues to happen, it simply means that the agape love for one another isn't there.

Lets learn to truly love each and when this happens, doing good will become a lifestyle and the true rewarder will never fail to reward us.

The four points you raised here are salient from the above chapter of the scripture. Matthew 6 is one of the chapters of the scripture that educates us on how life will be well lived on earth while pleasing God.

Dear Knight, may I glean more from your understanding of Matthew 6: 11 :

‘Give us this day our daily bread.

Does this imply that we do not have to clamour for more. "daily" bread to me seems just like how the Israelite had to take just enough of manna for each day, except otherwise prescribed by God. How can we reconcile this with "running over" of our cup as David prayed in Psalm 23??

Wow - we mice aren't even sure what you are asking of the Knight, we hope he does.

We mice are simple creatures - and we like it when we keep it this way.

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Thank you @sniffnscurry for coming around. I only want to share from @Sirknight's thoughts on the subject of that verse.

Friend Uyobong, this Knight reads the Bible for enjoyment, personal develpment and for moral guidance. Reconciling is for accountants.

Curious though - why reconcile daily bread to cups running over and manna - when you could go back a couple of chapters and note a potential hypocrisy when it comes to the consumption.


Sir, the response you gave is quite deep though sounding simple. I just got another lesson from the reply. Thank you!

Thank you for joining us again today sir!

However sir, I desired a clarification with vs.3, How about those who do good and show it for others to be encouraged and do the same!

My response would be - 'just don't.' If you want to do good - just do it. But don't do it because you want others to see it or because you expect them to follow.

However if you do good and you enjoy it - there is a good chance others will follow. Perhaps this is why the fishermen chose to follow Jesus.


True though, but how about the instance in
Luke 8:39

"'Return home and tell how much God has done for you.' So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him."