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RE: Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - The implications.

in #religion7 years ago

6 Days of Creation:

Day 1: the heavens and the earth are created and "Let there be light".
Day 2: God created the horizon
Day 3: the land is separated by the sea; Grownups are created
Day 4: The sun, moon and stars are created
Day 5: Animals in the oceans and birds in the air
Day 6: Animals on earth, cattle and creeping creatures, First humans created (Adam and Eve)...
Fii Sittati Ayyam in Tafsir Klasik
In the Qur'an, has explained about which of Fii Sittati Ayyam which is in the seventh letter of Al-A'raf (Place of High) verse 54 which reads:

"Your Lord is the God who created the heavens and the earth in six days".

According to the size of the world day or the equivalent of it, for in those days there was still no sun. But if God wills it He will be able to create it in a moment's eye, as for the mention of this, in order to teach His creatures to be diligent and patient in doing something

The Qur'an often uses the term sittati ayyam or commonly called "six days". This term is, among other things, in letters [7]: 54, [10]: 3, [11]: 7, [25]: 59, [32]: 4, and [50]: 38.
In addition to these verses, there are also several verses relating to the creation of the universe as in letters [41]: 9, 10, 12 and [79]: 27-33.
To understand the meaning of ayyam sittati in the context of the creation of the universe, each of these verses can not be interpreted separately. The mufassirs believe that some verses of the Qur'an interpret some of the others (Qur'anu yufassiru ba'dluhu ba'dlan). So the term sittati ayyam should be interpreted by looking at other verses related to the creation of the universe.
However, if we compare those verses, it would appear a problem in the Fushshilat Epistles 9, 10, and 12. In verse 9 it says: "... who created the Earth in two days ......", then in verse 10: " ... ..determine to him the content of his food (occupants) in four periods ... ", and verse 12:" then he made it seven heavens in two days ....... ".
If the periods in the three verses are summed, then the number becomes 8 periods, not the six periods (sittati ayyam) as mentioned in the other verses. Does this mean there is a contradiction in the Qur'an? Of course there will be no mufassir who think so.

A little of my question after giving me my reading, how do you respond mr @gavvet


Unfortunately I'm not sufficiently versed in the Qur'an to do your question justice

Your #1 handicap is the literal interpretation of a flawed text.