The God Delusion

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Life questions we al got ....

I was raised in a Catholic family. Not very strict , the kind of family who only goes to the church at Christmas. When I got older, around 20-25 years, you gonna wonder and questing about life allot. Life questions like: where do we come from? who am I? Is this all real? Is there a god?

In that time period I studied Art and Technology , there I met a teacher who was teaching philosophy. It fascinating, not only the way he was telling the stories and dilemmas of all the great philosophers this world known. But he presented this was in a way that every student was listening.

‘Unlike religion, science doesn’t pretend to know anything.’

There are still deep questions about the origins of the universe that have not been answered.
Science can not prove that God does not exist, but that does not mean that there is a god , of course.
This is the teapot - principle. Suppose you are running a teapot around the sun. Can you prove that it is not there? No. Does that mean that the teapot exists? Yes of course, and if you do not believe in the teapot , then you're crazy .

This is a good comparison with the concept of religions.

In my journey to the truth, there was also another teacher who I learned allot from. I think allot of you heard of him, Richard Dawkins. Reading his books, and watching his documentary's has opened a new way a viewing the world for me.

Following a documentary called " The God Delusion", I hope the people who are interested will view this video with an open mind. And discuss below respectfully your opinions with each other.


The documentary:


That teapot isn't trying to contact you.
It hasn't been leaving you a trail of eyewitness accounts across thousands of years of diligently recorded history.

It didn't come to earth, demonstrate its existence, power and wisdom and then die for you to show how much it cares about your ultimate fate.

I'd stay away from that Dawkin's guy. He will lead you to rejecting facts that are right there in front of your nose. And what is his agenda anyway? Why does he work to hard to debunk something that shouldn't matter at all to an unbeliever?

I think he is still trying to convince himself that he is really in charge and can live anyway he wants apart from God.

He will eventually get his wish.